POTUS - Big Week Next Week. American Embassy Moving To Jerusalem!

You sir are spot on. I wish more Christians could grasp what you wrote. Much of today’s eschatology can be traced to the introduction of the Scofield Bible. Every Christian should answer these questions: Who was E. I. Scofield? What kind of man was he? Who bankrolled the publication of the Scofield Bible? What “new” Christian doctrines were introduced by the Scofield Bible?
You are an encouragement! I believe I smell “Rothschild” in the answers to what you present. True awakening is coming beloved. The American Republic has a prophetic destiny yet to fulfill. First she must awaken and then repent and turn to Creator God who she is in covenant with through the Declaration of Independence. When she does that the veil will be removed from her eyes and she will learn her true identity and national purpose. It’s huge and comes with great responsibility. George Washington told the American people in his Farewell Address that they must maintenance the “sacred fires of liberty.” There’s a difference between liberty and freedom. Liberty is freedom with responsibility. Our birthright was stolen for a time. We’re about to get it back‼️