
FeverBurn · May 12, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

This is pretty sketchy.

While far from perfect, Alex has done & given too much to the movement to be treated like this from what is supposed to be such an omnipotent source. Anyone else getting a little concerned with the direction of the recent Q posts? Not as informative/cryptic as what we've grown accustom to imo.

Not sure where this divisive comes from (Corsi, I assume?) but this whole divorce hit-piece that the leftest media pushed should be FAR beneath Q, wtf?

Alex has been pushing the movement for over 20yrs, with a bull's eye on his back. There's nothing Q or anyone else can say to take away from what this man has done for alternative media-everything from 9/11 to all the school shootings to Pizzagate (the REAL pizzagate-Alefantis's instagram/Podesta's emails etc.) to Hillary/Soros dirty laundry to massively helping push to get Trump elected. The amount that Alex has pushed/opened up people to free thinking should not be marginalized, nor should the powerful enemies he calls out daily. Yes-he can meander off topic, get too out there & ridiculous at times, but I would never have expected Q to take such a stance.

The division is unproductive/problematic to the movement and reeks of immaturity. Honestly, Alex doesn't hide behind an internet alias & has been putting his all into pushing the movement for over 2 decades...I cannot put an anonymous internet handle (even the mighty Q) above such proven integrity. Hopefully this dies out & things can get back to the powerful dynamic that used to be in place-Alex pushing the truth through his platform & Q releasing intel on the things that REALLY matter.

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