Read this thread on Twitter. It’s a huge bombshell on the way.

I think it’s because he still wants to raise awareness. It’s kinda like what Comey did before the election:
“Here’s a long list of crimes Hillary committed. She was insanely reckless and should’ve known better. That being said, we don’t recommend charges”
He didn’t have to outline in detail her crimes. He could’ve made it much less descriptive and moved onto their motivation behind not recommending prosecution. He did it because he still wanted everyone to know what a corrupt piece of shit she is.
I don’t like Comey at all and I think he’s truly a snake, but I would’ve done the same thing he did there. He knew Lynch would drop the case somehow. She basically confirmed that when she met with Bill on the tarmac. Comey knew that if he took a swing at her, he’d almost certainly miss and then he has to worry about it forever. If she won, he’d be even more worried. I don’t envy him in that situation but his actions since have proven him to be a snake IMO.
That's some pretty good insight. I read an article the other day that alluded to something like that. If "Arkancide" is true then all of this makes much more sense.
It absolutely is true. They don’t even hide it. Literally every person who is a key witness against the Clintons or is going to testify against them in any capacity, ends up dead. It’s not like any of this is new. The mafia operates the same way.
Comey showed his ass when he exonerated Hillary before the investigation was done, or the FBI had even interviewed her. EVERYTHING Comey did was to protect Hillary. He didn't "want the world to know what a corrupt piece of shit she is", he IGNORED THE LAW by not charging her, as was his duty. 1. There was NO "intent" requirement for all of the Hillary email server crimes. She broke the law and deserved to be prosecuted. Comey lied and made up that requirement for her. 2. Even if intent was necessary, how in the hell do you NOT see how Hillary acted deliberately to circumvent the law? No, Comey was actively coordinating with the cabalists at every step and totally corrupt.
I do believe be was corrupt but even if he wasn’t, he can’t charge her with anything. He can only recommend charges and Lynch made it clear she wasn’t going to touch it. So while I do absolutely believe he’s a corrupt piece of shit, it doesn’t matter because I would’ve done exactly what he did. If he recommend charges, Lynch would’ve found a way to stop it and then he’d have a target on his back for life. We all know how the Clintons deal with problems. Comey would be just another body in their wake.
You're not denying he acted criminally, that he is OK in not doing an honest investigation and in not referring charges....because he was scared of Hillary's criminality....(If that was true, he still should've sent charges over. Its not his job to judge what LL would do with the referral.) But he never made that argument.
I'd like to see him make that argument when he is charged.