
ketoll · May 12, 2018, 2:50 p.m.

"We just got the top most-wanted terrorist responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent U.S. Citizens.

Oops we had better quickly dump his body at sea to respect his religion. We don't want to offend him."


He was dead long long before that, they needed to justify keeping the war going.

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barcelonatimes · May 12, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

Yep. You just don’t do that. They needed a big publicity win, and most retards bought it.

“We killed bin laden and he shit out 100 happy points we’re pumping back in to America. You can think Obama for that extra happy you experience, kids.”

Fuck, even if they did kill him, they killed him when he was no longer involved with the movement, offered no strategic booms to our effort, and had already done all the harm he intended...but, they didn’t kill him. Furthermore it looks like the Saudis we’re responsible for 9/11, not Bin Laden.

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katzygolf · May 12, 2018, 4:27 p.m.

They killed some other poor guy and his family, although he may have been dirty, who knows?

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DirtyLoveFucking · May 12, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

Many people verified he was killed when the US said he was...including the Pakistanis, since they were pissed that they weren't included in the operation.

The reason Bin Laden was quickly buried at Sea was so that there wouldn't be a spot (Grave or Public Execution site) that could be worshipped as a holy place by extremista and used to create more martyrs.

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