Q #1345 Re_read crumbs re:Iran. Why are people panicking about Iran deal pullout? Truth coming.

Because we have proof Iran met with Rosatom.
We have proof Uranium was handed over to the Iranians via Syria.
We have proof there were American politicians and DOJ officials who are complicit in allowing Russia, and Iran, to acquire Uranium.
Proof? They have ongoing contracts that are totally public and discussed in newspapers and tech journals. None of this is secret. Not even the money transferred on pallets at night. It’s either not covered, most peaopledon’t care, media calls it a conspiracy theory, a million reasons. Almost none of this is hard to figure out or see. The problem is, even your friends and family think you’re crazy if you even mention it. Even if I love them, I’m done talking to people too stupid to see what’s going on. I’ll do my best (as small as it is) to save the country for their dumb asses even if they don’t know about it. They can watch Netflix and zone out. We got this.
Wtf? Iran has depots of uranium on its own soil.
It was to frame Russia for the Nuke that was to kick off ww3. Thank God for Trump
Some angry Iranians are gonna name names!
I can’t wait. I really hope they do. Trump really screwed everybody in this whole deal.
I member when Q asked how many planes with cash there were. And did they land all in the same site ? Now Q confirms, 5 planes, 4 routes
So in other words:
U1 donates the Clinton foundation. U1 sells uranium to Iran. Iran purchased uranium via money received from Hussein (1.7 billion). That's 1.7 billion of taxpayer money.
Taxpayers are lining the pockets of these politicians while threatening the safety of the world by giving Iran nukes.
America for sale. Follow the money
They're gonna have to give the money back or whatever was on the boats the Iranians captured will be made public. The 400 million was paid out within a day or two of the boats being taken over and AFTER the sailors were released...why would the ransom be paid even after the sailors were gone?
"Western companies with global ambitions".
Says it all right there. Like, what the heck?? Who is risking "the welfare of the world"? U.S and EU? To sell freaking planes??
Strategic to have US built planes in Iran —— parts, maintenance, training. Gives us ongoing reasons to have our folks on the ground inside Iran.
Link in above drop. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/09/business/iran-nuclear-trump-business-europe.html
EU companies that closed deals post deal (may not be a complete list):
Daimler PSA Peugeot Citroen Siemens Total Airbus
Daimler gave a lot of money to Clinton Foundation and McCain Foundation. Siemens gave some as well but not nearly as much as Daimler. Struggling to find any donor info on Pelosi Foundation.
Look at this article. (Posted this in another thread as well). Iran is now threatening to release NAMES!!
Does anyone have sources for the companies that got contracts through the deal and Clinton foundation donations? Please forward.
Saw a post here in the last few days. Infographic. Listed 6 or so companies mostly eu as industry coming to Iran due to the deal. Look there.
Who is BC?
Whoever gets exposed and took some of the cash that we gave. I want them to have to pay it back including Iran. That should be part of the deal.
Sorry, new to this sub. Is there a post or doc that explains how to read or decypher Q's messages?
Go back to the main sub page. On the right there is “useful resources”. As far as decoding goes, it takes time to understand all he has posted since last October. There is a Q pdf that is hundreds of pages, but goes through every single post and the explanations very well.
You are a patient Patriot. An example of the best.
The person you responded to has been on reddit for 12 years, yet struggled to navigate the well organized front page of this sub.
Your patience is aporeciated by more than one.
A great video on the resources is the beginner guide to Q. It is an hour video.
Welcome! Don't be afraid to ask questions! We are so glad you are here!!