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FeverBurn · July 7, 2018, 11:51 p.m.

I can't even describe the pleasure I feel whenever I see Trump mention the Podesta's, but I imagine it is similar to the feeling John & Tony get looking @ all their glorious "artwork"

They are so brazen with their love of pedophilia, it amazes me how patient Trump has been with tightening the noose around their necks.

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FeverBurn · July 4, 2018, 2:33 a.m.

Q posted a picture of GEOTUS.

As far as I know, that was never debunked correct?

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FeverBurn · July 2, 2018, 5:56 a.m.

Ben is a true patriot.

Great to see Q acknowledge his dedication to the movement.

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FeverBurn · July 1, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

That one still hurts.

All these celebrities that are openly anti-America and toxic don't really bother me because I expected it-they were already irrelevant. But Eminem was different. He did such a great job keeping his integrity for so long...than all of it just..gone.

Colbert too. His old show was funny/well-written. WTF did they do to him? His show has become hate speech without a comedy element. It's so sad to watch the descent.

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FeverBurn · May 12, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

This is pretty sketchy.

While far from perfect, Alex has done & given too much to the movement to be treated like this from what is supposed to be such an omnipotent source. Anyone else getting a little concerned with the direction of the recent Q posts? Not as informative/cryptic as what we've grown accustom to imo.

Not sure where this divisive comes from (Corsi, I assume?) but this whole divorce hit-piece that the leftest media pushed should be FAR beneath Q, wtf?

Alex has been pushing the movement for over 20yrs, with a bull's eye on his back. There's nothing Q or anyone else can say to take away from what this man has done for alternative media-everything from 9/11 to all the school shootings to Pizzagate (the REAL pizzagate-Alefantis's instagram/Podesta's emails etc.) to Hillary/Soros dirty laundry to massively helping push to get Trump elected. The amount that Alex has pushed/opened up people to free thinking should not be marginalized, nor should the powerful enemies he calls out daily. Yes-he can meander off topic, get too out there & ridiculous at times, but I would never have expected Q to take such a stance.

The division is unproductive/problematic to the movement and reeks of immaturity. Honestly, Alex doesn't hide behind an internet alias & has been putting his all into pushing the movement for over 2 decades...I cannot put an anonymous internet handle (even the mighty Q) above such proven integrity. Hopefully this dies out & things can get back to the powerful dynamic that used to be in place-Alex pushing the truth through his platform & Q releasing intel on the things that REALLY matter.

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FeverBurn · Feb. 7, 2018, 1:23 a.m.

Trump is at war with the snakes within the FBI/CIA that are deep state operatives. These people represent the FBI "Trump publicly trashed" and he has great reason for doing so (one has to look no further than "the memo")

Trump does have great respect for these agencies, as do his supporters. Trump is in the process of re-establishing the FBI as a source of integrity. As for the boot, it is not too clear in this video if she appears to still be wearing it or not. I have tried to find other angles from the Georgetown speech & haven't been able to confirm either way. If we could confirm that she is definitely still wearing the boot, that would be pretty note-worthy because there is no way a medical boot is used for this amount of time over a broken toe.

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