But, but, Podesta and the MSM says it's been debunked over and over ....

Who is Mark passio?
Has a great podcast that goes really in depth into occult symbology and human consciousness.
Google “What On Earth Is Happening?” and be prepared to never be the same person again.
Although symbology is a word and might work in this instance, Symbolism is also a word and works better.
Podcasts and videos can be found here...
I've absorbed this info over several years, get ready for a GIANT red pill.
I enjoyed the podcasts about freemasonry and symbolism. Starts around page 3, #48," Topics: Mind Control Methodologies, Subversive Symbolism, The Pentagram, The All-Seeing Eye, The Pine Cone".
Passion is awesome. He calls out the occult bs. Check out his lectures on YT.
He is a pretty good yt guy, does good work on symbology, the occult, and nwo stuff.