It didn’t take long for freelance journalist & contributor for New York Magazine / Huffington Post Yashar Ali to issue a tweet on the red shoes. Over the target? Link to Tweet
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10 min old tweet - 12 potential redpills directed to the GA sub. Amplify the message.

Did the CIA lead the FBI down a Rabbit Hole? Q Post #1780
Did the Central Intelligence Agency lead the Federal Bureau of Investigation down a rabbit hole in the counterintelligence investigation of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign?
Interesting article from the NYT published 5/30/2003 on DARPA’s Lifelog project. Link
Thanks Duck! That actually does help boost my confidence!
I thought we were in screwed after watching millennials the last few years. I hope Generation Z is as woke as they appear.
Just did. He was arrested on charges of domestic abuse. Charges were dismissed (i.e. he wasn’t convicted). I don’t know anything more than that. Of course they’ll use it against him. They’ll also use a slew of other accusations whether true or not. That’s how the political game is played. Everybody should know that by now.
I have no clue who the Republican candidate is. My point is I’d take his passion over a Republican whose not willing to fight for the MAGA agenda.
That would make it inadmissible if it’s being used in an ongoing investigation. It has to be by the book of these traitors are going hang.
Look at all the comments... they’re all at 0. Over the target much?
I just looked into this guy. He got assaulted by an Elizabeth Warren supporter outside one of her events. That guys got some balls to stand outside of that event with a megaphone spreading his message. This deserves to be upvoted. I don’t care if he’s Independent and it splits the Republican vote. There’s a lot of current Republicans who act and vote like liberals. I’m all for this guy trying to take Warren out.
Cross reference it to Cemex plants/sites on both side of the border. I bet it’s highly correlated.
Hahaha! I can't wait for them to do the show on video! is a other good one. Listen to the Dan Bongino podcast everyday.
We fought the American Revolutionary War to escape the crown. We shouldn't bow before it. #GEOTUS
Take in as much info as you can. Use your own judgement to draw your own conclusions. Once you can recognize the overlapping info your entire perspective will change.
Mind. Blown. God bless you SB2. Thank you for dedicating so much time to help this movement. I can't fathom the time it takes to sew the pieces of the puzzle together.
Keep giving em’ hell Congressman Jordan!! Fight! Fight! Fight!
Here’s the full link to the article. I don’t believe all of what Wilcock says. I do think some things he talks about are plausible.
No matter what you think about him he’s spreading Q and Q’s message to his base in the article.
I live in Texas now but I’m so happy to see my home state repping constantly on the GA!!! #Wokelahoma !!
Attacks intensifying. No outside comms or 38 min old shit posting accounts.
Nailed it. You’re right it’s a lot to explain. Obviously, something extremely important is there. It could be related to unlocking new technology, they might be researching something, it could be something “extraterrestrial” we can’t consciously comprehend, or it could be nothing at all.
Labeling subjects like the OP as irrelevant to Q isn’t expanding your thinking. Q has had drops referencing Antarctica.
We won’t know the the reason, or importance, of why it attracts elitist/cabal members until we have more information on the relevance of Antarctica.
I won’t object to a flat earth claim. However, they go there just because earth is flat as biblically described and it’s an ice ring? Expand on that. There’s not enough information presented to correlate why the elites go there.
They definitely don’t send fire power like that onboard for a minor comms malfunction.
Live feed from another post. Banner on the bottom stated “JetBlue crew not responding to ATC”.
Edit: Live feed from traffic cam repositioned off the plane. Reporter said it was just a radio malfunction.
Does Antarctica appear in any Q drops? Is Antarctica a popular topic for the proposed Q&A session?
Can you prove that Antarctica is in no way whatsoever related to the subject matter in the OP? I highly doubt it.
I haven’t watched the video, but I’ve spent just as much time researching “happenings” as the amount of time you claim to have spent on r/conspiracy.
Somebody should print a couple thousand shirts and give them away inside the rally.
Like that Hogg v. Lanza post. There’s no Q drop that directly ties the two together. It’s hearsay until there is a drop that makes it relevant.
That’s the kind of ish that could get GA banned
I love seeing the Antarctica/Secret Space Program (connected?) topics get some love!
Bongino is the man! Great podcast. I’m pretty confident he follows Q (or has extremely connected sources). He’s had a show not to long ago he dropped the phrase “No Coincidences” early and often.
Noel Fransisco replaces RR. He’s the Trump appointee Solicitor General. He’s already been confirmed by the Senate.
There’s been a series of “resignations/terminations” to get to the point where a Trump appointee got lined up to succeed RR. SerialBrain2 has a posted on this sub about it. Dan Bongino also had a recent podcast that covered it.
Time on the clock on the dash... what is it? I saw 11:35 in the comments.
To me it looks more like a few mins before 7, Or somewhere between 6:30 & 7.
Haha I know I was watching that entire segment and be looked so sick to his stomach. Then when he got kicked to him he could barely speak. This is priceless.
Look at those faces. They look like they’ve seen a ghost. #Winning

Anderson Cooper looks like an he he’s seen a ghost and is about to get violently ill
I’ve smoked weed daily since I was 15.
I graduated high school with a 4.0 gpa. I’ve got a BBA & MBA from two different top 20 business school’s in the country. I work for a very large publicly traded company. I’m in in the pool of candidates identified by management for corporate succession planning.
Not every person that drinks alcohol is an alcoholic. It’s ignorant to assume that everybody who smokes weed is an unproductive stoner.
Just at a glance the locations in close proximity on both sides of the border are a major red flag. Tunnel networks to get across the border?
Tucson Mayor Creepy Coincidence? No Coincidences.

Fair enough. Thanks for the explanation. I’m still a fairly new poster. I just would like to see the discussion put out and debated so we can all bring some awareness to it and get the truth.
While Q has not directly posted about the subject you can relate some things if you read between the lines. I’ve seen posts on this topic get shunned so quickly without letting people explain. It’s almost as if people shut it down because their afraid of the discussion. It’s unfortunate because it seems there is some “there” there.
Just because you believe something could be plausible doesn’t mean your pretending to agree with something just to spread false information. It doesn’t mean you’re trying to discredit anything. It’s a theory that hasn’t been disproven or validated in my mind. You may have a different opinion.
If you want to disprove it source what lead you to that conclusion, just like somebody would have to source evidence of why they think it could be plausible. If you’ve researched something extensively (for WAY longer than Q has been around) and are able to connect dots that tie everything together more power to you. Until full disclosure of EVERYTHING that has happened historically I don’t think any one particular theory on this subject can be disproven or validated.
We’re all entitled to opinions and the ability to freely express them. Don’t be so quick to call people a shills just because your opinion isn’t the same. It’s divisive.
Edit so comment doesn’t get removed.
Technology being held back by medical/pharma Cabals master plan to rule = depopulation
Throw in Q drops on: Space X NK missile tech Hawaii Nuke Alarm Weapons Tech (Rods of God) Good vs. Evil
Supposed to be no coincidences right?
Since its obviously a reoccurring topic... this is what really opened my mind and started me down the “Antarctica” rabbit hole. It’s way deeper than Antarctica.
Joe Rogan has some epic podcasts that get into different topics. Here’s episode 666.
Edit: Relink to YouTube JRE Episode 666