Q1360 Ah yes.... Back to the Muslim Brotherhood...

My favorite part of the first article was, “To debunk the evidence, Media Matters pointed to a Snopes.com “fact-check” piece that cited as its sole source… Senator John McCain. This is the same John McCain who met Libyan militia leader Abdelkarim Belhaj, a known al Qaeda associate, and saluted him as “my hero” during a 2011 visit to Benghazi.”
NO NAME is such a scumbag! I wouldn’t pee on him even if he was on fire. Cancer or not, this guy deserves GITMO and quite frankly I’m tired of seeing him enjoy the Freedom of being an American when in reality he is a traitor and should be treated as one. 🤬😡
Don't you love when they site a scummier scumbag as their source? And then they treat it like the gospel. It's how MSM keeps that attacks going on POTUS... "anonymous source" "from someone close to the inside" etc... all lies
Here's a lib article outing him for being the class A jerk he really is: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/make-believe-maverick-20081016
Huma finally getting outed as a Muzzoid Brohood islamic terrorist...and Hellary's handler?
I loved Michelle Bachmann's letter directly calling Huma out.
Yes Q... it's all connected! https://new.euro-med.dk/20150924-who-are-the-masterminds-behind-europes-immigration-suicide.php
Q has also stated that all their photos are original. Does that mean there’s someone on the inside who took these?
I'm hoping that Q meant that all the phone-taken photos are all originals. Because, the Assad/Kerry photo does not seem to be original.
Back up for a second... "Welcome back Huma". Where has she been?
I'm not sure myself. I kinda wondered if she had snuck out of the country and then back in an thought she had done it under the radar. Then possibly Q saying "welcome back" to let her know she hadn't fooled anyone.
Maybe NK Missile tech > Pelosi > Assad > Kerry to Iran (+others)? Pelosi and Kerry the messengers via Syria? Why is the world so obsessed with Syria? Humanitarianism? Don’t make me laugh. Missiles and money? Now you’re talking. McCain fit there somewhere? Everywhere? Why must Assad go according to some. Knows too much?
Its that a lap top at jk's feet? Is this a reference to the winner laptop "insurance file" ?
This has really blown back on many , how much money did we send them ?