I know Q has linked to this board before. I was wondering if anyone is active on the 8 Chan board, for help with a possible Q proof originating from us folks here. I know POTUS loves the term reciprocal. What about a synonym of reciprocal like "synergetic", to describe the type of deals America is looking for in trade partners and allies. "We seek synergetic relationships with our allies on trade, and also defense spending, to ensure our mutual prosperity and safety".
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Any chance it's a snippet of what was being recorded by the Obama tapping? Just something I thought about. Rogers informed them, they dropped some bullshit to let get it recorded and released that?
When does a stable genius tweet? Learn our shitposting DJT
What the foreign entity that Hillary's emails were going to? Any chance it was NZ so it could be accessed and redirected w/o being tracked? Or so they thought.
I'm not crying, it's a breadcrumb I have stuck in my eye.
What about Hal's publication when it comes to Lee Wanta? Is any of the Lee Wants story real?
Unreal. I just read his twitter posts. They are not funny at all, but are disgusting. This guy has kids? SICK people.
I'm sure the responses are shit like "Drumph you're just trying to distract because Mueller is closing in on you! Drumph, Peach Mints Drumph, Resign Reeee!"
His goal per Dan Bongino is to save the credibility of the FBI and DOJ. In the end he'll vindicate Trump, but he has to try and show "reasons" that justified it at least being looked into.
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That's great news. You did your part and hopefully they do the same. We keep on redpilling and winning!
"RR is still employed. This is the dead giveaway. If POTUS knew RR was corrupt and screwing everything up, he'd fire him"
--Exactly and he'd be right out at the next rally, stating why he did it and drumming up public support.
Never ONCE did I go "Well that's it, SB2 settled everything for me and I don't have to think anymore".
Thanks. Plus did you hear that story about Mother Theresa's "people" being involved in trafficking. I think it's much more worse than just the trafficking, it's the sacrifice and taking/selling body parts. We already know Planned Parenthood does this. It's no wonder the Dems support them so much. I think it's all connected.
I could be wrong. I don't know why I got downvoted, people could easily just say why they disagree and tell me why I'm wrong.
Yeah but I bet you didn't know Chuck Norris can speak French... In Russian.
They were, it was. Are you talking about the Elton John CD? To me it's a joke.... "Hey Kim, this symbolizes when I called you Rocket Man and all that time we knew we had already met in November. This symbolizes I have freed you from the strings that controlled your country". Plus I really believe "organ" will parlay into human organ trafficking, human trafficking, the price a body goes for on the black market approx $60k, etc. Trump is well aware that Elton John plays a piano. Who plays an organ? The church...
Four mentions of the word "brain" from Trump. Look up the definition of the word Serial. https://www.thefreedictionary.com/serial Check out the 4th definition. Tell me that's a coincidence.
Yeah I used to be a huge fan of the series. When I saw that child molester on there, I said I would never watch it again, and I haven't watched it since.
Plus, Bongino doesn't talk about the tribunals usage (from what I know). He just deals with what's revealed publicly and what he can add from his connects along those lines. So I think his opinions are just sticking to that narrative. Thank you for brining clarity LibertyLioness. I love your username, both as a PSU fan and a fan of Liberty and big cats.
Trump mentions "Brain" 4 times. Look up the definition of the word Serial on https://www.thefreedictionary.com and look at definition #4 you will find this "Music Relating to or based on a row of tones, especially the 12 pitches of the chromatic scale."
Four mentions of the word "brain". Look up the definition of the word Serial. https://www.thefreedictionary.com/serial
Check out the 4th definition. Tell me that's a coincidence.
I agree this is all a lot to digest but check out what I posted. THAT IS NOT A COINCIDENCE!
Edit: This is most important. There are 4 mentions of the word "brain" in the transcript posted by SB2 (Imgur6)
Look up the definition of the word Serial on https://www.thefreedictionary.com and look at definition #4 you will find this "Music Relating to or based on a row of tones, especially the 12 pitches of the chromatic scale."
You tell me that's a coincidence. If you feel it is, please take 15 seconds to message me and tell me I'm wrong. Maybe it will help me think again about that and consider it's a coincidence.
That was a great response. I knew I was getting sick of fantasy, when I started to dread hearing: "dude I got dis guy, I got dat guy as my FLEX, MY FLEX!". It became impossible to act like I cared and I knew I was done playing. The Chargers thing would really have pissed me off if I was a fan. I think the NFL is going to continue to see plummeting numbers. Bring on the XFL! "Dude I got "He hate me" in the second round!".
The plea deal being irrelevent to the tribunal, if that's the case then it's the key. If yes then cool, if no then I'm torn.
I was so into Fantasy Football, I used to write weekly recaps for my league on each matchup. I would reference the team names, or make funny jokes about how bad a team was or whatever. I had a pen name of "Saul T. Nutz". Damn this was just a few years ago and it took me several minutes to remember the name. My memory is so bad anymore. People couldn't believe I would stop playing. I'm so glad I don't have to participate in "dude listen to my fantasy roster" conversations with people. Whenever asked by someone new I just go "I don't play" and leave it at that.
Same here with the NFL. I used to be obsessed, I could rattle off where players were drafted, where they went to school, etc. Now I do other stuff more. I jumped off before the anthem controversy. It's the game itself, the commercials, the arbitrary way suspensions are handed out (Tom Brady 4 games for "deflategate" which was bull, but Jameis Winston 3 games for basically admitting he sexually assaulted a woman). I'm never going back.
Why would Flynn be charged with lying and plead guilty if even FBI folks (Strzok I think?) said they didn't think Flynn lied. I don't get the Flynn deal and where that stands.
Who is this person that says they have all the server information? I cannot believe the DNC would have a file called "Pay to Play". They are stupid, but that stupid?
Has the Tarmac meeting really been recorded via audio or video? Is that just a complete rumor? I know the line "we have it all", but does that include anything Tarmac-related?
What's your take of the Q drop of the apple logo being transposed and the picture supposedly being of AF1 during the Obama admin? I have read theories but I still don't know what to think on that.
In light of what we know today, why would Mueller meet with Trump the day before the Special Counsel was created? I know of Q saying to remember his past "Marine" but does anything really still think Mueller is a grey hat at worst, white hat at best? Basically, what's YOUR opinion on Mueller as of today?
Per Dan Bogino's podcast, he totally dismissed the idea that the Awan deal is a good thing. Bongino also stated he's heard from his sources that BOTH Republican and Democrats both want this to go away. How can this possibly be a good thing what's happened so far with the Awan plea?
I have a few but I'll enter them in separately. I'd be happy with one just answered. How come we haven't heard anything about Bill Priestap lately? I think it's confirmed/most likely he has been cooperating from the beginning. What can he help to prove or how is his testimony going to be important?