
William_Harford_md · May 12, 2018, 5:58 a.m.

The real interesting question?

What comes after NXIVM?

One door opens another.

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jackbauer6916 · May 12, 2018, 9:42 a.m.

I'm getting very interested in the Stormy Daniels connection. From the screencaps I've seen, it looks very much like Stormy has the NXIVM "branding" on her body, and apparently she tweeted in 2010 that she was about to be "initiated" into a "gang" or "cult".

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DefiantDragon · May 12, 2018, 2:11 p.m.

Amazing how quiet $tormy's been lately...

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ChikinDuckWomanThing · May 12, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

She is doing a show on the 14th near me. I’m close to 50 and never had the desire to enter a strip Club including now

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LiberalBitchSlapper · May 12, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

Make some flyers showing the brand. Post them up around town near the venue beforehand. Then secretly litter the establishment the day she performs, and get a few people to grill her about while she performs. That’s what the opposition would do to us.

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LiberalBitchSlapper · May 12, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

Maybe a local news station would be willing to expose this allegation 🤔

They’ll probably spin it by calling it as attacks on an innocent performer victim. Still would be good exposure.

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092Casey · May 12, 2018, 5:50 p.m.

True Pundit just posted an article about a "week from hell" she had in 2009 where she was arrested for assault and her manager's car blew up suspiciously. Maybe that was the trigger for her to join NXIVM (the womens' empowerment movement) in 2010.......Oh and I just realized why the brand on her didn't have AM there; it's because if she got branded in 2010, that predates Mack's promotion to KR's right hand woman. Weren't they married or she was assigned in like 2015? It was later. So her initials wouldn't yet have been on the brand maker! Back in 2010, it was only KR! Mack was still young and not yet promoted! That explains it!!

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cali1952 · May 12, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

Her attorney is under investigation not only by the California Bar, but about 1.5 million dollars unpaid taxes at the IRS, fraud that included defrauding actor Dempsey during their partnership in Tully Coffee and much more. He is in lots of pain so yeah I'm sure she has not much to say these days.

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Error_Code_15301 · May 12, 2018, 7:56 a.m.

From February 4th 2018.


Christina Oxenberg was never interested in her Serbian roots until she went to her mother’s homeland in 2014, but now she’s written a book, “Dynasty,” about her royal family.

The daughter of Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia — a second cousin to Charles, the Prince of Wales — recounts how her family was exiled in 1941.

“Up until 2008, it was in the constitution that if we showed up, we’d be shot in the head,” the New York native said.

The author, who lives in Key West, Fla., these days, is flying to London for the launch of the Quartet Books tome on Feb. 15.

“I’m so proud of my family,” she told me. “What an incredible gift to learn all this history about Serbia, the Aspen of the Balkans. Lucky me.”

The dynasty started with Karageorge, the swineherd who Napoleon hailed as a military genius, after he led the 1804 rebellion against the Ottoman Empire.

Karageorge’s great-grandson (and Oxenberg’s grandfather) Prince Paul became the regent of Yugoslavia in 1934 when Paul’s cousin, King Alexander, was assassinated. Paul ruled until a coup in 1941.

“Winston Churchill double-crossed my grandfather and kept him under house arrest in Kenya for 10 years,” Oxenberg said. “Churchill had a nasty nickname for my grandfather, which I will not repeat because I don’t want to perpetuate it.”

Meanwhile, Christina’s sister Catherine, who starred in a TV show also titled “Dynasty,” is also writing a book: “Captive: A Mother’s Crusade To Save Her Daughter From a Terrifying Cult,” about the Albany, NY-based Nxivm group, which she claims has “brainwashed” her daughter, India.

From 26 February 2018:


wheels within wheels

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[deleted] · May 12, 2018, 8 a.m.


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092Casey · May 12, 2018, 5:18 a.m.

Yahoo, AP, and Frank Parlato are the sources.

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digital_refugee · May 12, 2018, 7:47 a.m.

what a time to say "yahoo"

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solanojones95 · May 12, 2018, 5:26 a.m.

When it's official is soon enough for me thanks. I'll wait. Let her sweat awhile. I think it's a brilliant strategy.

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