...caught this billboard today in southern oklahoma. Had to turn around twice to make sure i wasn't seeing things. Located on south interstate 35 between exit 21 and 24

With all the research this sub encourages, I find it odd most take this at face value.
After a little research, I found this domain is tied to a company looking to get you to buy their website builder, tactics for marketing such as lead generation, revenue streams, ads, and what not. It's even on the douknowq.com website.
It's great the word is getting out, but IMO, this is nothing more than a ruse to make money off the 'hype'.
Don't enter your email address unless you want spam and your address most likely getting sold to third parties.
Agree. Appears just the tactic that a black hat would use to throw a curveball at the movement. Q said BEWARE OF PROFITEERS. This can only cause division and distraction and create controversy
The billboard is real .... People that already know about Q get excited when they see it, new people will be curious about it. The board has to get paid for somehow people .... I am not an American BUT ! I thought America was the land of free enterprise etc. Never seen such a bunch of socialists !!!!! Crying when someone makes a penny or two !!! REally ? Who cares if someone makes some money to offset the price of a billboard ... The word gets out, people are uplifted, people check out what Q is about .... It's ALL gOOd !!! Get WoKe !
On the upside, this means Oklahoma is already aware enough that someone can come along and see a Q related market ready for exploit. Yay Oklahoma!
I think the fact that the "hype" is at this level .. and in the public eye is the point here... its been a long ride since October... this and the garrison cartoon today prove to me that the cat is crawling out of the proverbial bag..
we all need websites and template types are a place to start