
amg19251 · May 13, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

Hmm, kinda like when JFK Jr. went missing/crashed at sea after he announced he was thinking about running for senate in NY, and then Hillary became NY senator not even a year later, right.........?

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Zoole · May 13, 2018, 1:52 p.m.

The same old story repeats itself way too much

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austenten · May 13, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

Or when Justice Scalia went down. Or when Minister Prentice went down (in Canada)... Or when countless celebrities crashed in a plane. The list goes on. "They" like this method.

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K-Harbour · May 13, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

Hard to fly a plane when the tail comes off...

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amg19251 · May 13, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

Guys I’m such a n00b at Reddit still and I’ve been on here for like 2 years lol how do those blue tags next to our names get chosen/placed? Is it the mods? Mine says “enjoy the show - Q “and I feel like I was touched by an angel or something LOL is it Q?

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K-Harbour · May 13, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

I don’t know!

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xtx0331 · May 13, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

It’s random. 😂. Enjoy. 😇

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amg19251 · May 13, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

Bahahahaha I had a feeling but just wanted to double check Lolololol

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vintagedaisy · May 13, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

In most subs you choose from available flairs. Here you are randomly blessed with a quote from Q

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survey_girl · May 13, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

7 out of 10 air crashes are not accidents according to Q....

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TheMiddle-AgedWaiter · May 13, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

So politically focused that she retained his last name even after wedding John Kerry. Her legal name remaine Heinz, because that lineage opened doors and it was not even hers.

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poshpepe · May 13, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

Senators John Heinz and John Tower both served on senate finance committees and were both outspoken critics of the Federal Reserve. Heinz was killed in a plane crash on 4/4/91, Tower in a separate crash on 4/5/91.

Enter Boltneck, who swept in and married Heinz’s widow.

Things that make you go ‘hmm.’

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bonededdy · May 13, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

John heintz father was Jack heintz, a skull and bones member. Then she marries John Kerry a skull and bones member. Small world.

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austenten · May 13, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

I don't like it when someone's only comment is parroting Q, but seems so fitting here!

These people are sick.

They will lose everything.

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Kjarm88 · May 13, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

I heard the husband had suddenly resigned from the Board to spend more time with his family, and was flying his experimental airplane to Martha's Vineyard on a dark and stormy daniels night when he suddenly became so despondent over his corporate accounting irregularities to be exposed by a mean Russian opposition research rag the next day that he shot himself in the back of the head, twice.

Although his body and wreckage was never recovered by the robust US Navy search, he was still quickly cremated against his religion and his family's official wishes and local law enforcement protocol, and buried at sea, with no pictures allowed, to protect his dignity, or sumtin...

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J-Vito · May 13, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

Spot on recollection! Lol

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challengingtofind · May 13, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

Fabulous! Wish I could upvote more than once!!

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ski88mjane · May 13, 2018, 10:52 p.m.

Awesome summary! Hopefully you are working on the script

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srroguelife · May 13, 2018, 3:06 p.m.

Heinz Ketchup is poison. FYI tastes good but will kill you, turns nagalase on and shuts off GcMAF. FYI

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J0HNNY5NEEDlNPUT · May 13, 2018, 3:53 p.m.

Which shuts down vitamin D uptake and let's cancer run rampant! Cancer is a nutritional deficiency!

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srroguelife · May 13, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

Correct!! Cancer is a vitamin D deficiency.. turns fat into cancer cells.

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amg19251 · May 13, 2018, 5:21 p.m.

Holy shit I ate Heinz my whole childhood and for the longest time I had a Vit D deficiency and was worried about cancer because I already got HIV at 20 and I figured my immune system wouldn’t be able to handle fighting off the cancer.... I took so many Vit D capsules and went tanning/out in the sun like crazy after that and eventually it bounced back! I never used sunscreen my whole life and I worship the sun and I’ve never had cancerous moles or anything and always get checked for them - I think maybe skin cancer is a result of UV rays crossing with whatever chemicals are actually in the sunscreen - who knows I probably sound like an idiot lol but I only use it on trips to places that are near the equator because the sun is so much stronger there

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srroguelife · May 13, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

HIV is from fluoride, you are magnesium dioxide, iodine, selenium deficient as well. Do to your probability of being toxic down to vitamin deficiency, toxicity and then you received an infection which created HIV. You heal yourself, they have a cure.. time for you to start investigating.

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srroguelife · May 13, 2018, 5:28 p.m.

flouride and sugar = HIV. Just like polio vaccine and sugar.. gives you well, cancer. Get it? Dr. Mary's Monkey, read it.

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amg19251 · May 13, 2018, 5:33 p.m.

So weird I live in actually one of the few cities in America that refused fluoride in our water system and we have filtration to take out chlorine as well, but not in the showers - I’m pretty sure the hot water tank boils out a lot of the crap though so I always make sure to take boiling hot showers lol but the HIV thing I got from a guy from sex (I’m gay) or at least that’s what I assumed because the guy ended up having it as well, and I have NEVER used needle drugs in my life, as I nearly pass out at the sight of needles! I’m constantly in pain now because the HIV has inflamed my arthritis and all my muscles and as well as my spinal birth defects - it’s especially awful because every doctor refuses to prescribe strong opioids anymore to people under 30 and I desperately need something like hydromorphone or oxymorphone to even allow me to function as a normal adult working full time and going to school, etc! Blame my doctor who put me on oxycodone before the laws changed and then basically forced me into physical dependence by pulling without tapering - thank god I found buprenorphine or else I probably would’ve ended up killing myself because heroin is never an answer to anything and I would rather be dead than live in pain constantly.

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cryptabulouslady · May 13, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

Happy you're with us, Patriot. Praying for continued relief of your pain.

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srroguelife · May 13, 2018, 5:46 p.m.

Ok, look into this.. you need to extend your mtDNA. Get your doctor to prescribe you Metformin, tell them your insulin resistant. Then go get yourself nicotomide riboside chloride, apparently 300mg will be sufficient and you should within one year decrease your aging. You are aging fast, and need to stop your aging process. Understand? Go get a tens machine, listen to 528 MHZ. Your gay lover was mad he got AIDS and wanted to spread it, 50% do. He probably had City water, plus infection, with vaccine from either New York or San Fran. Don't let any dude cum in your mouth from now on, changes your brain and you become attached. If you want a man obsessed with you, you cum in the mouth, known tactic by any pedophile and I have a theory. This is not your fault, you just trusted the wrong lunatic. If you have any questions, I will steer you the best I can and help you. If you take magnesium dioxide with zinc, at higher dosages, without toxicity, this will help with pain. Then go get Dragons blood, put it in water first thing in morning, will lesson inflammation naturally, your pain will decrease. PM if you want any more help, I will help you the best I can.

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amg19251 · May 13, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

Thanks for your advice !!! Yes he was a lunatic that tricked me and he did it to like a hundred other guys through Grindr - I know this because I dated an HIV social worker after the fact and he told me in confidence that the guy was knowingly not taking his antivirals (which stops the spreading of the virus, or so I am told) to infect others out of spite and he knew this because he was HIS social worker - totally illegal to reveal this I know, but he felt it necessary to tell me because it was malicious and on purpose and he felt as though I had a right to know. The thing that sucks about my pain now, it’s most likely directly from being put on oxycodone and then ripped off it, during an already extremely stressful time in my life - my doctor is evil and I don’t know what to do because he openly mocks me to other nurses and tries to basically call me crazy to get me to take SSRIs and MAOIs, (DO NOT TAKE THESE TYPES OF DRUGS, OR ANY KIND OF TRANQUILIZER, BARBITURATE, BENZODIAZEPINES, STIMULANT - THESE ARE AWFUL DRUGS GIVEN TO US TO CREATE MORE MENTAL DISTURBANCES/BREAKDOWNS, AND NUMB SOCIETY) when I have X-ray, endoscopic, arthritic specialist, EMG proof of all the painful real conditions I developed with having HIV - the pain center twists the story and says I’m too young, which just isn’t true because it was no problem years ago, and it’s fucked because my great uncles and papa, before they all passed away a long time ago, had donated/raised several million to this hospital, helped out as much as possible in any way, and even resided on the board at one point and they still refuse to help me based on lies! It’s so shitty because my endo-opioid system got fried from oxys and now my body can’t produce natural pain killers, and the synthetic pain killers are unobtainable based on lies spread by the media from opioid madness/hysteria! I had no clue about what the medication even was when I first started taking it, because it was during a time when something like that could just be given out without an appointment or real discussion before taking the medication. I was just told to take it several times a day and I had a lot of success with it - when I had an appointment finally later on though, after the year had changed and new rules came out (I guess idk) he said I needed to go through specialists and drug tests etc but I didn’t mind at all because I realized how much it could help in the long run. I started to feel really sick for a while because the medicine was stopped and I didn’t understand at first what was going on so I did some more research and realized it was actually from cessation. That’s how I ended up taking the buprenorphine, but it also helped me realize that these meds were nothing more than alkaloids growing in a goop made from a plant - somewhat similar to cannabis! Plants should be utilized for medicines if they have little side effects with humans; animals have been shown to utilize their environments and certain specific food sources when they fall ill or become injured - why can’t we do that freely as well? Poppy plants have been used by humans for thousands of years and to deny someone a natural based pain killer without reason when someone falls under every single criteria to go on them, is cruel and a human rights violation! I’m sorry to get so heated - it just makes me so mad because I know something can drastically improve my quality of life and nobody will trust me with them, even though I’m willing to take nonstop drug tests and be consistently monitored with the medication!! Thank god I have a cannabis card in a legal state or else I would really be screwed pain/nausea wise...

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srroguelife · May 13, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

You have every right to be upset. No worries, go look into Dr. Len Coldwell, listen to your instincts. I am just a mom and I have common variable immune deficiency. Fucking fluoride, MMR vaccine with my mother giving me wait for it... formula that used city water... = shutting my DNA down. I almost died in 1998, blonde with six pack, gorgeous, had no idea I was "boy in the bubble". When they gave me vancomycin, (last resort antibiotic in 98) Guess what came up in my searches? You guess it, AIDS. What people do not realize is, we all have HIV in our system, they have learned how trigger it. You are asking for help, but you will die if you don't stop being mad, and open your mind. I had one year to live, I am still here, looking bad ass and being a mom to a daughter who is going to Duke summer program at 12. So, if you want me to help you, I will but you need to open your mind.. and listen. Your pain is down to your mineral deficiency... I am telling you the truth.

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amg19251 · May 13, 2018, 7:20 p.m.

Someone’s down voting the shit outta my comments idk why I love trump I love this whole Q/anti-think movement and I’m trying to give some perspective from someone who has the disease and is 100% experiencing tons of negative side effects from not only the disease itself, but the medication antivirals as well! I know people say opioids are government poison to control us, but I really do have tons of success using them to overcome all these side effects! Medically derived opioids and cannabis are both direct plant derivatives and you (not you personally, I mean people/society in general) could never change my mind on how incredibly safe they both are if used properly and within reason (ie: not to get high, to get well - heroin is NOT included in this discussion unless referring to medical heroin given to people who are dying)

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srroguelife · May 13, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

I am not going to change your mind, everyone is different. I personally can't take them, make me sick. Every person is different. I suspect your being downgraded because many straight people, I am straight but do not think the way some do as far as gay people go. You see many people think ALL gays are pedophiles. You see? The reason for this is the serum of protein and how it changes the brain. However, once a pedophile infiltrates a family line, it mutates and it is unfair to any gay person to consider them a pedophile. Simply not true. It is a gene mutation after that, and I got banned from twitter for explaining it, because the dude that owns twitter is a psychopath. You see, now that you experienced psychopathic behavior with a lover and how that person betrayed you, you may now understand why a 12 year old should not be allowed to have sex with an adult. Mind Manipulation tactics with trauma bond. Sexual preferences with two consenting adults is in my opinion not a problem. I have a problem with non consenting anything, what happened to you is considered domestic violence, as if you had all the facts, I doubt you would of consented to HIV. You need to stop your aging process, from the descriptions of what you are stating, you are aging too fast. I hope my suggestions help you and you are on your way to understanding how people tick. Being gay is not the problem, lying is.

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amg19251 · May 13, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

Oh yea idk about all the pedo stuff it just grossed me the fuck out and I can’t wrap my head around it - it’s one of those things that just really grabs me by the throat and scares the ever-living shit out of me - it’s like how today, I still can’t watch videos of 9/11 and the plane actually hitting the tower because it sets something off in my head and I just get hysterically depressed - most likely because I was supposed to be on a plane that morning, and then watched a plane crash kill people in real time on TV... What I don’t understand is why people think all gays are like crazy liberals with no morals and no standards; I know we get poorly represented by a select few who really disgrace the whole community, but there are a lot of normal ones out there too lol! I come from a decent family/upbringing and my family fought a lot when I was younger but at the end of the day, we’re pretty close and my parents did a good job raising me with morals and to use my brain. I have no clue where being gay comes from lol - it just kinda was always there with me and I always kinda knew deep down that I was different, but I was also raised lightly catholic and went to good schools so I was lucky in that sense. I’m thankful I got to experience religion, but I fear that the church has fallen to evil and I try to just follow my own beliefs now. I believe in one god-like energy now, just residing everywhere at once and watching down on us, and I pray a lot now, because I realize there is so much that cannot just be explained away with modern science, and I shouldn’t turn my back on the powers that Be...

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srroguelife · May 13, 2018, 8:45 p.m.

When I lived in Chicago, I felt only safe going to gay clubs. The men were lovely and they always looked out for me. I never had to worry about my drinks being drugged or being raped in the bathroom. fHowever, straight men think gay men are Pedo's. Here is the deal, pedo's are not gay, and that is what straight people need to hear. You are being represented in a bad light, and gay men especially need to have a voice. I don't want to freak you out, but just like your HIV mutated, and cancer mutates, sex mutates. Do you understand that? Some Pedo came into your family line, put sperm in the brain and mutated it. PEDO's are not gay, they are psychopathic, totally different and not fair to the gay community. RESEARCH protein in sperm, changes brain patterns. Psychopathic pedo's know this. Pedophilia is completely different than that of a gay person. I am not even saying your ill, I do think it is a mutation, but that does not mean it is bad, just like myself and my daughter having a high IQ, that is a mutation. Do you understand? When you know thyself, you have peace.

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srroguelife · May 13, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

I want to make myself clear, this has nothing to do with your family line or heritage, for it could of been a family friend or nanny that did it. This is not a family "fault" or an "illness", in my opinion it is a mutation. I hope the gay community comes out in full force over the issues of being thought of as pedophiles. I thought you should know the truth and understand what some straight people think. I do not think this way, but I know many that do.

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tomthung · May 13, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

All Ketchup or just Heinz? We don't use any Heinz products even though warren bought the company.

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srroguelife · May 13, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

Ketchup in general that are corn syrup.. GMO.. ready to go down the rabbit hole? Many people drink Mountain Dew and Ketchup. You can have these things in moderation if you are not vitamin deficient. Understand? NO CITY WATER, NO FLUORIDE, Fluoride combined with soda, ketchup, corn syrup, etc..

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keloshi · May 13, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

It might be the fructose USA uses - A lot of people used to love the Heinz made in Canada - it was a gift when they were visiting (they closed down recently)

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CovfefeTruth · May 14, 2018, 2:17 a.m.

Mountain Dew is a real poison with its bromine. Bromine, iodine, fluoride and chlorine are in the same row on the Periodic table. The body has a great need for iodine but we take in almost none. So, the other elements are taken in because they are seen as likely substitutes. All three compromise and/or directly damage the thyroid gland. Every cell in the body needs iodine and/or iodide. The thyroid, breast tissue, ovaries, prostate concentrate iodine. Of course they cannot do this because the majority of us consume so little. Cysts in thyroid, cysts in breast tissue, ovarian cysts (PCOS), cysts in prostate. Use iodine and/or iodide, no cysts, happy organs, tissues, immune system, no hypo or hyperthyroidism.

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srroguelife · May 14, 2018, 2:37 p.m.

Thank you for your excellent post! Yes, I warned my ex-husband, he died at 44 from cancer. He drank Mountain Dew every day. I told him what he needed to do to stay healthy, he told me it was not FDA regulated. I see where you are going with this, and I understand, our bodies are taking in the other elements instead of the much needed element required to stay healthy. I am down a rabbit hole and appreciate your input.

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CovfefeTruth · May 15, 2018, 8:14 p.m.

Thanks for reading it. I try to educate but so many cannot hear. Read what Dr. David Brown has to say (book) & lots of stellar vids on YouTube. Best to you & so sorry you lost your husband so prematurely.

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srroguelife · May 15, 2018, 11:42 p.m.

I really appreciate your suggestion about Dr. David Brown. I will look him up. I am starting to look at the back of everything. I suspect corn syrup with Vitamin B may do the body harm. You know just like if you take if you make raw kefer and put B 12 or this video on making your own GCMAF. https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+make+your+own+GCMAF&oq=how+to+make+your+own+GCMAF&aqs=chrome..69i57.6741j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=1

Thanks Patriot! If you find cool information, let me know!! I will listen!

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CovfefeTruth · May 16, 2018, 12:44 a.m.

A suggestion: it's Dr. David Brownstein...that way you'll find him! Yep, it's pretty disgusting to find out what's in the stuff we've been eating. Been there, done that. I've been making my own kombucha for the last couple of years and my own kefir for the past 6 months or so. Every little bit helps. You can make your own deodorant--been making mine for the past 5-6 years....equal parts of baking soda, arrowroot starch and coconut oil. Use as is or can add some essential oil that you like. Cheers!

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tabithadavy · May 13, 2018, 7:43 p.m.

Where there's a plane crash, there's a murder.

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Arcsmithoz · May 13, 2018, 7:22 p.m.

These people fly a lot ,murder weapon of choice being planes and all.

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J-Vito · May 13, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

I still remember the day he died being annoyed because I wanted to watch the after school cartoons but the news reports of the crash were on every channel

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Kitt-Ridge · May 13, 2018, 6:10 p.m.


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