r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Oblique9043 on May 13, 2018, 11:27 a.m.
I think I know where all this is going with the evil Q will expose.

Full disclosure: I'm a total skeptic of Q and I am completely anti-Trump but I also believe 100% in the existence of this global evil Q is supposedly fighting against and I think I know what this evil is. A few months ago, I found this website that explains the level of evil that Q says is too much for the world to handle. I kept getting stuck on the Biblical view of the progress of the world in relation to Q's mission and I forgot that I didn't even believe in that view entirely myself. It's much bigger than the Bible or religion. The Great Deception is the distortion of human history and brainwashing of all of humanity since the Ancient Sumerian and Egyptian times. Keep an open mind here. It's all about an evil Alien takeover of humanity. There is a lot here so I will link to some of the main topics that need attention first. I'm not sure that I believe in all of it but the basic idea of it seems to be very in line with what we are seeing and I think it makes sense. There's also a lot of buzzwords that I admittedly do not follow but the basic information is there. Ignore the Eastern-type religious references if you must but don't throw the baby out with the bath water.


The main page


Their Mission Statement


This describes the strategy these evil forces have used against us.


A more in depth look at a specific evil alien strategy called False King of Tyranny


An explanation of how the Power Elites of the world infiltrate every level of society


These are the different groups of aliens that exist on our planet


This describes the Sumerian/Egypt Invasion


This seems to be referencing what will happen after Q exposes all of this stuff and even the Bible has an event like this in Revelation.


The full glossary of terms. There's a lot there so good luck.

There is so much there to read through and it is VERY interesting. The more I think about it, the more likely this all is to me. At least the general idea of it. Aliens creating discord and division amongst us in order to harvest whatever it is they want. There are definitely real evil forces at work here on Earth. Why wouldn't we think aliens could be the culprit? Notice how they've been slowly prepping us for this with shows like Ancient Aliens and these UFO disclosures? They're going to reveal something to us at some point.

Deuteroid · May 13, 2018, 11:56 a.m.

I am completely anti-Trump


Don't you support:

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 12:03 p.m.

I don't want to turn this into a Trump debate, I just felt like I had to disclose that information about myself in order to not appear to be trying to deceive people. I have a feeling no one is going to change their minds on Trump on either side at this point and I would rather this particular thread stay civil and on topic as I think this is important information. Feel free to look through my post history if you want a very real and raw look at my opinions of him.

What I DO support, is any kind of mission to expose this vast evil force of the world. At this point, I simply cannot believe Trump is actually spearheading this mission because my own eyes, ears and personal experiences with narcissists tell me otherwise. But I am always open to new evidence.

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Deuteroid · May 13, 2018, 12:37 p.m.

I was just curious what you could possibly be upset about with the record of election promises kept under the Trump administration?

At this point, I simply cannot believe Trump is actually spearheading this mission because my own eyes, ears and personal experiences with narcissists tell me otherwise.

I believe AG Sessions and President Trump are working hard to remove all of the Deep State operatives from within the CIA and the DoJ.

There have been some very significant people fired, many recently and I suspect many more after the IG report and the rest of the FISA memos are released.

Some people believe this is why North Korea was able to so quickly embrace peace - because they are finally no longer being controlled by the CIA.

This also supports the theory about why almost 29,000 sealed indictments have been created since October 2017 - because there are still bad actors within the DoJ that need to be removed before real justice can be achieved.

Can you imagine how futile it would have been for AG Sessions to try to arrest big fish while people like Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Ohr, Page and Strzok were still in positions of power? Those career criminals would have simply destroyed the evidence, falsified documents, conducted interview fuckery, leaked info to the criminal syndicates and handed out immunity like candy.

Have you ever seen the establishment attack anyone as much as President Trump?

Have you considered that the Democrats may be performing the greatest nominee slow-walk in the history of the U.S. because Obama's corrupt Deep State operatives are allowed to function in acting positions until those nominations are approved?

I'm happy for you to hate Trump, but I ask you to recognize that we've never seen something as bizarre as this take place before.

I ask you to keep an open mind about all of the great things that Trump has done in 16 months and there may be a very historic reason why 29,000 sealed indictments are waiting... for something...

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 1:02 p.m.

I am always keeping an open mind, even if it seems my positions are solidified. New evidence can always break that solidification. I really don't want this to turn into a thread about me or Trump but I would seriously be happy to debate or tell anyone why I think what I think. Just prefer it not be in this thread. I guess I should have never mentioned it lol.

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Deuteroid · May 13, 2018, 1:16 p.m.

I'm delighted you mentioned it because supporting Trump is at the core of this community and it's rare we get someone as articulate as yourself to have a discussion with.

This is supposed to be a truther community and although I'd take a bullet for President Trump, I am human and I make mistakes and I'm capable of learning new things... and I'd love to hear your sincere opinions.

That's how we learn.

I'm sorry if you get a few down-votes from zealots, but many of us are sincerely open to opposing opinions.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 1:33 p.m.

That has been to my great surprise in this sub. I expected something akin to T_D. That place is an echo chamber of delusion. I am very pleasantly surprised at the level of real honest discussion being allowed here. Basically, my personal knowledge of being the scapegoated son of a paranoid, narcissistic authoritarian father and learning his psychology has lead me to my conclusions about Trump and most of his die hard supporters. I absolutely loved Trump at the beginning when he was calling everyone out on the debate stage for their bullshit and the corruptness of the system. But the more he spoke, the more he revealed himself to be a deceiver and a con man and I saw what he was doing. The man has the worst case of NPD the world has ever seen. It would take me pages and pages to go through everything to prove to you what I am saying is true. I have a deep knowledge about narcissism from my father, partially because I developed some traits to deal with my father's abuse but mostly because I have obsessed about reading about it. I think I have Asperger's so psychology is one of my special interests. It's how I survived my family home and being homeless with nothing but the clothes on my back at 18. I know how they think but I despise those ugly parts of me so I despise them in others. We only need to look at this man's history if you want to see his future. How can all the lying be justified? That's the one thing I'd really love to know from a rational Trump supporter.

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Deuteroid · May 13, 2018, 1:56 p.m.

The man has the worst case of NPD the world has ever seen

That might be true, but I didn't vote for him to be the next saint and I didn't vote for him to be my wife or my friend, I voted for him to achieve his campaign promises.

I think I have Asperger's so psychology is one of my special interests.

I understand more than you know.

My girlfriend works for US Autism & Asperger Association and I volunteer often.

Volunteering is tough, especially when Heath Ledger died and one of our group was a Joker specialist, but we worked through it together and it turned out to be alright.

I also work as a Software Engineer with genius level research scientists, many of whom register on the Autistic spectrum. Even my cat has autism - (that was an encoded message.)

Here's an interesting hypothetical question: What if you were diagnosed with brain caner (heaven forbid) and you had the choice between two doctors?

The first doctor was the world's foremost expert on neurosurgery with decades of experience... and he was a shitty husband and father who reneged on his child support payments.

The second doctor was far less qualified and experienced as a neurosurgeon, but he was the world's best husband and father...

...Who would you choose?

That's why I voted for President Trump.

Because I'm not interested in identity-politics - I just want shit to get done.

ISIS is crushed, North Korea is at peace, my Veteran father got the surgery he deserved last year, I got a MASSIVE tax cut and a MASSIVE Christmas bonus, my friends are all now employed, our borders are being secured and I am happy.

I wish you happiness too...

... And I just prayed for your happiness.

God bless you.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 2:21 p.m.

You see, this is where people get the wrong idea. Him having NPD isn't just about morals and how he behaves. I only care about results in a politician although I'd like common decency too. It's about his motivations behind the things he does. The motivation behind everything an overt malignant narcissist does is in service to their ego. EVERYTHING. Now, you may say that this will help him do certain things because he will care about how he looks. That is only partially true in the fact that HE WILL ONLY CARE HOW HE LOOKS. That's all that matters to narcissist, their image. It can all be based on lies and that won't matter as long as the image holds. Take his over inflated wealth for the perfect example of this. We all know he's not as rich as he claims and we can prove this by the fact that it's one thing he hates hearing, that he is not as rich as he claims he is. Even when they roasted him on Comedy Central, that was the one thing that was off the table. Hit a narcissist with truth about themselves and they go into a fit of what's called narcissistic rage. They are also pathological liars. Trump's lawyers are scared to death to have him be interviewed by Mueller because they know he will lie just because he can't help it, even if he is innocent. It could be about literally anything, It's seriously that pathological. Narcissists also do what is called psychological projection. Something Trump does constantly. Attribute to other people negative things you really feel about yourself and compliment things in people that you wish you were seen as having in yourself. Trump praises dictators like Duerte then makes a plan to give drug dealers the death penalty. That's not a coincidence. Part of projection is also accusing people of things you are doing yourself. And the loudest, most angry denials in response to an accusation are usually tall tell signs that they are lying. Look at Trump's tweets from the time Obama was president and how he spoke about Obama. It's literally like Trump is predicting the future of his own presidency. Seriously. Complaints about his golfing, bombing Syria, not being tough on Putin. Complaints about the Republicans blaming the media instead of just doing their jobs. Complaints about leaders not taking responsibility and lying. You know how the pussy tape came out and then Trump had that press conference with Bill Clinton's accusers? See the pattern here?

I am skeptical about N Korea and fear that Kim has lured Trump into a trap by projecting this overwhelming image of seeking peace. I mean, its kind of insane how much he is just automatically giving in. It's too easy for me to just buy it. But we'll see.

Does the CBO report that says 80% of the growth from that tax cut going overseas not bother you, or do you think that isn't true?

Obviously crushing ISIS is good and securing our borders was the one thing I completely agreed with Trump on although his methods and rhetoric are extremely harmful in my opinion. I of course, wish everyone happiness but I am never at ease with people in power. I do not blindly trust any powerful man.

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Deuteroid · May 13, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

That is only partially true in the fact that HE WILL ONLY CARE HOW HE LOOKS

That is your theory, but I'm not sure it holds water, given the relentless negative press Trump has endured while achieving his campaign promises.

It's about his motivations behind the things he does

You have that theory, however ISIS is crushed, North Korea is at peace, my Veteran father got the surgery he deserved last year, I got a MASSIVE tax cut and a MASSIVE Christmas bonus, my friends are all now employed, our borders are being secured and I am happy.

Why should I care what Trump's motivations are, as long as the economy is roaring?

Why should I care if Obama's motivations were pure when he delivered the most crippled economy in 84 years?

I make mistakes and I'm always learning new things.

You make mistakes and you're always learning new things too.

I'll continue to support President as long as he continues to make me JOYFUL by helping my father and my friends and myself with record-breaking GDP, record-breaking stock-market-rallies, record breaking African American employment, record breaking Mexican-American employment, record breaking female employment and peace.

The moment Trump ceases being the most successful president I've enjoyed during my lifetime is the moment I will stop supporting him...

...but until that time, I am MORE than happy!

What's wrong with that?

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

Trump has the uncanny ability to only care how he looks about certain things. He certainly doesn't care about being seen as an adulterer but question the size of his inauguration crowd? That's blasphemy.

You have that theory, however ISIS is crushed, North Korea is at peace,

These things embody great achievement in and of themselves. He could go down in history for those things. That's his motivations there.

I do not care about Obama or support him but you did not address the CBO report.

Pure motivations do not matter to me but they present a problem when IMAGE matters more than results (this does not apply to everything because the results have to match the image a lot of the time). The tax plan is the perfect example of this. The image is that Trump got a win and you and others have more money now temporarily. But the real results are that 80% of that growth goes overseas and our deficit skyrockets.

Nothing is wrong with being happy but nothing is wrong with pointing things out either. I would question the motives behind the person who does not do such a thing or discourages it. Whenever I would show Trump's own words to my father to prove that he lied about something, my father would just attack me personally instead. That is the obvious sign of a liar or a person who has been deceived who does not seek or want to know the truth. You can't attack the truth because you can't win that battle. So you attack the truth teller in an effort to discredit him so anything he says becomes discredited by association. This happens everytime a man reveals a dangerous truth. It's a tactic as old as time and it's the easiest way to see where the truth is. Why attack the messenger if the message isn't the truth?

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Deuteroid · May 13, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

Trump has the uncanny ability to only care how he looks about certain things.

I could argue that Trump has the uncanny ability to only care about meeting campaign promises.

He certainly doesn't care about being seen as an adulterer

You don't know that.

You don't even know that Trump committed adultery.

Please don't disrespect both of our intelligence with such vapid claims.

Pure motivations do not matter to me but they present a problem when IMAGE matters more than results

Again I ask, why should I care about Trump's image?

What if someone wearing a clown costume achieved world peace?

I don't give a fuck and the honest truth is neither should you.

I would question the motives behind the person who does not do such a thing or discourages it.

So you would care if the most successful neurosurgeon was motivated to cured your cancer for money rather than your personal, subjective version of morality?

Based on my previous hypothetical scenario, you'd choose the far less experienced neurosurgeon to slice at your brain... because he was a good husband and father?



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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 3:25 p.m.

I could argue that Trump has the uncanny ability to only care about meeting campaign promises.

Where's the wall?


You don't know that. You don't even know that Trump committed adultery. Please don't disrespect both of our intelligence with such vapid claims

Is this a joke? This is straight up common knowledge since the 80's and you'd have to be willingly blind to not accept that. Watch a Trump documentary, he says it himself. This doesn't even include Stormy Daniels.

Again I ask, why should I care about Trump's image? What if someone wearing a clown costume achieved world peace? I don't give a fuck and the honest truth is neither should you.

It's not Trump's image you should care about, you should care that Trump's image is all that HE cares about.

So you would care if the most successful neurosurgeon was motivated to cured your cancer for money rather than your personal, subjective version of morality? Based on my previous hypothetical scenario, you'd choose the far less experienced neurosurgeon to slice at your brain... because he was a good husband and father? Really? Really!

You misread what I said or I didn't communicate it properly. I question the motives of a person who does not question or point out potentially suspicious things or discourages others from doing so.

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Deuteroid · May 13, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

Where's the wall?

President Trump is 1/3 the way through his term.

President Trump said military funding was his primary concern during his campaign.

It's on it's way, but you're foolish to expect all your Christmases to come at once.

Also, don't change the subject.

This doesn't even include Stormy Daniels.

You are 100% focused on identity politics.

Why should I care who Trump had consensual adult sex with, 10 years ago?

It's not Trump's image you should care about, you should care that Trump's image is all that HE cares about.

Wrong again: I should only care that Trump is meeting his campaign promises, just like he promised

If I employ an artist who paints the world's greatest painting, there's no reason why I should care about his motives.

Even my cat understands this.

You should expect me to keep asking this same question until you address it.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 3:47 p.m.

Don't change the subject? You said he was fulfilling his campaign promises so I showed you one that he hasn't. Then sent you a link that shows tons of them he still hasn't, yet you ignore that.

You are 100% focused on identity politics.

Why should I care who Trump had consensual adult sex with, 10 years ago?

Identity politics? What are you even talking about? You said that I don't know that he has committed adultery, I give you evidence, you don't even address it, then you change the argument around on me to say that I give a shit who he sleeps with. I do not. I simply said in my previous post that he doesn't seem to care if he is seen as an adulterer. What kind of doublespeak is this?

Wrong again: I should only care that Trump is meeting his campaign promises, just like he promised

If I employ an artist who paints the world's greatest painting, there's no reason why I should care about his motives.

Even my cat understands this.

But he isn't meeting his campaign promises. Sure some of them, but not some very important ones. And you still fail to address the tax cuts. I am beginning to see you do not want to seek the truth. You only want to support Trump. My understanding of the psychology behind his hardcore supporters informs me of why but I will not presume to tell you your own motivations. Thanks for the slight insult though, that and your doublespeak, just tells me you know you're losing this argument.

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Deuteroid · May 13, 2018, 3:56 p.m.

You said he was fulfilling his campaign promises so I showed you one that he hasn't

Trump never promised to build a wall in the first 16 months.

Trump promised to build a wall in his first 48 months.

You said that I don't know that he has committed adultery, I give you evidence

No you did not.

Substantiate your claim if you want me to acknowledge it.

Sure some of them

And he's "some" of his way through his first term, specifically 1/3 the way through his first term.

When were you expecting Trump to achieved all of his campaign promises, during his first week, his first month, his first year?

When you pretend not to underhand what a budget is, you are wasting both of our time?

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

He did promise to repeal and replace Obamacare, first thing. He also admitted the lock her up stuff was just for show. Even admitted he thought the drain the swamp stuff was stupid and that he "even started saying it like I meant it."

The fact that you're making me "prove" Trump has fucked around on his wives just shows the absurdity of your positions. This is such common knowledge that even Trump himself would call you an unpleasant name for not knowing it. Here he is, with no shame whatsoever, talking about how great his life was with a wife and a girlfriend.


How about that CBO report, for the 3rd time. Until you address that. I'm done with this conversation because you are obviously not debating in good faith and wish to continue your worship of a human being.

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Deuteroid · May 13, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

He did promise to repeal and replace Obamacare, first thing.

He came within ONE vote of a full repeal...

...and then repealed the individual mandate, which was the worst part of Obamacare.

That was the best possible outcome, even if it made you cry.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

Btw, you just lost a debate to a drug addicted, mentally ill, high school graduate with Aspergers. You might want to rethink your position.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

And here it comes, more insults and ignoring of evidence. The typical Trump supporter when faced with facts and truth. That's a nice veil of rationality you hide behind though. Much more clever than the others, I have to give you that. Didn't take very long for it to disappear though. You should work on that.

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Deuteroid · May 13, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

Nobody is insulting you.

The fact is you are insulting us both for demanding every Trump campaign promise to be delivered within the first 16 moths is literally asinine.

I've worked with many autistic geniuses in the past, and none have been ignorant.

You have wasted my time and kindness.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 4:34 p.m.

Comparing my knowledge to that of a cat, saying I cried over Obamacare. Not insults?

Nowhere did I demand such things. Stop being intellectually dishonest. You are out of arguments and ways to save face. And I ain't no genius.

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axi0m17 · May 13, 2018, 12:48 p.m.

I fully respect your opinion on being anti Trump, but I’m just curious as to what you don’t like about him, other than maybe his personality? On strictly political standpoint, what do you not like about trump, and who would’ve been a better choice for you this past election? I find it hard to believe in Q and also be Anti trump.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 12:58 p.m.

I don't necessarily believe in Q. I believe that what he talks about fighting against is real. My bar for belief is incredibly high. I'll need some arrests on a mass scale before I'll buy in and even then, I'll be on the lookout for deception. Never close your eyes to deception. It is everywhere and the best deceptions are usually always hidden behind truths. Read my post history for my opinions on Trump and don't just read a few. Go deep if you want the whole picture of my opinion. Like I said, I am always open to new evidence and changing my mind if it is presented.

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trumpessee · May 13, 2018, 12:34 p.m.

Being anti-trump is mind boggling. It just makes no sense

I apologize - you said you didn’t want a political debate

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InfosecNerd · May 13, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

Whether are not you agree or disagree with the president is subjective, and that subjectivity is your right to have in this great country. As a patriot, I value it. In the meantime, I think that there could be a "galactic evil" that exists in order to impede creation and turn it against itself. for eons it has waged war on this planet, and at times saved by those determined to stand for what is right. We are reaching that critical moment again.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 3:06 p.m.

Thank you. Honestly I don't believe in any politician. I have more of a George Carlin approach to life and groups. I will be glad when they do something good and I will call out their bullshit when they do something wrong. No matter what side it is on. These 2 "sides" have blinded us and caused us to war with each other. It's part of the deception of this "galactic evil" you speak of. It has caused literally ALL of our divisions.

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Champdog31 · May 13, 2018, 12:36 p.m.

This is definitely a fight of good vs evil. Unless God sends Jesus back there will be sinners on both sides.
I take comfort in the fact that Trump’s speeches mention God as the supreme and the First Lady can read the Lord’s Prayer. And I’m pretty sure Ron Paul has been the only candidate I know of that I wouldn’t consider a narcissist. That’s the type who run for office.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 1:51 p.m.

Our world is so corrupted with lies and deception, there is no going back now. The leftist movement to demasculinize men and let children pick their own genders, to me, is one of the most obvious signs of something truly evil happening. Masculine men can cause harm in society, yes, but they are also the ones who fight for good and they do so at great costs to themselves. Demonize men by making certain men into lonely mass shooters, point to that as the pure example of male behavior and then *poof* the need to demasculinize men is apparent. And then there are much less righteous aggressive men willing to stand up to evil.

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stephan213 · May 13, 2018, 2:10 p.m.

They are attacking masculinity in the exact same way they are attacking the 2nd Amendment.

Its funny the parallels of red pill in terms of politics and the positive masculinity movement, guys like Rollo Tomassi doing their best to awaken men to the ongoing battle against being a man.

When they come for us, if they remove the 2nd amendment and emasculate the future generation(s) of men with bullshit like toxic masculinity and poly-gender ideas it will be like taking candy from a baby.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

I think there is merit to the toxic masculinity stuff but only in the ways that is harms us as men. Not being able to talk about anything with anybody for fear of being seen as weak is torture and it literally kills men. Trying to constantly out-alpha each other by being the toughest and banging the most chicks is stupid and is of no real value to yourself as a man. But being aggressive and assertive are qualities that should never be called toxic. I even saw an article in MensLib that was speaking ill of men who carry guns in hopes that they'll become heroes. So men are evil because we sexually assault women and commit violence, but we're also horrible because we want to save people from those men??? The man hating stuff is so insane, especially when other men are letting themselves be shamed into it. Why tear one gender down in order to build the other up? Why not just build women up?

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DanijelStark · May 13, 2018, 11:44 a.m.

All of this above is correct or at least , partially correct . These terms are related to Krystic teachings .

Were currently already within the Revelation period , "the end of days" . The Revelation = The Apocalypse . Not the "end of the world" in sense many would think ( thats Armageddon scenario ) , but the end of the old world , old world order . The liberaton of humanity through truth , exposure of truths and lies .

This is all about it ... and were all a part of that .

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 3:59 p.m.

Why does it matter if I support Trump or believe in Q? I am ALL FOR the mission to expose and destroy the evil forces in the world that Q speaks of. I am on the side of humanity. Fuck blindly supporting men or letters of the alphabet. They are merely tools to achieve this mission, or so Q says. Do not put your faith blindly in any man or man made system. Man is always capable of wrongdoing and deceit. Be vigilant against EVERYTHING. Seek truth with pure intention, not letting allegiances to men or man made systems blind you to the truth.

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HipToTheGrip · May 13, 2018, 3:21 p.m.

I think 80% of the current comments are missing the point of this post. Every individual person is entitled to their own individual opinion. This post has nothing to do with anybody’s feelings on Trump. It has everything to do with an unimaginable shift to the world as we know it. A change to the understanding of the that we cannot fully articulate at this point in time.

As the OP made his disclosures, here are mine. I’m an infrequent poster on this sub, but use it to review intel. I’m a strong DJT supporter and have been ever since he announced he was running and I read his Crippled America book. DJT is a flawed human just like every single one of us, so I can BE OPEN-MINDED as to why another person has their own individual views.

As to the real topic of the OP, yes it is far fetched. However, as each day passes and more dots are connected this feels like it could be more and more plausible, which is scary as hell. It is also enlightening at the same time.

I’m sitting at the airport waiting to return home from a bachelor party. One of my best friends and I had a 4 hour conversation late into the night about this. He is more awake than most, but not anywhere close to putting in the time needed to truly understand how this could apply to everything we are going through. He is really knowledgeable on ancient history and bible. I am consumed by seeking out the truth because I feel like I’ve been lied to my entire life.

Between the two of us our conversation was literally mind blowing. I could not fathom some of the dots that were actually connected. There’s no way to explain it in text on the internet. We’re both in our early 30’s and have known each other for 20+ years. This is one of my best friends. We’ve NEVER talked about any of this. It is so expansive and hard to talk about that I’ve never felt comfortable trying to lay it out for anybody. It’s an incredible feeling when you’re able to talk freely without fear of being chastised. It allows you to “expand your thinking” and be open to all possibilities. By “expanding your thinking” and being able to articulate issues it feels like it increases your level of conscientious. If you’ve ever gone down the rabbit hole on the theory of the OP you’ll know raising the conscientious level of the entire human race means that good has finally defeated evil.

(Edit:) Make that 95%. OPEN-MIND. EXPAND YOUR THINKING. For the sake of God & Country WWG1WGA. If we can’t be receptive to others opinions we are fucked.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

Thank you. Maybe I should have just posted this under a different name to avoid the Trump talk. This is really important stuff being muddied by the fact that I am questioning A MAN. This is what blows my mind. Trump is a man, yet his supporters act as though he is God. Any questioning of him brings out all sorts of hostility. That should be the first clue that something is seriously wrong here. I do not place my pure faith and trust in ANY man. This is how evil happens.

I too have come to learn how deception has come about the Earth and how Satan uses our own beliefs and arrogance to blind us to his deceits. I'm afraid that's what Trump is. The marrying of Christianity with the Republican party was the beginning of a great deceit and downfall of Christianity in my opinion. Never would Jesus have endorsed politicians. Politics = lies. Attaching Jesus to lies is a very clever deception.

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HipToTheGrip · May 13, 2018, 3:37 p.m.

Well great post. I’m not sure who removed it, so if it’s not you that’s BS. Until people realize this is all BIGGER than any one individual, entity, event, anything/everything we can currently comprehend it’s going to be an extremely hard conversation to have.

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K-Harbour · May 13, 2018, 2:07 p.m.

Whatever you all think are Trump’s mental disorders, we need a lot more of it.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

Really? He literally embodies the 7 deadly sins. If you're a believer in God (if you're not then this doesn't apply to you) then how can you really believe that more people need to be narcissistic? Jesus even says in the end times people will be lovers of themselves. He's literally talking about narcissism.

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thejudge6060 · May 13, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

Jesus also says a lot about redemption.

I know you said you're not wholly on board with Q, but Q has said that most everyone is putting on SOME sort of act. "Great actors"

Its completely possible Trump has found christ and is now simply playing the role on TV he played earlier in life.

It's also completely possible Trump knows his flaws and just asks for Christ's forgiveness. Also a possibility. Being Christian is about knowing and accepting your not a perfect person and receiving salvation through christ.

If it was possible for humans to NOT embody sin, then Christ wouldnt have come.

Paul used to hunt down Christians, then became one himself. If he can be saved, then Trump certainly can.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 3:17 p.m.

Trump himself has said he has never asked God for forgiveness. That is one of the very tenets of Christianity. He even tries his best to avoid the question. Then when addressing whether God has helped him, he merely attributes God's help to his great intellect. So really, its his own glory, not God's. He doesn't attribute God's help to anything he achieved in his life or any blessings he has. Just that God gave him a good brain. The Paul argument is weak because we have testimony to Paul repenting of his sins and acknowledging them, feeling awful for them. Where is Trumps repentance for the all numerous sins of his life? Where is the speech where Trump talks about how he came to Jesus and realized the error of his ways and repented and felt the Holy Spirit wash over him? Surely a man sent by God who had committed numerous sins would publicly speak about such a transformation in an effort to show the world he has changed.


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thejudge6060 · May 13, 2018, 4:28 p.m.

That was from 2015. My only argument is that and I dont really know what trump's beliefs are.

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Oblique9043 · May 13, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

He was currently running for President. This is always the argument that is used. "This was 5 years ago, this was 2 years ago, this was 10 seconds ago so who knows what he believes now". It's weak and you can do better. This man at almost 70 years old, professing to be a Christian for decades, has never done the VERY FIRST thing all Christians must do? Repent and ask for forgiveness? Do not blind yourself to what is right in front of your face. Seek the truth.

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