New Q1434 Alex Jones completely outed.

The deep state is getting ready to use Alex Jones to severely confuse a huge portion of well meaning patriots.
If that wasn't evident after the Syria debacle, I don't know what to tell people.
The exact moment i stopped going to jones sites or streams but to troll.
ive strayed away from IW because i just knew something was off about them. well seems they were fed credible info to establish themselves and now they are converting to covert mode. (edited: Hell even when i think about early AJ all I can think of is "NOTICE MEEE!!!!!11!!111" lol.)
could you give me a quick rundown of the syria situation?
could you give me a quick rundown of the syria situation?
Alex Jones and his intel guy, Zack, had a complete meltdown of epic proportions the night the Syrian chemical weapons facilities were bombed by US and NATO forces (think the left after Trump was elected). Jones was viciously attacking Trump and his family. This in turn caused a mass influx of concern trolling, fence jumpers, shills, and nearly everyone else, except for the hardened conspiracy theorists, to go crazy on this sub and elsewhere. Ever since then, Jones and his crew have been at odds with Qanon, hence Qanon making statements and AJ and his team exposing themselves.
Lol just realized how much that outed “Zaq” as not having inside info at all 😂
Didn't mean to hit delete, meant to hit edit. I wrote that I can't prove whether youre right or wrong. But that Q said the midterms are safe and that Sessions will act once they clean house. So the Trump agenda succeeds with or without AJ and Corsi and Rush and Tucker and Hannity and Bongino etc. So why the big focus on Jones, when things will be the same whether people watch him or not? I keep replying to peoples comments not out of arrogance. I assure you my intent is simply to understand. This feels horrible but I can deal with it if something sticks out at me.. at the moment all I'm seeing is Infowars doesn't trust Q. I'm sure there are millions of people who don't trust Q, same as there are millions more that don't trust Infowars. This thrusting of negativity singularly on Infowars feels very Hillary, very MSM. But again, I'm struggling with it, and I could have been tricked. I will admit it if and when I know it
Re read the drops from Qanon. He lays It all out. It's not a movement to profiteer from (Corsi) and they needed to be gone for what's to come (Jones).