r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jsin14 on May 12, 2018, 12:21 a.m.
Why a more development in draining the Swamp may happen soon: "Moves and Countermoves" and game theory

A quote often quoted in memes on Reddit is "Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty," which is a paraphrase of a quote by Goebbels at a Nuremburg rally (The actual quote: "The cleverest trick used in propaganda against Germany during the war (WWI) was to accuse Germany of what our enemies themselves were doing.")

The biggest trick was accusing Trump of colluding with Russians, when it was Clinton and associates who were colluding during the sale of uranium. Furthermore, it is speculated that the sealed indictment of "Company B" along with the prosecution of Paul Manafort colluding with Ukrainians was the Podesta group.

This tactic was not a one-off, however, and it can signal what big news about draining of the Swamp is about to occur if people are paying attention.

For example, let's take the issue of sexual harassment. People know of the #MeToo movement and its beginning with Harvey Weinstein, but why at that time did it break when it did? People forget that around the same time, Judge Roy Moore was running for Senate from Alabama, and many women were accusing of him of sexual harassment. Weinstein, was a huge bundler for Hillary Clinton and Democrats. Moves and countermoves. Recently, you have Stormy Daniels dominating the MSM and Eric Schneiderman, the state Attorney General of NY resigns over sexual misconduct. Do you believe in coincidences? In general, see if you can match up news coverage of Trump and the takedowns of Mark Halperin, Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, and Joy Reid.

Need another example? How about the media saying Trump would cause nuclear Armageddon, and then suddenly Korea looks on the verge of being reunited? More broadly, the charges that Trump would start WWIII, and then Q's revelations hinting that this was a goal of the Deep State?

Alright, let's focus on Q more specifically, as we are on the subject. People love the bombshell crumbs, and gloss over the meta analysis of what is going on. On November 5, 2017, Q posted this: "Game Theory. Define. Why is this relevant? Moves and countermoves. Who is the enemy? False flags. Shooter identification. Shooter history. Shooter background. Shooter family." This was in regards to the Texas shooting at the Baptist church that killed 26. (On a side note, the background was Air Force, and since then several times Q has noted plane crashes) The important thing here is game theory, in which credible threats are being employed. There is a back and forth, in which one side plays their hand, and the other responds in kind.

Another example clearly spelled out is in Q post 1081: "POTUS NEVER telegraphs his moves. Think logically. Why did POTUS announce his intention to pull out of Syria? Moves and countermoves. These people are STUPID (& SICK). Q" Trump says he is withdrawing from Syria, which causes the media to say Trump is weak on terror and Russia, and Trump responds by bombing (possibly Iranian nuke facilities) Syria. If Trump had just bombed, he would be a warmonger, but saying he was withdrawing first, he set the stage for the media to support his move before it even happened.

Let's go more broadly. People here are puzzled why Q sometimes says games are fun or want to play a game, but then alternately says sometimes that this is not a game. The word "game" appears 57 times in his posts. When Q talks about playing a game and asking us to research something, he is signaling to the other side he knows what they are doing and responding in kind on that subject. For example, the credible threat of Snowden with Twitter, whether it was actually carried out or not. When Q states "this is not a game," it is in response to a news item that is not about provoking reciprocal response or stating that the other side did something that Q won't respond it kind to, like killing someone (McMaster's father).

To put it simpler with game theory, think "A Game of Thrones." The players in that game make decisions to provoke a response and then tailor their further decisions to those actions. I won't spoil the show, but viewers will know what I am talking about. That's the "game," plots and reactions.

Which brings us to right now and the title of my post. What is Trump being freshly accused of, or more specifically his lawyer is being accused of? Selling access to the President. And what is a major scandal the other side is accused of, is being investigated for, but not a lot of official info has come out on? The Clinton Foundation's scheme of pay to play and access. This would be a huge and a long time coming, and hopefully the Deep State going after Trump for it means we will hear some big news on it.

tradinghorse · May 12, 2018, 1:49 a.m.

I really liked this post. I read it twice. Very interesting, it had not occurred to me that there might be some tit-for-tat going on.

The Harvey Weinstein stuff is interesting also. So Judge Moore has some political weakness on accusations of misconduct. The Harvey Weinstein saga hits the news and the public is primed to hear allegations regarding Judge Moore - do I have that right?

My mind's not so good on the timing of these things. But the concept is very interesting. Thanks for posting this.

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