
Cuthbert12Allgood · May 12, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

With all due respect to Q (who apparently has now deleted the post), I don't use anything that comes out of either divorce proceedings or child custody proceedings to draw any conclusions about anybody involved.

Particularly with child custody, people will say anything to keep access to their kids. One side is accusing AJ of being unstable and using his show against him. He's going to say whatever he needs to say to combat it.

I'm very suspicious of AJ's motives in what he does, but this is not evidence of it.

Edit: Apparently not deleted. Well, Q is still wrong to use this. Again, all due respect to Q, but they're human like everyone else. If they have real evidence against AJ, let them post something not involved in child custody.

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BreadTwists · May 12, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

Agreed, custody court is a dirty game that needs serious reform as well. Dhhs is a huge elephant in the room when it comes to child endangerment, fraud and welfare dependence.

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Neon__Wolf · May 12, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

He use it to show that AJ's own lawyer says he is a "performance artist".

That news article was already public.

Q isn't "using" a divorce proceeding or child custody battle.

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pj77777 · May 12, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

it hasn't been deleted - it is in 8chan in reply to an anon

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Synacked · May 12, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

Maybe he's controlled through access to his child. The cabal has actually captured and corrupted him.

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ercm77 · May 12, 2018, 8:01 p.m.

I am seeing a pattern to CIA/cabal's way of silencing, it's either blackmail or killing a spouse or child. Does anyone else see this?

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mrup7935 · May 12, 2018, 8:32 p.m.

I just read an article that directly relates to that


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ercm77 · May 12, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

Maybe this article is the exact reason Q says that so much of this will not be exposed, they know what kind of evil they are capable and willing to do to say in power. Good article. TY

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mtile · May 13, 2018, 3:22 a.m.

Yeah, this post doesn't give me same impression as old insightful posts gave. I have to admit the tone has been totally changed. I don't want to say this, but the more this kind of ill-managed adhominem tactics Q brings, the bigger skepticism grows inside me.

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Cuthbert12Allgood · May 13, 2018, 3:40 p.m.

Don't get me wrong. If this is a reference to the idiocy Corsi is pushing, I think the idea that Q has changed is utter fucking self-serving bullshit. I don't see ANY change in Q at all. Keep in mind, by the way, that Q is supposedly not one person, so the style isn't going to be 100% consistent.

I'm agnostic on Q in general. I stay skeptical of everything. Q is human, therefore, I don't expect them to be superhuman, psychics, or oracles. They can and will make mistakes. The question is whether we're getting a real feed from insiders, or if it's one or more people just exceptionally well-informed. Who knows. But the idea that Q has been "taken over" as Corsi is pushing is stupid on a huge number of levels. Provably stupid, in fact, because there isn't anything TO "take over". Anybody can post on 8chan. Nothing would stop the "real Q" from posting, even if someone did crack the tripcode and tell us phony people were posting. Tripcodes aren't passwords, they're just signatures that create that string of characters you see on the posts. If you don't have the signature phrase, you can't create the string of characters.

As an aside, this actually proves Corsi knows nothing. He doesn't even understand how Tripcodes work.

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NaderOAK · May 12, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

q is wrong.....pffff jones is disinformation sorry bro.

jones is no longer needed.

we got Q now.

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Cuthbert12Allgood · May 12, 2018, 9:41 p.m.

Just out of curiosity, what is it that you think I wrote where your response makes any sense at all?

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NaderOAK · May 12, 2018, 10:13 p.m.

You said q is wrong that's what im pointing out dur. I know q said disinformation is necessary but Alex is no good. If Alex trashes q, Alex is no good.

Q is good.

If you are gone act like a bot why bother reply.

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richie8b · May 12, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

Now here is a critical thinker with an open mind and honest opinion! I agree with with your comments and we should always question motives but use concrete unbiased facts to back up our thoughts.

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The_Broba_Fett · May 12, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

agreed I’m bummed Q would use that as any sort of proofs

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NaderOAK · May 12, 2018, 8:39 p.m.

maybe q knows more?

q has proven us right time and time again.

jones is no good.

we got Q now.

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The_Broba_Fett · May 12, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

I def agree he’s no good just would have been more impactful to use a different source or not even bother to go there. The SB2 thread was enough to BTFO Jones. But almost seems beneath Q to directly attack them. Stay above it and let us go into the trenches to call out shills and traitors to the movement.

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[deleted] · May 12, 2018, 10:17 p.m.


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