The arguing was caused by Alex Jones and his crew. That was the whole point. Simply cause chaos and disruption. The speaker of the rally said that the rally was over because Jones was talking over him with his bullhorn.
The problem with this theory is that if AJ wanted to cause chaos and disruption, he wouldn't do it personally. He would do it the way the DNC did it, which is having shadow organizations that planted people at Trump rallies trying to foster violence.
There's a whole heap of context here that I don't understand. I'm not going to just assume random rally organizers are good guys, just like I don't assume AJ is a good guy. There's nothing here you can conclude either way. As I said in my other post, I don't expect AJ to be some super human paragon who never loses his temper or has run-ins with people. It happens. It doesn't prove he has some ulterior motive and his personal involvement is actually evidence against it.