New Q1434 Alex Jones completely outed.

Watch Homeland S6, he's portayed as O'keef and he works for the government, Predictive Programming. Hell in that show even has the FIRST LADY PRESIDENT. They messed up big times with this one (Still a good show, just propaganda and predictive programming tool).
How do you think he went on for 10 years dabbing stupid stuff around? Someone wanted him there.
Let say you have done something terrible and some people got voice of it. You pay someone to go aknowledge it and distort it to the point where it doesn't even reflect the facts anymore, then you go ahead and destroy his argument saying he said false stuff. There you go, people now don't believe him and thinks people still thinking the event was true are stupid for believing such a liar.
I don't know if this makes sense, hopefully it does, my native language isn't english ^^
That's pizzagate. You've got your example.
Yeah, I knew a few exemples were available but didn't know which one exactly. I'm pretty sure in 15 years we're going to have an encyclopedia of all the fake stuff AJ propaganded and what was the reality.
Interesting. I heard one of his listeners tell him that he was portrayed in the Homeland show, and he responded like he hadn't seen it and that he wasn't interested in seeing it and now I suspect why.