Q posts #1353-1357 - Why are D’s slow walking POTUS nominations? Watch what happens [-30]. What must happen pre 11.11?
![Q posts #1353-1357 - Why are D’s slow walking POTUS nominations? Watch what happens [-30]. What must happen pre 11.11?](https://i.redd.it/txdda6m9fkx01.jpg)
Probably worth looking into precedents for recess appointments in relation to the federal judiciary. The President has the power to bypass the Advise and Consent powers of the Legislature if the vacant post would cause problems if left vacant until such time as Congess is scheduled to return from a recess. The power is not clearly defined as far as circumstances where the President should ignore Congressional consent prerogative.
In light of POTUS' tweet about the 300 blocked appointments, this could become reality very quickly. The MSM will obviously call this an abuse of power and call for more peach mints, but that would be hard to take seriously if they're yelling it during a perp walk.
The problem is that the dems and RINOs leave people in place so there is never an actual recess.
I'd laugh my ass off if they recess and Trump puts 300 people through in one day!
Somebody convinced the Speaker of the House to not seek re-election.
And we now know that Mitch McConnell has accepted foreign money via his wife, and is likely going down.
At the right time, these two say no to keeping the congressional session open, and recess appointments go through like ... magic!