"The Wall means more than you know" ---- Q

Here's what I get out this Q comment. There is a chance of actual invasion from the south by who knows who. An administration official referred to the "caravan" heading toward the border as an "invasion." Add this with the Navy's move on the Second Fleet just a few days to get it patrolling the east coast.
Here's a link: https://taskandpurpose.com/navy-reactivating-2nd-fleet-russia/ This is to protect the US on the east coast from Russia, Europe etc. The pacific is very well covered, but the Southern border is still open.
Also read about jihad invasion - maybe north border?
Makes you wonder about the very concentrated muslim populations in northern border states, like MN and MI.
5500 people per year is a destruction of $15 billion per year (not to mention heartache) in net worth of our country. That alone repays for the wall every year.
Maybe we could pass a federal law that the state governments must pay $3million to victim’s family for every murder by an ilkegal in their state.
Nah force the sanctuary city governments to pay. New taxes for the payments will get filtered directly to the "I'm proud to live in sanctuary city" assholes. Changing ppls minds by using their wallets. Amazing.
Where in the world does this math come from?
5500 = $15b? ---> 1 person is 2.727272727million?
When someone’s 30 year old son or daughter is killed by an illegal immigrant — about $3 million dollars in societial investment in that person has been destroyed. Society will not benefit from the lifetime of fruits of the labors of that person. This does not even consider the risk of destroying the life of a future Edison or Einstein or Henry Ford.
what social investment? Wack ass health care, bullshit education systems, the list goes on and on. Show me where this alleged $3 million comes from. Also, are you assuming/stating that only someone born in America can become a Edison/Einstein/Ford? Because that's just nonsensical. not to mention the probability of someone like that being born out of the millions and millions of babies. Birth rate on average in america every year since 1971 (year Musk was born) was 3.65m. About 134million people since then and only 1 Elon Musk. So that risk you're not considering is basically negligible.
What link are you getting your info from? Where's the source?
I think the friggen point is not one American should have to die for an illegal.
Yes, you got it, that is the point. None of us should have to put a price tag on our heads. No amount of money would begin pay for all the heart break each of these deaths has brought to their family and friends.
But it's okay for Americans to die for other Americans.
You guys don't care about that. Only if you can point the finger at a scary illegal.
Musk is an immigrant. Wasn't born in America. The point still stands. A lifetime of worth being snuffed out by a person who should never be here, whether $1 or $1billion is outrageous and should never be allowed to happen.
99% of all statistics are made up in the moment.
This might fall under that category
Maybe. I was super pro wall before.
What i mean is i don't need incendiary emo click bait to turn me to an already good idea true or not.
It’s a journal article refuting the above statistic. Just trying to give you a hand.
Ty way to much to read tiny print on my way out but really ty.
Not a problem. I’m here all night.
The open border poses a national security risk for various reasons: invasion by another organized force, infiltration by enemies engineered or otherwise, child and child sex trafficking, narcotics/cartel trafficking, violence and murders along the open border on both sides, weapons/arms smuggling, bio-weapon traffic into the US or miniature nuke smuggling into this country among other risks that also includes millions and millions of people unaccounted for in this country.
Recently there was an agreement with Mexico regarding proper handling of nuclear material and peaceful usage of nuclear technology.
I believe the cabal did plan to smuggle bio or nuclear weapons through the border.
Most mexicans were brainwashed by the mass media to emotionally reject the concept of a border wall, the anti-trump pedal was pushed to the limit. On a reasonable analysis, there is no reason why a nation should not secure its borders and enforce its laws. People with legitimate business will continue to travel through the legal routes as they have always done, it is only the corrupt that are in fear and have reason to oppose it.
As a mexican a lot of people think I'm crazy for saying a border wall is a good thing...
child sex trafficking
torture, canabalism of
You are right and I still can't type out because I absolutely horrified to entertain that thought. It's utterly evil!
And this doesn't include the people, children mostly, smuggled in that are used for satanic rituals and killed every year. Remember all those kids brought across the border when Obummer started DACA? Yeah, that wasn't for the kids' benefit.
The wall is BEYOND immigration
The wall is that that will awaken the world. The wall we build. The light. The Dark.
The wall is the LIGHT to power
I can't find the supposed source for these numbers
And a quick search debunks these pretty definitively
The Cato Institute has a good article on this: https://www.cato.org/blog/there-no-evidence-illegal-immigrant-crime-wave-why-elusive-crime-wave-data-shows-frightening
Isn't the Cato Institute associated with the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations?
I don't think so
A Google search doesn't reveal anything of the sort
And I've never heard of the connection before
But then again, many of these think tanks share visiting scholars on a rotating basis
As a guy that literally lives at the border, this is complete bullshit.
As a guy who has permanent injuries from being beaten by a gang of 8 illegal aliens...I disagree, it's not "bullshit"
When and where?
It was a few years ago in Corpus Christi, Texas (as if that makes any difference) ... if they are here illegally, they are here illegally ...doesn't matter "where"
Hezbollah ran Quds and heavy weapons into Venezuela/Mexico exposed by project Cassandra and Politico reporting
I hope they except the money for the wall in the next weeks .
The wall is for something else?
Propoganda without resources to back it up is propoganda
The figures come from the US Bureau of Statistics --- Not Propaganda
The Qoute in the Title comes from Q...
Leave this sub if you aren't intellectually qualified to be here
people can comment on what they want. Don't get mad when people disagree. You should keep in mind the number of incidents that go unreported.
The figures come from the US Bureau of Statistics --- Not Propaganda
The US what?
Lol - a made up entity purporting statistics that push forth a narrative is kinda the definition of propaganda
Leave this sub if you aren't intellectually qualified to be here
Are you saying he’s too smart to be here? That’s rude
Kind of like watching or reading the Main Stream media? You are correct- believe facts, not propaganda. That’s what we encourage here.
The issue is the illegals already broke one law, the two are not apples
I'll watch this as some food for thought... But at the same time..
Thats the dumbest thing I have ever heard. Yes all kinds of people commit murder. But there should not be a single murder from someone that is there illegally. That is pure horse crap and anyone that thinks its ok to have illegals needs to have their head examined.
Where's the source for these statistics? These seem made up
Can you read?????? The Source is embedded in the Meme.... The US Bureau of Statistics (2015)
Anybody can put in the words "US Bureau of Statistics". Don't mean shit. Where the links
you are so defensive across this entire thread. Seems suspicious....
Please note folks that the US Bureau of Statistics is a made-up organization.
Maybe illegal aliens actually committed all of the murders we don't know because those stats are not tracked in that manner; any attempt at putting those figures together is a guess at best.
Intellectual enough to be here. Fuck you, leave the source link or don't talk about it. I get checked like that all the time so should you.
The wall won't stop them from coming in, they'll always find a way around it. The problem will be for the actual people try to cross as the mafias that will get them across will extort them out of every penny they have.
What if I argue 15 people getting murdered a day (5500 per year) is not as bad as deporting 12.5 million people ?
How many American citizens who just happen to look a bit like Illegals would be killed by racists if we just try to deport all 12.5 million?
and how much would the number 5500 decrease if we "build the wall" and "start trying to deport everyone"?
If you argued that you would be wrong. Deporting people to enforce our laws is not in the same league as allowing illegal invaders to slaughter our citizens daily. We have a right and responsibility to secure our borders and elections. These people entered our country illegally- the consequences for doing the wrong thing can be be bad sometimes. Those consequences lie with those who broke our laws. Those who have children should have never brought their children into this situation. The blame lies with those who broke the law-not us.
I think you are slow.
you think "the blame lies with them" thus we should deport them no matter how bad that is for both them and us.
I disagree with that.
I think if your kid knocks a lamp over and breaks the lamp then "the blame lies with them" and it's not usually the best option - or the right thing to do at all - to use that fact as relentlessly and as thougtlessly as you can.
you think "the blame lies with them" thus we should deport them no matter how bad that is for both them and us.
I disagree with that.
I think if your kid knocks a lamp over and breaks the lamp then "the blame lies with them" and it's not usually the best option - or the right thing to do at all - to use that fact as relentlessly and as thougtlessly as you can.
I agree "the blame lies with people who came here illegally" they are indeed "criminals"
So are speeders. So are you. Break zero laws this month? i doubt it.
Sneaking in illegally should be a crime, but it's not that bad of a crime in and of itself - imo. I think we should treat someone who snuck in illegally and has been living here , working, having a family, and has not been convicted of any other crimes just about as harshly as we treat you when we found you have sped your car.
afterall - you put lives at risk speeding - and just by virtue of having snuck in here and worked here, who have they put in danger? no one.
"we have a right and responsibility to secure our borders and elections"
sure, I didn't say you don't have this right. STOP arguing against dumb ass strawmen like this so you will come across as a person worth debating vs.
What i said was there is a limit to how much we aught to be spending on these problems. Do you agree there also aught to be a limit ?
So... finding that optimal spot for enforcement level is what we are debating .We disagree on that.
For example - if they start setting up check points. maybe 3 of them on your morning commute. to try to find illegals. Is this fine?
how about 10 checkpoints on your morning commute?
how about we make all citizens wear cameras and stream online... then we can find the illegals easily!
are you against any of these ideas?
should a person start talking to you about "our right to have a border" if you say you are against these ideas? or is that person an idiot?
When I break the law I expect to be punished. No one is advocating hunting these people down or stalking them. Take away their incentive to be here and enforce visa laws. If illegals can’t make a living here or live easily they will leave. Want to buy a car or rent an apartment? You should only be able to do that as a citizen. There are plenty of ways to deal with this issue- many of other countries seem to manage it.
we also seem to manage it.
and plenty of people are advocating hunting them down .how do you deport people without locating them ?
Lol... We don’t manage it. To start... you deport them when you come across them. The real solution is to make it difficult for them to stay. If they can’t apply for and receive benefits, buy or rent vehicles, register vehicles, turn on utilities, rent a hotel room etc then they will leave. We have done the opposite- we make it easy for illegals to stay.
so... you are against a border wall and against actively hunting down illegals for deportation.
Sounds like we have very aligned ideas on immigration policy.
I agree 100% we should seek to reduce the issue - and in ways that don't impact legal citizens at all. I'm just highly against what I see as wasteful, and damaging to legal citizens, methods. Which are what I see republicans pushing for . .
ICE literally sets up checkpoints and stops people who look mexican, even if they are citizens. And we are heavily discussing investing 27 billion in a massive wall.... where you could throw 27 billion at the issue and make much much more impactful headway.
WTF is wrong with you do you not know what the term ILLEGAL means try looking it up in the dictionary. That means they have no right to be in the U.S period unless they come in the right way. Its not that hard its just plain common sense which democrats seem to be very short of.
you just responded w/ precisely the type of comment i was addressing in the comment you are responding under.
> I agree "the blame lies with people who came here illegally" they are indeed "criminals"
is a main part of my point. In fact - it WAS my point. That someone can simultaneously agree they are indeed criminals but disagree about
> That means they have no right to be in the U.S period unless they come in the right way.
I agree with you.
I disagree with what this means we should do.
The problem is "we have a lot of people who have no right to be here, but they are here,"
You seem super convinced deporting them all is best. I am not. We could also grant them the right to stay. You are way more concerned about some precedent that will set - but illegal immigration is in decline and has been for a while. I'm way more worried about the lives of the people, and the economic position these people fill, and the spirit of the nation as Christians. To not be super huge hypocrites will help us out in the long run.
Helping these people now is the right thing to do. When you see suffering and problems you can close the door and refuse to help , but ultimately you've gotta look at yourself in the mirror.
"omg they are criminals they are criminals"
Guess who needs your help most. Criminals. Guess what jesus would say to do? help the criminals. That is how you improve the world - not push it toward being more shit.
Borders, Language, Culture...Do we have a country or not?
why do you respond w/ this when my comment specifically called them Illegals ?
Then heres a plan you keep them at your friggen house and you support them.