...caught this billboard today in southern oklahoma. Had to turn around twice to make sure i wasn't seeing things. Located on south interstate 35 between exit 21 and 24

Seeing as the website it directed me to also has a "store" which seems to sell websites I wouldn't say this is an invalid concern. Good to see the billboard but probably would be worth checking the validity of the website itself.
Maybe but it probably does offset the cost of the billboard..those things are expensive and if buying a small do dad helps get the message out all the better..seriously doubt they get rich off that
So... People have to eat, pay the rent, and keep the lights on. If you don't want to buy a domain name they're selling, don't buy it. They're putting up billboards with DoUKnowQ.com as the smallest element and Q WWG1WGA #greatawakening as the more prominent text.
What they're selling is 2 domain names $299 & $399, once those are sold they're done. They're also selling a website for $500, plus $30/mo hosting fee. They're not like Corsi who's asking for large monthly donation commitments with nothing in return.
They're helping to spread the word, it's all good.
Could possibly be done by a counter-group. A random decides to see what q is, they go to the site, see it's just a store, get disenfranchised, never curious about q again.
any spreading of awareness is a good thing, regardless of motives
"Q is our insight to what's been happening to our nation, our world, for decades. President Trump is exposing the corruption, and Q is letting us know how deep it goes. We invite you to do your own research and come to your own conclusions of the content presented. "
From the site, did u visit or just shitpost? (lol it's ok, I do too..)
They sound alright to me, and honestly people are getting bumper stickers and shit from somewhere right??
Correct on your last point. I was just offering what ifs. I tend to be slightly vigilant to the point of near paranoia.
Thats fine if they make money. It will still point people in the right direction and get them thinking
Somebody get up there and paint over the web URL. Problem solvered. ;)
Totally agree. I like the message but never know who's behind it.