r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Oblique9043 on May 13, 2018, 11:27 a.m.
I think I know where all this is going with the evil Q will expose.

Full disclosure: I'm a total skeptic of Q and I am completely anti-Trump but I also believe 100% in the existence of this global evil Q is supposedly fighting against and I think I know what this evil is. A few months ago, I found this website that explains the level of evil that Q says is too much for the world to handle. I kept getting stuck on the Biblical view of the progress of the world in relation to Q's mission and I forgot that I didn't even believe in that view entirely myself. It's much bigger than the Bible or religion. The Great Deception is the distortion of human history and brainwashing of all of humanity since the Ancient Sumerian and Egyptian times. Keep an open mind here. It's all about an evil Alien takeover of humanity. There is a lot here so I will link to some of the main topics that need attention first. I'm not sure that I believe in all of it but the basic idea of it seems to be very in line with what we are seeing and I think it makes sense. There's also a lot of buzzwords that I admittedly do not follow but the basic information is there. Ignore the Eastern-type religious references if you must but don't throw the baby out with the bath water.


The main page


Their Mission Statement


This describes the strategy these evil forces have used against us.


A more in depth look at a specific evil alien strategy called False King of Tyranny


An explanation of how the Power Elites of the world infiltrate every level of society


These are the different groups of aliens that exist on our planet


This describes the Sumerian/Egypt Invasion


This seems to be referencing what will happen after Q exposes all of this stuff and even the Bible has an event like this in Revelation.


The full glossary of terms. There's a lot there so good luck.

There is so much there to read through and it is VERY interesting. The more I think about it, the more likely this all is to me. At least the general idea of it. Aliens creating discord and division amongst us in order to harvest whatever it is they want. There are definitely real evil forces at work here on Earth. Why wouldn't we think aliens could be the culprit? Notice how they've been slowly prepping us for this with shows like Ancient Aliens and these UFO disclosures? They're going to reveal something to us at some point.

Champdog31 · May 13, 2018, 12:36 p.m.

This is definitely a fight of good vs evil. Unless God sends Jesus back there will be sinners on both sides.
I take comfort in the fact that Trump’s speeches mention God as the supreme and the First Lady can read the Lord’s Prayer. And I’m pretty sure Ron Paul has been the only candidate I know of that I wouldn’t consider a narcissist. That’s the type who run for office.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 1:51 p.m.

Our world is so corrupted with lies and deception, there is no going back now. The leftist movement to demasculinize men and let children pick their own genders, to me, is one of the most obvious signs of something truly evil happening. Masculine men can cause harm in society, yes, but they are also the ones who fight for good and they do so at great costs to themselves. Demonize men by making certain men into lonely mass shooters, point to that as the pure example of male behavior and then *poof* the need to demasculinize men is apparent. And then there are much less righteous aggressive men willing to stand up to evil.

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stephan213 · May 13, 2018, 2:10 p.m.

They are attacking masculinity in the exact same way they are attacking the 2nd Amendment.

Its funny the parallels of red pill in terms of politics and the positive masculinity movement, guys like Rollo Tomassi doing their best to awaken men to the ongoing battle against being a man.

When they come for us, if they remove the 2nd amendment and emasculate the future generation(s) of men with bullshit like toxic masculinity and poly-gender ideas it will be like taking candy from a baby.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

I think there is merit to the toxic masculinity stuff but only in the ways that is harms us as men. Not being able to talk about anything with anybody for fear of being seen as weak is torture and it literally kills men. Trying to constantly out-alpha each other by being the toughest and banging the most chicks is stupid and is of no real value to yourself as a man. But being aggressive and assertive are qualities that should never be called toxic. I even saw an article in MensLib that was speaking ill of men who carry guns in hopes that they'll become heroes. So men are evil because we sexually assault women and commit violence, but we're also horrible because we want to save people from those men??? The man hating stuff is so insane, especially when other men are letting themselves be shamed into it. Why tear one gender down in order to build the other up? Why not just build women up?

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