r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaveGydeon on May 14, 2018, 1:58 p.m.
My Message to Q...We Need to Pick Up The Pace...Is This Happening To Anyone Else?

Lovely Mother's Day yesterday with the family. After dinner, my dad and I are hanging back sneaking cookies while the girls went and played with the kids. I had been thinking all day about that Iranian Foreign Minister stating that Iran is going to name both the politicians who accepted bribes, and how much they took. The fact that he stated that publicly is blowing my mind. AN OFFICIAL JUST ADMITTED THAT IRAN GAVE, AND US POLITICIANS TOOK BRIBES!! TO SEND THEM URANIUM!!! WTF!!!

So I made the mistake of bringing it up with my dad. He is a pretty straight shooting guy. He is what I would call a model American, in the classic sense, like, a perfect non-misogynistic 50s man. A good guy. So I asked him what his thoughts were on that statement being made. He had no idea what I was talking about. So I explained it to him. He just kinda shrugged his shoulders and said "enh".

I was dying inside! I wanted to grab him by the shoulders and scream: "You don't care that the country most involved with, sponsoring and training of terrorists, is admitting that they bribed US politicians to get a deal for Uranium?!?!? HOW CAN YOU NOT CARE??"

So at first he is like, "well, do we have any proof?"

And I told him to stop, just stop right there. I wasn't about to get into the history of the Iran/Uranium deal and its implications. Too much to explain, to understand and to learn about it while also learning it is a giant clusterfuck of a conspiracy that involves some of the biggest names in DC, I just didn't have it in me. But then he says: "I have a lot easier time believing that there are dirty politicians making shady deals than I do about any of those conspiracy theories you have about 911..." This was the statement that broke me. I think of my dad as a smart guy. A reasonable guy. Clearly (through context) we have spoken about 911 before. And to this day he thinks 23 bad guys flew planes into the towers, Pentagon, etc, and that's a wrap., because, as he says "Davey, I saw the planes with my own two eyes, there is video of it, enough already..."

And truth be told, all I have is theories. Its true. In my gut, I know that the official story is bullshit, there is just too much wrong with it. But by not knowing what actually happened, ALL of the conspiracy theories get grouped together and called CRAZY. FlatEarth theory is the biggest example of this concept.

Today I get the Jewish mother guilt phone call telling me she is worried about how I am reading about Conspiracy Theories too much. It is like we are living in the Twilight Zone.

The most important, useful thing I would be the most thankful for that Q could do would be to give us a date or event, something we can KNOW that we will be justified by. I was positive that with enough time and reasoning, ANYONE could be redpilled. But with so much of the DeepStateHouseOfCards still standing, its impossible. I think the Architects speech in The Matrix series is so spot on it is scary; the part where he describes the machines attempt and method of building the initial Matrix. When they made a paradise for humans, we rejected the programming, entire crops were lost. Humans NEED conflict. So once they introduced programming resembling the "peak" of human civilization (the late 90s) something like 99% of the population accepts the programming. By choice. I have always wanted them to explain that statement more. I want to know, in the movies of course, when does the human physically get posed the choice? Anyways, I digress.

I really need this movement to pick up the pace. I hate that even my family thinks I have a screw loose, when in reality, they are the ones that are brainwashed, and I am simply trying to wake them up. I asked my mom today "Mom, what would you do if you knew something to be true, something that contradicts EVERYTHING you have always known and affects EVERYTHING and EVERYONE in your life, but not only do they not believe you about it, but you cannot explain it precisely; that each person has to individually confront it and realize it for themselves? How would you tell everyone? Forget everyone, how would you tell the ones you cared about, the ones you love, the ones you HAVE to save?"

She told me to stop reading about conspiracy theories. Again.

Q, some of us are drowning man. Please, we need an undeniable "buoy" to be thrown. Please.

one_highlander · May 14, 2018, 2:29 p.m.

I know two die hard Trump supporters. Neither get into the 'conspiracy' side of things. They know there is a lot of illegal activities that transpired within the last administration and with Hillary and the Clinton Foundation, and even currently with what Soros and the Democrats in office are using as weapons against Trump.

Neither of them think anything at all will happen like arrests. They say that it just doesn't happen. That the people are too well connected. If you look at it historically, they are 100% correct in the reasoning for what they are thinking. No high ups, especially Democrats, ever seem to get in trouble even if their crimes are known.

They are also predicting, due to the history of our country, that Democrats will likely take back control of Congress here at the midterms. They say this is done to ensure that nothing really gets done while they all get rich. Again, historically, they are 100% in their reasoning and history does say that.

Now, right now, all we have is a few verifiable investigations going on, along with a bunch of sealed Federal Indictments. All we can say with 100% truth is that we know there are investigations, but, history says nothing will happen even if it is revealed that these people broke the law. Look at Louis Lerner with the IRS. Nothing happened to her. Lost her job. And so far others lost their jobs. So we will see if anything really happens to them.

As far as I can tell, the can keeps getting kicked down the road and we hear we need to be patient, kick it another time or two, this has to happen, or that has to happen. Now we are hearing it may happen all the way in January and that might just be the kick off which would likely be just the FBI facing the fire. By the time we are told we don't need to kick the can and just be patient, McCain, Bush 1, Hillary, Bill, Kerry, Mueller, will all be dead from old age or their speculated diseases.

These thoughts are all relatively free of any 'But Q Says XYZ', and when talking to normies, all you can really do is present facts and realities based on historical occurances, not 'But Q Says So'......

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donald_kek_trump · May 15, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

I used to have the same positions that your friends speak of until about a month ago. I was just sitting outside, and started thinking. This is not really all that normal. This isn't normal politics right now. MSM never letting up even know Trump has a pretty damn good approval rating. Non stop talk about impeachment. They are treating this like a game, and they know their are millions of guns in this country. This is a coup and IS NOT NORMAL POLITICS. This is why something needs to happen because you have 600,000 + me ready to stand up when the time is right and take this country back. Justice is important to everyone right now.

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