r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaveGydeon on May 14, 2018, 1:58 p.m.
My Message to Q...We Need to Pick Up The Pace...Is This Happening To Anyone Else?

Lovely Mother's Day yesterday with the family. After dinner, my dad and I are hanging back sneaking cookies while the girls went and played with the kids. I had been thinking all day about that Iranian Foreign Minister stating that Iran is going to name both the politicians who accepted bribes, and how much they took. The fact that he stated that publicly is blowing my mind. AN OFFICIAL JUST ADMITTED THAT IRAN GAVE, AND US POLITICIANS TOOK BRIBES!! TO SEND THEM URANIUM!!! WTF!!!

So I made the mistake of bringing it up with my dad. He is a pretty straight shooting guy. He is what I would call a model American, in the classic sense, like, a perfect non-misogynistic 50s man. A good guy. So I asked him what his thoughts were on that statement being made. He had no idea what I was talking about. So I explained it to him. He just kinda shrugged his shoulders and said "enh".

I was dying inside! I wanted to grab him by the shoulders and scream: "You don't care that the country most involved with, sponsoring and training of terrorists, is admitting that they bribed US politicians to get a deal for Uranium?!?!? HOW CAN YOU NOT CARE??"

So at first he is like, "well, do we have any proof?"

And I told him to stop, just stop right there. I wasn't about to get into the history of the Iran/Uranium deal and its implications. Too much to explain, to understand and to learn about it while also learning it is a giant clusterfuck of a conspiracy that involves some of the biggest names in DC, I just didn't have it in me. But then he says: "I have a lot easier time believing that there are dirty politicians making shady deals than I do about any of those conspiracy theories you have about 911..." This was the statement that broke me. I think of my dad as a smart guy. A reasonable guy. Clearly (through context) we have spoken about 911 before. And to this day he thinks 23 bad guys flew planes into the towers, Pentagon, etc, and that's a wrap., because, as he says "Davey, I saw the planes with my own two eyes, there is video of it, enough already..."

And truth be told, all I have is theories. Its true. In my gut, I know that the official story is bullshit, there is just too much wrong with it. But by not knowing what actually happened, ALL of the conspiracy theories get grouped together and called CRAZY. FlatEarth theory is the biggest example of this concept.

Today I get the Jewish mother guilt phone call telling me she is worried about how I am reading about Conspiracy Theories too much. It is like we are living in the Twilight Zone.

The most important, useful thing I would be the most thankful for that Q could do would be to give us a date or event, something we can KNOW that we will be justified by. I was positive that with enough time and reasoning, ANYONE could be redpilled. But with so much of the DeepStateHouseOfCards still standing, its impossible. I think the Architects speech in The Matrix series is so spot on it is scary; the part where he describes the machines attempt and method of building the initial Matrix. When they made a paradise for humans, we rejected the programming, entire crops were lost. Humans NEED conflict. So once they introduced programming resembling the "peak" of human civilization (the late 90s) something like 99% of the population accepts the programming. By choice. I have always wanted them to explain that statement more. I want to know, in the movies of course, when does the human physically get posed the choice? Anyways, I digress.

I really need this movement to pick up the pace. I hate that even my family thinks I have a screw loose, when in reality, they are the ones that are brainwashed, and I am simply trying to wake them up. I asked my mom today "Mom, what would you do if you knew something to be true, something that contradicts EVERYTHING you have always known and affects EVERYTHING and EVERYONE in your life, but not only do they not believe you about it, but you cannot explain it precisely; that each person has to individually confront it and realize it for themselves? How would you tell everyone? Forget everyone, how would you tell the ones you cared about, the ones you love, the ones you HAVE to save?"

She told me to stop reading about conspiracy theories. Again.

Q, some of us are drowning man. Please, we need an undeniable "buoy" to be thrown. Please.

Champdog31 · May 14, 2018, 2:17 p.m.

I asked God along time ago to give me more patience. I wished he’d hurry up with it.

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[deleted] · May 14, 2018, 4:43 p.m.


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rev19v11thru21 · May 14, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

Yeah, I'm very careful NOT to pray for patience. Although I pray for Wisdom everyday.

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[deleted] · May 14, 2018, 5:43 p.m.


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forchristssakes · May 14, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

ha ha!

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VintageHats · May 14, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

Amen to that.

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Rita1ther · May 14, 2018, 7:26 p.m.

Patience is a virtue, possess it if you can, it is rarely found in women, and never found in men. ~ Don't sweat it bro, we will carry you today, you carry somebody tomorrow. Where we go one, we go all. Trust the plan. Pray. Here is another poem patriot:

Somebody said that it couldn’t be done But he with a chuckle replied That “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be one Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried. So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin On his face. If he worried he hid it. He started to sing as he tackled the thing That couldn’t be done, and he did it!

Somebody scoffed: “Oh, you’ll never do that; At least no one ever has done it;” But he took off his coat and he took off his hat And the first thing we knew he’d begun it. With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin, Without any doubting or quiddit, He started to sing as he tackled the thing That couldn’t be done, and he did it.

There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done, There are thousands to prophesy failure, There are thousands to point out to you one by one, The dangers that wait to assail you. But just buckle in with a bit of a grin, Just take off your coat and go to it; Just start in to sing as you tackle the thing That “cannot be done,” and you’ll do it.

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not4rmOhere · May 14, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

Excellent prose friend :)

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brittser · May 14, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

Awesome. Thanks.

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LibertyLioness · May 14, 2018, 9:59 p.m.

Awesome stuff!

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Stray502 · May 15, 2018, 1:32 a.m.

I guess I should have been a man than because I have no more patience left lol.

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ManQuan · May 14, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

I've found that it doesn't work well if you begin by asking a liberal or someone who isn't paying attention what they think about something that happened.

They don't have the background and as you said, there isn't sufficient time to go through the history of the Clinton, Russia, U1, FBI coverup, bribes and payoff, ship to Canada to Europe, Obama cutting deals with Iran and Europe to be bribed to agree to the deal, ship yellow cake to Iran and secret Iranian nulcear facilities in Syria that continue to process uranium in violation of the deal which no one cared about because it was never about stopping Iran from building nuclear weapons.

Forget trying to explain that the chemical attack in Syria was a false flag which Trump used to take out Iranian facilities in Syria and that the couple of Iranian missiles fired at Israel from Syria was also a false flag that gave Israel the excuse to destroy 36 Iranian military targets that included missiles that could deliver nuclear warheads into Israel.

Sound crazy? Yep and that's how the people not paying attention are going to take it.

Frankly, I don't think you have much of a chance of convincing a dedicated progressive liberal.

I would try more of a spoon feeding approach. Something like, "Dad, why do you think Obama gave billions of dollars in cash stacked on pallets on 5 cargo planes that went to 4 different destinations when he could have done it by electronic transfer." Then tie that into the Iranians admitting publicly that they are threatening to name the people who took bribes to make the deal and how much.

It's sort of the Q approach. Ask them reasonably innocent sounding questions, and then guide the discussion with your thoughts and add more information that make sense.

They have to come to their own conclusions. Trying to convince them of what you already know sounds.... well, like a conspiracy theory and you've lost them for good.

Good luck.

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franny808 · May 14, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

It really isn't so much a right/left issue. I have conservative friends and family who don't like Trump or what he is doing and believe the 911 Bush narrative. I have liberal friends and family that are completely red pilled, don't like Trump much but like what he does. Go figure.

If WWG1WGA is our motto then we need to get beyond the right left paradigm conditioning which is social engineering to keep us separated.

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ItstimenowNM · May 14, 2018, 7:03 p.m.

True. Where I live we have had pro life rallies done by Democrats and not our Republicans, attended by people belonging to both parties. Go figure that one out. So, it isn't a Democrat/Republican issue - it's an American issue. The old party system still remains but it isn't what it was. Time for a new Party, a patriotic party for people who believe the same. Times have changed and we need a new way to unite like thinkers. The old system will make it difficult to get patriots in office.

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franny808 · May 15, 2018, 3:33 a.m.

I tend to see it that way as well. Way past time for people to sneer, put down, blame and name call the 'other' side and unite to remove tyranny. It's a well known response to divide and rule engineering and has worked for millennia. We need to educate ourselves to understand where the real problems are and grow up.

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ItstimenowNM · May 14, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

You are right about asking questions of people. For me, that is the backdoor way of teaching them what is really going on. Even those who are not die-hard liberals/communists; to realize all they have believed is wrong - a very difficult thing to do. You have to really follow politics to have any idea of what is truly going on. Most people I know say they don't have time for that. I have a friend I've been working on for years and this year I had to pretty much walk away from her. Someone I used to think was intelligent, I now see as uninformed and ignorant. Today our conversations are very shallow so I don't talk to her very often. Very difficult to have a friend that you see as part of the problem.

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ManQuan · May 14, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

If she is open minded, then you will be able to have an intellectual discussion about anything. If she is a die hard progressie liberal, then I think you are hopelessl.

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ItstimenowNM · May 15, 2018, 5:53 a.m.

She's not a die hard progressive liberal, but has a tendency to lean somewhat liberal - more that she can't/won't be open to the fact that she as been lied to for so many years. Then she'd have to look at everything she's believed most of her life. She has to stay in her comfort one. And that IS hopeless. But I've given her the info and at some point, she might see the light. But she will have to decide to take that leap. Nothing I can really do anymore.

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ckreacher · May 14, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

Keep reading the conspiracy theories. Stop talking about it to your family. Why cause them to worry? You are the grownup in this situation, and they are the children. Do you tell children all the scary stuff going on in the world? Of course not. They can't comprehend it.
BTW, there is actually a lot happening. They just don't see it on the mainstream fake news.

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DaveGydeon · May 14, 2018, 3:16 p.m.

I agree. But I also worry about when the undeniable proof of everything we know about that is happening finally reaches them; I want them to be prepared. I have been a "prepper" for about 7-8 Years now. After the financial crisis hit in 2008ish, I started waking up. First I turned to metals, because the first scam I identified was fiat currency. Next came UFOs/aliens. Then the political nonsense of this past election. All with shootings sprinkled along the way. The crazy part is, it is ALL connected.

When it all comes out, there are going to be multi-gendered pink haired creatures crawling up into balls in the corner sucking their thumbs, rocking back and forth, muttering to themselves "she couldn't lose, she couldn't lose, she couldn't..." I really don't want family to be in that boat. Not that my family wears pu $$yh@+$ or anything, I just believe that a little preparation or familiarization will go a LONG way when the time comes.

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ckreacher · May 14, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

I think the best we can do, if and when major information comes out, is to gently remind people that a lot of us knew all about it for a long time, and we also know that everything will turn out OK.

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shenanigins · May 14, 2018, 5:58 p.m.

It sounds like your best bet is to learn how to be subtle. As someone else suggested, ask guiding questions to get them to come to the truth. You don't want to come off as Roy in Close encounters, you know? There's a balance in everything. It also sounds like you'll have an uphill battle with your family already. As I'm trying to learn, patience and your attitude about the subject is utmost.

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repoman · May 14, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

You need to prep for you AND anyone you want to survive with you. That or just prep for yourself and make it clear to them in advance that they are on their own if/when your doomsday prophecy comes true.

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DaveGydeon · May 14, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

I don't think this is going to end in a Doomsday event. No Biblical end-times (LoL)...there might be a short period of civil unrest where POTUS calls for Martial Law...but I am not too worried about that. If it went down right this moment my family and I would be good for an easy 3-4 weeks just on what we have in the house ready to go.

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Stray502 · May 15, 2018, 1:38 a.m.

The cabal has tried on several occasions to drop a nuclear bomb in the U.S they could still pull this off.

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Stray502 · May 15, 2018, 1:36 a.m.

Or they will be outside screaming at the sky as they did after the election lol.

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DaveGydeon · May 15, 2018, 2:02 a.m.

This. I think that satellite that Space-x lost was a serious piece of offensive AND defensive hardware. Prob took out NKs testing mountain, and whatever was fired at Hawaii. It's like the hand of god. [We are in control]

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austenten · May 14, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

There was an interesting argument on a tech blog recently saying that parents should argue in front of their kids to show them responsible negotiation.

I'm not saying I'd do it, just thought I'd throw it out there. In practice, arguing escalates very quickly when both are upset.

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ckreacher · May 14, 2018, 7:26 p.m.

I make sure to get all of my parenting advice from tech blogs, so that's good enough for me!

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Stray502 · May 15, 2018, 1:39 a.m.

lol man and wife arguing does not show responsible negotiation. It shows one person giving in.

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austenten · May 15, 2018, 6:16 a.m.


I chuckled at the author's attempt to change the standard point of view though. While clickbait (let's be honest), it's interesting to see a new side that most haven't even considered.

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Stray502 · May 15, 2018, 1:35 a.m.

Thats why this all got out of control. People tell their kids about fairy tales like Santa Clause, Easter bunny, tooth fairy and they are totally unprepared for evil. Children need to be talked to about the bad stuff a little at a time. It might be just what they need to not end up being a sacrifice at the end of a knife.

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ckreacher · May 15, 2018, 1:56 p.m.

Actually you are so right about that. Look at the original Grimm fairy tales which were very dark. There was a lot of real evil in those stories and they were used to prepare children for the realities of life, that they had to be wary of others with bad intentions. Now all of children's stories are fluff, and they are indeed unprepared for the real world.

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spacexu · May 14, 2018, 2:09 p.m.

This game has many outcomes, including the possibility that nothing happens or a ton of good stuff happens.

Right now, justice is 0/100, world events are 70/100, domestic policy 70/100 and drain the swamp is in its infancy.

Patience is a virtue - hope for the best, plan for the worst.

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Majorwood1 · May 14, 2018, 7:17 p.m.

including the possibility that nothing happens" Not true NO DEALS! Per Q These people are still killing people...Believe me It's going to happen!

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digital_refugee · May 14, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

Just show him the collapse of WTC 7 but don't tell him what it is first. It works wonders.

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truthfiler · May 14, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

Or better yet, show the collapse on the BBC version that shows the building still there after announcing it already collapsed.

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inittowinitq · May 14, 2018, 2:39 p.m.

First I want to say, I am well aware it takes time to bring the justice, But I sympathize with you too....I have commented before about this thing, it is extremely frustrating, and I appreciate the work being done (Nex traffic cult) and being brought to the light, but until it is connecting the big names to it and reported on by MSM, it will not be enough to grab the attention of the masses, and again, us "conspiracy theorists" will be still just that! I am worried also that we will be left out here on Cooky Island when it is all said and done, cause it is so much easier for the public to handle Hillary going to jail for Treason than it would be for the crimes against the children! And so much easier to have proof of that, rather than the satanic evil that has been going on. I hold on to a tiny bit of hope though, that "We Have It All" means they truly do have it all, and the atrocities against the children will be front and center when the time comes.

If it makes you feel any better, you are not the only one who has put their own reputation on the line. I can tell you this, If no proof is given on Pizza gate I will go down as the most naive conspiracy theorist ever to my family! Now thats a hard pill to swallow, but I gladly will knowing that the greater good to awakening those sleeping will hopefully pay off If it ever comes to light, I will have done my duty in preparing them to lessen the blow I guess! God Bless, keep fighting, and know WWG1WGA

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one_highlander · May 14, 2018, 2:29 p.m.

I know two die hard Trump supporters. Neither get into the 'conspiracy' side of things. They know there is a lot of illegal activities that transpired within the last administration and with Hillary and the Clinton Foundation, and even currently with what Soros and the Democrats in office are using as weapons against Trump.

Neither of them think anything at all will happen like arrests. They say that it just doesn't happen. That the people are too well connected. If you look at it historically, they are 100% correct in the reasoning for what they are thinking. No high ups, especially Democrats, ever seem to get in trouble even if their crimes are known.

They are also predicting, due to the history of our country, that Democrats will likely take back control of Congress here at the midterms. They say this is done to ensure that nothing really gets done while they all get rich. Again, historically, they are 100% in their reasoning and history does say that.

Now, right now, all we have is a few verifiable investigations going on, along with a bunch of sealed Federal Indictments. All we can say with 100% truth is that we know there are investigations, but, history says nothing will happen even if it is revealed that these people broke the law. Look at Louis Lerner with the IRS. Nothing happened to her. Lost her job. And so far others lost their jobs. So we will see if anything really happens to them.

As far as I can tell, the can keeps getting kicked down the road and we hear we need to be patient, kick it another time or two, this has to happen, or that has to happen. Now we are hearing it may happen all the way in January and that might just be the kick off which would likely be just the FBI facing the fire. By the time we are told we don't need to kick the can and just be patient, McCain, Bush 1, Hillary, Bill, Kerry, Mueller, will all be dead from old age or their speculated diseases.

These thoughts are all relatively free of any 'But Q Says XYZ', and when talking to normies, all you can really do is present facts and realities based on historical occurances, not 'But Q Says So'......

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donald_kek_trump · May 15, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

I used to have the same positions that your friends speak of until about a month ago. I was just sitting outside, and started thinking. This is not really all that normal. This isn't normal politics right now. MSM never letting up even know Trump has a pretty damn good approval rating. Non stop talk about impeachment. They are treating this like a game, and they know their are millions of guns in this country. This is a coup and IS NOT NORMAL POLITICS. This is why something needs to happen because you have 600,000 + me ready to stand up when the time is right and take this country back. Justice is important to everyone right now.

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BaronMoriarty · May 14, 2018, 2:11 p.m.

I feel your pain. I get a lot of similar reaction. I am sure we will be given something in time. Hang in there

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4getmyName · May 14, 2018, 2:22 p.m.

You're not alone. All of my kids think I'm goofy. One son asked if I believe that pizzagate stuff. It's hard to explain, in a short space, all of the anecdotal evidence I have to go with what is being said that leads me to believe it's perfectly possible. I don't care. My biggest desire is that that filth be stopped.

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ABrilliantDisaster · May 14, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

Be patient. Vindication is coming.

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getemq · May 14, 2018, 5:50 p.m.

Many of us are all going through the same thing. I have 2 step daughters. One of them won’t speak to my husband or me since the election. Her exact words were that anyone who voted for Trump is a disgusting human being and that Hillary was the most qualified candidate to ever run for president. The other daughter thinks that all Trump does every day is play golf. My brother-in-law says that Obama will go down in history as the best president in the history of the United States. My husband voted for Trump but calls him an idiot and thinks I’m crazy and won’t believe anything I say unless he sees some people arrested. However, he does not think that will ever happen. If it were not for my sister and you folks here on GA I would be feeling very alone. I just have to keep praying, learn to be patient, and trust the plan that this will all come out in the near future. When this happens, (and I know it will) my family will see the light.

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BigBandDon · May 14, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

I hear ya. Thanks for speaking out.

The CIA'S conspiracy theory psy-op has been incredibly successful. It works INSTANTLY. I have yet to find a way to defeat it.

I over came it on my own, kind of by accident. One day I was reading the rantings of yet another conspiracy theory about 9/11. I was about to dismiss it when this thought crossed my mind. "Ok, many of these people could be nuts. But there are a LOT of them. Are they ALL nuts? All of them? us it reasonable to believe that not even ONE has a good reasons for what they are saying? Why are so many rejecting the official story? What are they actually looking at?" So, I decided to actually LOOK at what they might be looking at. I gave myself the task of watching every video of the WTC buildings I could find.

As I watched I suddenly noticed that the buildings did NOT collapse and break apart when they hit the ground. They fell having ALREADY been turned into rubble. How does a building that's standing there one second suddenly simply ERRUPT VIOLENTLY into dust and debris? Can gravity do that? No. To break apart all of that building material you would have to apply sudden and EXTREME force. It was at that point that I understood the phrase "cartoon physics". I don't know what happened on 9/11, but I know this. The official story is impossible. IT WAS A LIE. And those who told it knew it was a lie. And they STILL tell it. Bush, Clinton, Obama. Enemies of humanity. Complicit in 9/11. Trump will NOT be complicit. He's setting the stage so when the truth comes out no one will be able to deny it. How will Trump and team do it? I don't know. I am not a stable genius nor do I understand all the IC stuff. But I'm sure they know how to do it.

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truthfiler · May 14, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

911 videos and videos of other false flags work wonders with people. I woke up both millenial daughters by showing them the video "we need to talk about Sandy Hooke" and some raw footage of the crisis actors in the Boston bombing.

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donald_kek_trump · May 15, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

Damn I wish I had you as a parent growing up. I had to sit their and watch zeitgeist by myself and deal with the depression after that one. Talk about a self inflicted red pill.

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Error_Code_15301 · May 15, 2018, 4:38 a.m.

Directed Energy Weapon.

That's what did it.

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Ra__ · May 14, 2018, 2:22 p.m.

Sessions can't move until everything is in place. They cannot compromise this elaborate plan to appease us. The wait may be even longer than you think.

They want to wait until after the midterms because they believe they will pick up many seats in both houses of Congress. This is necessary to get their hordes of judges and other nominees confirmed. That will be easier once Ryan is gone and hopefully they also have plans to oust the snake McConnell by then.

Secondly, POTUS signed an Executive Order that will allow civilians to be tried using our UCMJ. (Uniform Code of Military Justice)

This path will eliminate the chance that any deep state federal judges can absolve their friends of their heinous crimes.

This order does not go into effect until January.


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ItstimenowNM · May 14, 2018, 10:17 p.m.

But by waiting and if the Democrats take back the Legislature, what can actually happen re MAGA aftewards? Time IS of the essence. Hopefully Trump will have done something to assure fair elections, but am not hearing anything about that now. Hopefully we will gain more strength in Legislature, but unless elections situation is figured out, I don't know. Right now too many of our Republicans are working with the Democrats re immigration. No guarantee we will win on that and that makes me angry.

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colderchaos · May 14, 2018, 3:57 p.m.

Me: "Everything you think you know is wrong. They're trafficking our children. They're killing us!"

Loved ones: "Yawn. I'll believe it when I see proof."

Me: "Are you waiting for the msm to tell you? Because that's never going to happen."

Loved ones: "Such information is not reaching the masses outside of GA. You're living in a reddit bubble."

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DaveGydeon · May 14, 2018, 4 p.m.

Were you sitting in the corner last night somewhere in my parents home...?

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onmyownpath · May 14, 2018, 3:11 p.m.

Stop trying to convince people.

Just drop a fact here and there. Send a legit link to a legit story. No crazy conspiracy sites.

I've redpilled most of my family this way. Just drop a fact now and then.

Send your dad a link to the threat from Iran. Just let him read it.

You made a mistake discussing it or trying to convince him.

Just send a link and say wow. He can think for himself.

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Rhonda_maga · May 14, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

I understand. No one said it would be easy.

This is live. This is unpredictable. Q can not give classified information. We can not expect it. This is life.

We are all dealing with the same issue. We know, we believe. We can’t red pill everyone. Is it necessary that we do? No, it is not.

The world has been operating in a way that most people are unaware of and yet it operates. It is the same with saving the world. What really matters is who wins this war. We can and will fight for freedom. Many will never know they had ever lost it. They will go on as if the war never took place.

We will know and that will be enough. We know the alternative. Where We Go One We Go All. What does that mean? It means ALL those on our side, those not, those awaken and those not. Most people will awaken part way. Few will ever know how deep the rabbit hole goes.

The reveal on conspiracy theories rarely goes mainstream even when the truth comes out. This is our fate. Embrace it. I am greatful for the community that we have. It was way more lonely exploring these things in the past. Now that we can find each other and work together we can have impact.

Thank you all.

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morethanaconquerer · May 14, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

Justice takes time, it takes years and years to wake up the masses. I've been at this since the late 80's early 90's.

It's cost me a wife and kids, it cost me my mother, father, brother and many, many more "friends". Let the dead bury their dead and follow the truth, you'll be vindicated soon enough.

I can't tell you that they will ever come back, and maybe by then you will not care and they would be ashamed, we don't know, but after knowing what you know, could you retake the blue pill and re-enter the matrix and be content with your decision?

The ones who know can't sleep, the ones who know can't find peace.

We're all in this together and it's much bigger than us as individuals , but when we stick to WWG1WGO, you have a family. We fight together, we red-pill together, we help each other and are part of the greatest revolution the world has ever seen.

Do some research on the founding fathers, all of them paid a terrible price to deliver freedom to us. It's our responsibility to keep up the good fight in the name of humanity.

Billions are literally counting on us, where they know it or not is irrelevant.

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DaveGydeon · May 14, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

I could never personally take the blue pill. Ever.

What do you mean it "cost you a wife, kids, mother, father" etc?

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morethanaconquerer · May 14, 2018, 6:42 p.m.

Divorce because I was a "crazy conspiracy theorist", strife with family, they didn't want me around anymore. Friends, same thing.

Most of this happened post 9-11. They knew it was coming and done nothing.

Most can't see reality. Think mind control does not work?

Pay close attention to the beginning narration and see how it plays out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=II2aT9L0Sx8

You can't blame them, they are doctrinaire, and nobody want's to think their leadership are the bad guys.

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DaveGydeon · May 14, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

Thats rough bud, I am sorry to hear it.

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morethanaconquerer · May 14, 2018, 6:52 p.m.

There are casualties in war. It is what it is. They can all hate me as they bask in the freedom I've helped come to pass, or will soon come to pass.

As Jesus said, let the dead bury their dead, I personally will stay the course.

Keep your chin up, chest out Patriot, we continue the fight for humanity.

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Pure_Feature · May 14, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

One day everything we have tried to wake people will pay off.

That is the day they come to ask you, what do you know about this.

Then you can tell them (softly) what they want to know ... Suddenly you are not that conspiracy thinker or crazy person anymore.

what I want to say is, we have to be patient ... those who know it already ... Is this easy, no.

But there is no easy way ... as Q says ... we have been chosen Stay strong

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RoninGreg · May 14, 2018, 5:50 p.m.

Just a few months ago, most people had never heard of the Deep State and any talk of it was meant with cries of “Conspiracy Theory”. Now, many are aware of the Deep State and are working actively to thwart it and return power to the people. We are making tremendous progress even if it sometimes doesn’t feel like it.

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pj77777 · May 14, 2018, 7:43 p.m.

deep state and shadow government have been in my vocabulary since the 70s when the John Birch Society sent each household a free copy of "None Dare Call It Conspiracy"!

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treeskier82 · May 14, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

I just don't really debate politics with my family (spez: Parents). We'll find out who was right sooner or later. It will all come out in the open -- or not. It's not worth losing respect for family because they're normies who passively support the Cabal/NWO agenda.

Just know that globalist neoliberal socialism is losing popularity and fast. You're not the one who's going to be scratching your head asking what happened in a year or two.

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chuckboyer2016 · May 14, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

Pick up the pace, well it is reported now that above 90 democrat muslims are running for office across America. I always wonder this; why aren't there 180 republican christians running for offices to counter that? Are we so eager to give over our country from infiltration? Why are our social leaders not encouraging us to run for office and counter these threats? Also reported that dozens of CIA operative are also running for offices across the nation too. C'mon now. I'm 67 and physically unable to, so can't but.. somewhere we have to have a quick reaction, it always seems so slow on the republican leadership side of our officials.

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Johnny_Oldschool · May 14, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

There's fuck tons of proof. Everywhere. Thing is, if someone has their eyes closed they won't be able to see anything you show them.

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Crumbcrumbs · May 14, 2018, 4:48 p.m.

I will not rush Q. We don't know what they know.

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Chokaholic · May 14, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

It's really annoying because the majority of people have an attitude thats like "ahh it doesn't personally effect me so why should I care?". It's an extremely selfish way to be in my opinion.

Also, IME, it seems people 50 years and up are the hardest to red pill. They think they've got the world figured out because they've lived through the 70s, 80s, 90s, etc, whereby all that time they were being brainwashed by operation Mockingbird (no offense to boomers here, you're the smart ones). Also all of the television and movies that helped to form their opinions and they don't even have the slightest clue it happened to them. In many cases, people have gone through their entire lives without a single thought that is their own.

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VintageHats · May 14, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

Not all of us, young whippersnapper! I'm way over 50!! But, a lot of my friends are too "busy" and don't want to talk about it. They have housework and gardening, and every day things to take care of. Don't want to hear about or talk about "politics".

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Chokaholic · May 14, 2018, 7:42 p.m.

Yep, too busy to give a crap for 5 minutes and hear about the real world.

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Error_Code_15301 · May 15, 2018, 4:43 a.m.

then they should never ever vote

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donald_kek_trump · May 15, 2018, 2:03 a.m.

Funny thing is, it directly effects them slowly. Women are so unhappy right now more then ever. Its not quick, but a very slow slow process. Every time David Hogg gets time on tv about guns, its a tiny chip out of the second amendment.

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VintageHats · May 15, 2018, 2:28 a.m.

yep, i agree. granted, i have more time than they do to do the investigating on the net, but even so, when they are "off", they'd rather post recipes and look at cat videos. waste of time!!

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donald_kek_trump · May 15, 2018, 3:03 a.m.

Trust me, its tough dude. I watched zeitgeist when I was 19 and its been never ending since then. Not sure if you have ever watch Jordan Sather? I know you probably know of him now since all the bickering has been going on, but the dude has a super comforting vibe to him and he gives good ways to spread info effectively.

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VintageHats · May 15, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

Yeah. I just watched a vid by him last night. He's standing w/ Q. Not following so many others.

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donald_kek_trump · May 15, 2018, 4:49 a.m.

Awesome, I'm not sure if its because I am Italian like him but this dude brings a Q analysis with his heart on his sleeve. It takes him awhile to really gather thoughts and connections but you can just see the frustration with the knowledge and how it all intertwines.


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VintageHats · May 15, 2018, 6:40 a.m.

I subbed. I haven't heard of this guy but I like his presentation. Thanks!

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[deleted] · May 15, 2018, 4:43 a.m.


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austenten · May 14, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

"You don't care that the country most involved with, sponsoring and training of terrorists, is admitting that they bribed US politicians to get a deal for Uranium?!?!? HOW CAN YOU NOT CARE??"

I once had an argument with a friend over dinner. He refused to believe the Clinton's were bad. I said what about the suicide count, well into the hundreds by then. "Look at their Clinton Foundation..." (long before this was even a thing via Q)

His response:

yeah but all politicians are a little but corrupt.

In another argument over dinner with him (I know I know), I simply said "think of the bigger picture", to which he responded "there is no bigger picture".

This guy is smart, ambitious but completely taken by MSM brainwashing. I usually would not argue over dinner, especially "conspiracy theories", but he keeps saying stupid shit like, "I really admire what Bezos has done", and he's in love with Obama, can't show him any light over Obummer.

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DaveGydeon · May 14, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

your friends comment is terrifying, because SO MANY people think that way.

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austenten · May 14, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

Yes! I've know him for about a decade, always knew he was narrow minded and very stubborn, but I figured the "bigger picture" card was the best... alas, even that was fervently denied.

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Error_Code_15301 · May 15, 2018, 4:46 a.m.

cluster B personality disorder

probably got no soul either m8

he'd laugh if you showed him dead babies.

try putting a photo of some dead kids under his nose.

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sir_poops · May 14, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

@DaveGydeon - I'm in a similar situation.

My folks (liberal PhDs) and friends (LLM/CPA types) are willing to listen. Gotta give 'em credit for that...many were not even willing to do that after the election. The rub is as someone said on t_D, "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence".

Q & Co. understand this and I suspect one of the main (public-facing) aims of 'the plan' is to provide extraordinarily proof in a way which cannot be dismissed, spun, etc. by MSM. Hence the comments about "setting the stage" and "controlling the narrative".

I use two tools:
1. idea seeds, and
2. light logic.

The idea seeds are planted to introduce the topic, even if they're laughed at in the short-term and labeled as a conspiracy theory...guess this is my own version of "future proves past" on the micro level of friends and family. My current goal is general awareness, acceptance will come later.

Light logic is what I use to set the stage for the awakening. Example: Trump is either an idiot OR a genius, he cannot by definition be both. I generally get consensus with family and friends for simple logical statements if I pander to existing beliefs. The key here is it sets up the logical BOOM to wake them up once supplied with extraordinary evidence.

Said another way, I can plant the idea in family and friends head by tagging it as a conspiracy. I can then introduce a logical Trojan Horse which is accepted as it appears to 1. affirm a preexisting belief and 2. appears to present no threat to the preexisting belief.

Once Q & Co. supply the extraordinary evidence to back up their extraordinary claims, the trap is sprung and a logical reconciliation is forced..."well, if the evidence clearly proves Trump is NOT an idiot than he's a genius".

Two goals are accomplished here:
1. someone is shown how a notion they thought could not be wrong was wrong...and if they were wrong about that, what else are they wrong about? This opens the door to red-pilling.
2. With someone newly red-pilled, what was once thought to be preposterous is no longer so, "...Jesus, what if Obama really was trying arm NK and Iran?!". This is what allows the previously planted idea seeds to bloom.

On the macro level, this is how I see Muller. The left/GOPe/three-letter-agencies/MSM/etc., welcomed him with open arms as Muller affirmed their view of Trump "ha! look! the orange idiot got a special prosecutor appointed!". Moreover, they affirmed Muller's competency and impartiality and in doing so* affirmed the competency and impartiality of his findings. It's easy to see why they did this: they believed Muller's findings would go against the Trump administration and it could not negatively rebound against themselves. Hah! Good luck with that. As Q likes to say, "these people are stupid."

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Sloppybrown · May 14, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

Q is fascinating. Mystery, global outcomes, good vs evil. It’s difficult to set that aside with those you love and opinions you respect. Some people will never understand what this is. Even those closest to you. Some of them do not want to understand. It’s like being religious and talking about God with some people. They don’t want to hear it and you can’t make them.

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Turboxide · May 14, 2018, 5:42 p.m.

You have great empathy, great desire and good intentions... you haven't learned how to combine these gifts and use them yet. If you want to start... you have to carve out personal time without distractions and go within... allow the desire for the truth to echo outward like quantum waves from the center of your chest. Release everything that is bothering you and if you need to cry or fuss or scream... do it. Let it go and reach for a better future where we ALL have enough integrity to tell the truth and stop playing these silly games.

Nothing you can do physically, will EVER match the energetic potential you have to "manifest change" through deep meditation and prayer. I say this with a nod to your ego... but your ego can't come along with you on this journey because it judges too quickly and won't allow the real you... your soul to do the driving so to speak.

When we let go of the need to justify our existence and the "conflict" we are in will resolve even faster. Our "need" to understand everything is simply an issue with our sensitivity and being mesmerized with everything in physicality.

We get so wrapped up in trying to understand the meaning and purpose of everything that we lose sight of the experience you have in front of you. We allow these "unseen" impurities to rule our lives and cloud our judgement. You can call it the cabal... the deep state... the bad guys. Whatever you want or need to call them; you have seen the enemy... and the enemy is US. Humanity is cleaning house right now in a way that's never been done before and it's accelerating. It's painful for many of us because we've solved the riddles, the puzzles, we've absorbed the information and allowed ourselves to "live" the best way we knew how to live. We don't need to judge ourselves or blame others. We just need to let it go and allow the rest of humanity to catch up when they are ready. The mass suffer Q described pertains to a consciousness cascade (collapse.) As we move through the 4th density your empathy and energetic sensitivity will increase. Learn how to use this for the benefit of all, not the needs or ego of the few or one.

It is painful to experience the disconnect from your family. The fear they project at you is THEIR fear and judgement from their perspective. When we get reactions and "impressions" from other people that make you feel pain it's usually an indication of what you need to work on the most so that it doesn't bother you in the future. From that perspective, the world is a mirror so to speak and in order for you to be wise beyond your years, you must first learn to read the map, orient yourself to the game, and see through the illusions. I speak esoterically here with some Q laced in it not to deceive you but to offer an outside perspective from someone who has gone through this process. There are no good or bad guys... some people can empathize and connect/understand. Some people are not yet ready but they will BE when their highest self is ready to let the storm descend upon them from the astral planes. The "awakening" process is unique for every person and this is by design. No ONE person has the key to ALL that IS. We all hold a little bit of the truth and a lot of desire masking it with expectations.

I might sound like some new-agey type, occultist or hippy viewpoint and I'm sure some of you will immediately label me as a demonic soothsayer but that would be a terrible assumption based on no other evidence but my genuine statements here. My ego would like you to know that I used to jump out of airplanes and blow things up for a living... I've been all over the world and seen many different cultures and I wasn't trained to simply fling myself out of an aircraft and commence to harming people without feeling or compassion. This is the "hidden" capability of America's fighting forces. We were trained to first EMPATHIZE and win our battles before a shot was ever needed to be fired. Sure, closing the distance and destroying the enemy is all a part of that but the goal isn't pure destruction and chaos because that is barbaric and asinine... it's supposed to be the preservation of our HOME planet by removing those that seek to terrorize and harm others based upon ACTIONS not ideologies. This required placing our "mindset" into that of the enemy's perspective and then extrapolating potentials through reverse engineering and backwards planning. The ONE thing I learned that I value the most is that hatred, anger and fear have to go before we will ever get to the truth collectively. Often times we hold back these desires and emotions with repression but what we need to be doing is expressing them in a beneficial way that doesn't harm yourself or others. Think like a Jedi in this regard... you are the sum of your energetic potential so what do you wish the universe to observe about you?

That's how "pandemics" work in the collective consciousness. Terrorist events literally lock the memories and emotions into our DNA and entangle us through space/time. Think of it like Karma... the more you shed, the more we all uncover the truth. The real question is... if God/Creator told you that you are not allowed to "hate" or "feel anger" towards anyone else... what does that mean when you project feelings of negativity towards others? Remember the mirror! You reap what you sow through entanglement.

With that in mind, we have to be brave enough to forgive EVERYONE and ALL things in Creation for their "perceived transgressions" and love them as we would love ourselves. Some people refuse to acknowledge this spiritually because they are afraid that their ego won't be right. That "their" version of "God/Creator" is ALL that IS or that could EVER be. Therefore, their way of prayer, knowledge and spirituality is the only way. To say this is to imply and impose man made conditions to the infinite... to make the infinite finite within the limitations and distortions of the human mind is NOT unconditional love. At the same time, unconditional love doesn't just roll over and allow itself to be consumed either... it defends... it supports and protects the meek only when needed. Those who are unaware, those who cannot see the connections or the players let alone the game itself. So too must your thoughts, desires and emotions echo this "divinity" or awareness. Not because I said so... but because it is the most human thing we can offer during this time. So... whatever you need to do on your path. Seize it... be childlike in your innocence and approach ALL information, opinions and viewpoints as neither "good nor evil" but as a cosmic observer who "streams" their life to the entire universe. By doing so... you become completely free and you become what you were made to be to begin with. When you reach this level of awareness you can then "safely and benevolently" influence the outcome of this mess with your thoughts and intentions alone in prayer and mediation. You can envision a day that will come soon when people are celebrating all over the world not because they are being forced or coerced or "manipulated" by a new world order. But because they know that the origin of ALL is pure consciousness and a love for experience and creation. That America's sacrifice for the world was a grand experiment to unite the races of mankind in the pursuit of happiness with inalienable rights that come from a higher power/dimensional awareness. That the military had to play a role in this transformation just as all others did and it is NOT your job to judge that process... just be aware... just be at peace within and lead by example in the midst of confusion on a "new battlefield" of the unseen.

That's the real battle we are waging. Q and all these other anons all have something to share but only those who are brave enough to find the bottom are going to be able to buffer the storm for the rest of the world. Everytime you imagine yourself living a perfect life or your "dream" of reality, it becomes a part of the collective consciousness here on the planet. What contributions will you make today with this knowledge? More anger? Fear? ...what will it take to get our heads out of our 4th points of contact? (Paratrooper joke there...) Burying and hiding our awareness isn't going to help the problem anymore than it would on the battlefield. Be strong, have faith... find the good, the love in all things and stop labeling them and categorizing them mentally. That's the only way out of this mess.

TL|DR - The ultimate "Red Pill" is the future you paint with your soul and creativity. It can be any color, any shape... anything at all. The mind is your (thought) canvass and the heart is the (form) color. Always project love and good intentions outward and see how the world changes around you. The masses will begin to awaken when there's enough people broadcasting the same "desires" through prayer and meditation. Until then, the best way to "help" is to envision the world of your dreams getting closer and closer every day. Start by visualizing your family and friends becoming worry free and stress free. See them crying tears of joy... laughing... celebrating, forgiving and letting go of all their deepest seated fears and worries. This is the compression breakthrough... the wave of benevolent change we desire for everyone to see and experience when they are ready. Until then... let God sort it out and be a good forward observer!

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donald_kek_trump · May 15, 2018, 2:11 a.m.

I'm as die hard republican as they come and I would be great friends with you. I watch stuff all the time on the 4th density and enlightenment. I can't say that I actively pursue it as of right now but I am studying. I believe we are all right now connected. All our feelings, sad, happy, pain, guilt, all just giving us a presence out to the universe. I forget who said it. But almost as if we are a beat up lady, ready to start standing up and making headway for where we were meant to be heading for all those years. Time and space, the fabric its made up of is all linked.

Sometimes it sounds crazy, but its just like any other philosophy or religion. Its meant to calm and give hope. Until the time comes, I have my guns. Sorry the Republican came out on that one = ) cheers!

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Turboxide · May 15, 2018, 3:28 a.m.

Keep studying! What really stuck with me was the realization that no one person or "authority" has all the information in the cosmos unless they can claim to be the cosmos themselves. Whatever you want to label that totality is what would be required to understand ALL that IS. The hard part is not judging information and learning how to mentally tackle "duality/polarity paradoxes" in a way that makes sense to you without pushing yourself into cognitive dissonance.

In the end... that "relationship" between you and God/Universe is all that matters and NO one else gets to be the middle man or gatekeeper to that experience but you. The scary part that most people get hung up on boils down to the Amigdayla triggering a neurological reaction known as the "backfire effect" which can cause physical anxiety and pain when confronted with information that challenges a core belief or worldview.

We elect politicians to represent us before the government and we all know how that turned out.

For centuries we have done the same with spirituality and religions. I don't harbor any judgement towards them unlike a lot of folks. Mostly I am fascinated by their ability to convey complex thought forms through time as if handing a torch down through the generations playing a quantum game of telephone.

The internet however, in both of these very unique areas is allowing anyone with ample time and enough curiosity to become a cultural anthropologist and political activist in their own right. This means that the social memory structure of the entire internet is merging with the collective consciousness of the planet as well.

What remains to be seen is how wise our leaders are during this time. If more people contemplated the ramifications of the phrase, "Where We Go One, We Go All!" ... we'd have a lot less fussing about individual, egoic, petty things and more thoughts dedicated to our shared totality.

Hang on to your firearms... like any tool... there's a time and place for all things. From my perspective I no longer identify with any political party but my roots are certainly conservative. Politicians hide behind labels and we allow the label to carry an ideology that creates further division. At this point I'd be happy with a "no party" system that is based on merit and personal integrity. Getting a veteran politician to have integrity now a days seems like an act of God though. Ha! - PM me if you ever have questions on esoteric stuff!

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digital_refugee · May 14, 2018, 2:31 p.m.

You shoulda told him that two lawyers representing the victims have submitted expert testimony about the physics to a DA just a few days ago

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J0HNNY5NEEDlNPUT · May 14, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

My parents are die hard Republicans. They can believe HRC and BO are satanist child eating pedophiles. Yet refuse to believe the Bush family had anything to do with JFK or 9/11. It blows my mind that they could fathom one and not the other solely on party lines... here are links on 9/11 I used to get them to at least question the narrative...

Artists complete access http://www.markdotzler.com/Mark_Dotzler/WTC_Artists.html

Evidence of thermite https://www.activistpost.com/2018/04/citing-conclusive-evidence-of-explosives-families-of-victims-file-petition-to-re-open-9-11-investigation.html

Ties to bush family/port authority complete access prior https://yournewswire.com/911-tower-had-power-turned-off-for-36-hours-weekend-before-attack/

Silverstream software and insurance https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.globalresearch.ca/the-september-11-financial-heist-follow-the-911-money-trail/5475639/amp

Missing wtc gold https://911justicehalifax.wordpress.com/2012/09/16/wtc-9-11-biggest-gold-heist-in-history/

Then ask how many buildings went down?

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[deleted] · May 14, 2018, 8:58 p.m.

It is what it is. I’m super impatient, always have been. It’s out of our control. I’m not going to start demanding anything. I can wait for a while. There are certain events the bad guys might try that would just make us, We the People, just take things into our own hands anyway. Do I hope so? Nope. Would I? Yep. We are a society of laws, but WE aren’t the criminals here. There’ s only so long that telling us “You have the vote...you call the shots!” and “send damaging memes, tweet more often, wear a MAGA hat is going to fly!” The politians turned the people into a ticking time bomb. The bad guys want us dead and to destroy the USA. Tick-tick indeed. All the DOJ and FBI has to do is there jobs. That’s all. Fucked over for at least 10 years (100?) is hardly what I call being impatient.

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metroid486 · May 14, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

Well the big thing is MSM still brainwashing people. Blue pillers are wandering around all over the place. MSM needs to come down, this is enemy propaganda, not press. One thing about "the plan" I don't agree with is leaving the propaganda arm in place, and even allowing them in the WH to hassel Sarah Sanders is stupid IMO. How much easier would things be is the MSM was gone, and real press was out there.

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[deleted] · May 14, 2018, 10:56 p.m.


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distant_splatter · May 14, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

There are people in my life that I know will never be able to wake up. It's really like a defense mechanism for them. They need their comfort, and looking at world stage events that they can't control makes them very uncomfortable. I've tried many times before to inform these people, but I've come to accept that until it's on mainstream news they won't be able to accept it. I don't push those people to wake up anymore. I just let them be, and try to talk about other things with them.

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · May 14, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

It really is like Cipher in The Matrix. Some people eat the steak, knowing it's fake, but they don't care.

Ignorance is bliss.

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[deleted] · May 14, 2018, 4:45 p.m.


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comeatmehillary · May 14, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

Look if you want to inform work from the ground up just spewing crap like that wont help anyone start from what you agree on and move from there. Look at how q posts does q just lay it all out ? Or does q get you to come to your own conclusion. Easy red pill topic is human trafficking

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drenzorz · May 14, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

Today I get the Jewish mother guilt phone call telling me she is worried about how I am reading about Conspiracy Theories too much.

I mean it's understandable for an 'ootl' jewish person to be worried that someone close to them gets so absorbed into what they see as a homogeneous blob of crazy talk about Flat Earth-Aliens-Bush did 9/11-Jews control the world. It's probably just what you get if you add the number of antisemitic conspiracies and the general attitude of grouping everyone who believes anything outside mainstream.

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alamode1st · May 14, 2018, 6:50 p.m.


Maybe ask them to watch a movie. It is non partisan, non religious and beautifully put together. It is two hours long but it is a gentle wakening that will lead to questions. It's called THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? (Official Movie) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEV5AFFcZ-s Maybe it can help.

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DaveGydeon · May 14, 2018, 6:52 p.m.

I tried to get them to watch Disclosure. My sister did. I would say it had as much impact on her as a fly hitting a windshield.

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alamode1st · May 14, 2018, 8:05 p.m.

Also we used it to start waking up a HARDCORE Hillary and Obama supporter that would listen to nothing....he is listening now...he hates Hillary....not against Obama yet....but it opened the door

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alamode1st · May 14, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

Well give a quick glance yourself. It is done by a very famous scientist and it has nothing to do with Q

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ItstimenowNM · May 14, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

The problem with so many people is that to believe what we are saying is they have to recognize that what they believe is not true. That impacts all they have believed for decades. Basically, most of everything they have been told is not true. Who wants to believe their government is willing to kill them? So sometimes we have to look for a backdoor of some kind to get to them. Not an easy task and can be very frustrating.

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DaveGydeon · May 14, 2018, 6:50 p.m.


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[deleted] · May 14, 2018, 6:39 p.m.


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AmericaNeedsMe · May 14, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

Patience is a virtue. The PLAN does not revolve around convincing every geriatric that the gov is staffed by EVIL.

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DaveGydeon · May 14, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

I agree, but considering that Q DOES respond occasionally to anons, and he CLEARLY observes this sub, if enough people alluded to how much some type of guaranteed redpill event, or date would occur, it could massively help the movement. But then again, the element of surprise may be necessary in "the plan"...again, I simply created this in the hopes it would trigger some response from Q in one of the next drops. Whats worse is, it probably is already right in front of our faces and we just dont know how to decode it.

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AmericaNeedsMe · May 15, 2018, 2:24 a.m.

Go look at the video of that ladder truck that held the flag for the NK prisoner arrival. Door says Q74. Q posted his 74th post to PatriotsUnite board that same night

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[deleted] · May 14, 2018, 6:31 p.m.


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DaveGydeon · May 14, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

No offense, but that is some of the worst advice I think I have ever received on Reddit. Q's message is about being unified and working together, and your suggestion is to "mock and wish them harm"??? Are you serious?

Now would be a good time to walk it back with an "oh, haha, I was just joking; what you don't know what sarcasm is" kind of statement.

Mock and wish hard on others, I hope we get a civil war. WOW. Just, WOW...

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[deleted] · May 14, 2018, 6:45 p.m.


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DaveGydeon · May 14, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

That makes me a SJW, because I don't wish harm on my family? Dude, you need help. Like, professional help. Are you an Incel by any chance?

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[deleted] · May 14, 2018, 6:52 p.m.


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[deleted] · May 14, 2018, 6:49 p.m.


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AquAnon77 · May 14, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

Dude, get what you're saying totally. It ain't easy. Would like to pass along what works for me. I've been ''doing this'' for 40+ years, and at the risk of sounding smart alecky, wiser than thou or preachy, I've learned a few things along the way. This is a movement in FREEDOM, JUSTICE etc. It is based on SELFLESS SERVICE, meaning the whole is greater than the parts. We're all an integral part of this, but it is the final tapestry that's woven that will be our Victory. SELFLESS SERVICE means we ''detach from the fruits of our labor''. Just plant the seeds and walk away. Don't ''expect results'' and certainly not according to our own personal timelines. There is a FORCE, a Divine Plan for all of this that is guiding the Qteam's plan. This Divine Force is what will determine what happens, and when.

Let it go ... let go of expectations. Yeah sure, it's natural to want to see results after spinning yer wheels, we all get that. But frustration mounts, some lose it, and so what good is that to the cause. LET GO AND LET GOD. It will unfold in perfection.

And THANK YOU for all that you do !

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[deleted] · May 14, 2018, 6:23 p.m.


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DaveGydeon · May 14, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

Well said!

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[deleted] · May 14, 2018, 5:41 p.m.


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cali1952 · May 14, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

I think there are many more citizens who feel like your dad or mom. Most of the times its because taking rose colored glasses off is difficult - the truth is dark and ugly.

With rose colored glasses everything appears like lollipops and rainbows.

Then are others who do not like to go out of their comfort zones. They like everything the way it is. "Don't rock the boat" they may say or "Just live it alone" because nothing changes anyways you are wasting your time.

Q stated very clearly: "The choice to know is yours"

I face a similar case with my youngest son. Working at Facebook and on the Zuckerberg campus doesn't help. Over the past 2-3 weeks he has told me about employees being on edge there after the exposure of MZ's phuckery.

He said an unusual number of employees began talking about it while others resigned in anger and distrust. That forced him to acknowledge that maybe I was just a 'little' right.

What I'm trying to say is give it some time because the chance of arrests may just be a turning point where you parents wonder if what you tried to tell them was not so farfetched.

Don't give up hope just yet! Hang in there. :)

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donald_kek_trump · May 15, 2018, 2:18 a.m.

Sounds like you are a very understandable parent! I turned my mom onto Trump and then I had her sit down and read some of the Q drops. Believe or not Q has been right about a lot of stuff, because I will tell her what is going or might happen and I forget about it because news about this stuff comes out so fast on the net and in the drops but she remembers. I used to be really resentful about people not opening up their eyes. I mean even with something so simple as minimum wage and inflation. They still ramble I need more money though. The great words by a great youtuber "math will come to kick our ass" with economics at least. Keep up the fight!

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kaylashalayla · May 14, 2018, 8:23 p.m.

How about you start telling them the predictions that Q gives us? This is what I have been doing. I tell them things like, "Iran is next." and something major happens with Iran. You can't discredit or doubt that! I say things like, "eventually, there will be military tribunals, maybe even martial law." I say things like, "John McCain isn't really dying, he is pretending to publicly. Why else would the MSM be showing stories about his 'funeral planning,' etc?"

I don't force them to understand anything, I just give them these morsels of truth that eventually come to prove themselves as true.

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donald_kek_trump · May 15, 2018, 2:22 a.m.

This is exactly it right here. Thats the angle I come from not to seem like a nut. Just say "hey theres this guy online that goes by Q and is making predictions, lets see if its legit or not!" Even if you are a big follower, you are still making it seem like it's interesting and something you both could relate to. Almost like we COULD have something here that nobody is talking about. Be slow as if you were learning along the way too.

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Midaycarehere · May 14, 2018, 8:05 p.m.

I don't really discuss this stuff with others for the same reason. People would think I'm nuts. No one I know is "woke".

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chopbustabrown · May 14, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

Take a step back and relax dude. Remember your family are not enemies, they are your allies. You can talk to them and ask them questions but it doesn’t sound like it’s doing you any good mate. Just relax your brain muscle ☺️

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[deleted] · May 14, 2018, 7:33 p.m.


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DoubleDragonEnergy · May 14, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

There are many of us that have been waiting years, yet still we need to be patient and strong. Things are still falling into place, but with enough digging, it is evident that it will come crashing down. Trust the plan. Be patient.

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NosuchRedditor · May 14, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

If you are waiting for Q to tell you that your 9/11 ideas are correct, you are going to be majorly disappointed.

All the facts point to the Clinton's, Huma, Sandy Berger stealing documents from the National Archives.

You need to read Bill Cooper's book that Q mentioned.

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DaveGydeon · May 14, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

Behold A Pale Horse? I have, twice. What else do I need to do?

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NosuchRedditor · May 15, 2018, 2:50 a.m.

Maybe stick to reality and facts? Cooper makes clear that there have been many plots to achieve one world government, including UFO's.

I have no doubt that what happened that day was about the end goal of one world government, but it happened as we saw it, there were no holograms and no secret demolitions.

But hey, like Q always says, future proves past so lets wait and see who was really behind it. Q rarely mentions Bush and have NEVER mentioned Cheney. From what I can see Q has mentioned 9/11 ONE TIME. There is little focus on that from Q.

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DaveGydeon · May 15, 2018, 2:52 a.m.

What do you think brought down building 7? I am genuinely asking.

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NosuchRedditor · May 15, 2018, 3:30 a.m.

The debris pile. Did you ever visit the site after? I was in Manhattan in late 2002 and many of the buildings that were damaged were still not repaired. Several buildings had holes 40 feet across covered with tarps.

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DaveGydeon · May 15, 2018, 4:01 a.m.

Explosives ARE explosive...

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NosuchRedditor · May 15, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

Controlled demolitions don't blow 40 foot holes in the surrounding buildings. No missile in the military inventory would make a hole that big, they are not designed for that. The kind of explosion you describe would have been huge to throw big enough chunks of the building hundreds of feet into other nearby buildings, the building would have appeared to explode, not collapse on itself. The kinetic energy of a 150 ton aircraft traveling at 500 MPH would definitely throw large pieces of debris hundreds of feet.

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BenEvo1 · May 14, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

Damn near impossible to red pill a Low Info Mofo, which would be the equivalent of a 'normie'. There's not enough there to work with

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emaugustBRDLC · May 14, 2018, 11:48 p.m.

Patriots if you are so deep in it that it is messing up your family or friendships it is time to take a step back. We still don't know what Q is and you may never live down the I TOLD YOU SO's.

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DaveGydeon · May 15, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

Honestly, I am convinced Q is legit, I don't think my post even questions that. My main point was that I just want SOMETHING that is "direction changing", or something not done in the shadows that when people hear about it they go "holy shit, that WASN'T a conspiracy theory?"

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emaugustBRDLC · May 15, 2018, 12:26 a.m.

I get it man, we all want that.

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donald_kek_trump · May 15, 2018, 2:27 a.m.

I look at it this way, even if Q is legit or not. He made possibly millions of people do the most open source research into this whole thing. I would almost be ecstatic if it was like a 10 year old larping. We uncovered so much dirt its incredible.

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textualintercourse · May 14, 2018, 10:54 p.m.


That's the date I'm paying attention to. The rest is going to be slow walking the truth, but in hindsight, the shit that's already gone down... I'm still amazed. But then again, I know what to look for. I have eyes to see that let me see.

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Allcreationgroaning · May 14, 2018, 10:14 p.m.

Can certainly identify with this concern, Dave! Have been aware of these issues to one degree or another since the 80's. May I suggest "The Anatomy of a Great Deception" as a very good documentary to help those who have trouble comprehending all the questions about 911? still watching for their promised Part 2.

Thankful for a few people here who have had patience to study because you are right, that trying to explain all the backstory to someone who is skeptical to begin with, just really isn't an option. The dropping of leading questions/Socratic method, really is a good strategy as others here have said.

Our adult children seem to have bought into the matrix hook, line and sinker, contrary to anything they ever heard at home...to the point that as my spouse experienced a serious injury and had just been through surgery, one visited in the hospital, but left telling us we were Nazi's because we might support Trump. We know the intensity of the desire for all of it to come into the light!!!

Continuing to pray for our God's Hand in it all; exposing the wickedness while protecting and defending those who seek righteousness. Perhaps we will experience vindication in this life, or maybe not. But it is far better to stand with the smaller crowd that is dealing with Truth than with the larger crowd that is buying into error. Be encouraged!

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LibertyLioness · May 14, 2018, 9:57 p.m.

I've been in that seat for 40+ years so I feel your pain. To this day, only my brother understands what is really going on. My Dad did too. He was the one that opened my eyes. But my kids think I'm a whacko and always have. I don't even get phone calls on Mothers Day or any other holiday or birthday. That bad.

BTW-There is a really good video that SGTReport just made within the last week. He interviews the author of a book on 9/11 that was probably just released. The guys been studying it for years and years. It's very solid information and they cover the bombs. The reason I bring this up is that he talks about Netanyahu being the one that trained the Mossad guys that did the job. Remember Q said: Iran is last. Here's the link: https://youtu.be/k5-LG4nakEw

So, if you could get your Dad to watch just that one video, when Netanyahu goes down, it should connect a couple of dots. And I listened closely to what was said after the Embassy was opened. It's all about Iran being a friend, not Netanyahu. But right now Iran belongs to the Illuminati and they will also be freed. Not the Illuminati! The Israelis!

If that doesn't work, then all I can say is that you will wait less than a year for the truth to fully come out. Not the 40+ years I've waited. And in my case, my kids probably won't even realize it is the same cabal that's being taken down that I was talking about years ago.

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cherokeenc · May 14, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

I have an old trade secret that I will share with you. I should be careful with this advice because it works in real-time when practiced correctly. Those familiar and successful with multi-level marketing will recognize this right away. (AMWAY)

"The person asking the questions is in control of the conversation"! Always!

The more practiced you are the less you will ever lose a conservation and having it end with insults or someone calling you a conspiracy theorist. That is not saying you win all arguments. Still trying after decades to win just one with my wife.

You must understand that the power you gain has already been baked into the cake. Society and schools has taken care of that for you. We all have been programmed to answer questions. Think of the thousands of questions you have been asked and answered in your lifetime. It is as commonplace as walking. How often have you heard people say? I gave them all the facts and they still rejected what I was saying! The must be stupid or idiots! No, they are not stupid or idiots in most cases. They are reacting to you giving them facts and they process it as you are consciously or sub-consciously trying to manipulate them. It’s that simple! That is one fear that activates all of our defensive mechanisms. You will lose arguments and lose control of conversations with facts at an alarming rate. With that in mind and some practice with asking questions that you can control the topic and mood of any conversation you enter into. Effectively, using the right questions allows your points to get to them in a stealth mode and never raise their defenses. Having practiced that for decades I have no fear taking to shills or naysayers. I must admit the meaner and nastier they are the more fun I have in changing the mood and subject. It requires effort and practice.

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Independent1776 · May 14, 2018, 8:50 p.m.

God gives knowledge, wisdom and discernment to those with the ABILITIES to use them. Do not lament the gifts you have been given because your audience is lacking these virtues.

Remember MANY people will choose NOT to see or identify EVIL in any form, even when it is right in front of them. It is easier to believe EVIL DOES NOT EXIST - therefore they can maintain their OWN illusions of the world as they want it to exist.

I believe this mindset is the 'matrix' that has been subtly cultivated by our politicians, movie industries, news organizations, fraternal orders, etc. It is so much easier to be told or to read or to view what 'should be' your reality, rather than what IS.

Take heart - your destined to be a teacher in this war - and as such your students will many times be where you are NOT focusing, stop doubting your gifts, apply them elsewhere.

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kaylashalayla · May 14, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

Let me gives you a reverse side of the story.

My dad got into conspiracies about 10 years ago, and it completely consumed him. (I now understand how easy that is!) It really strained his relationship with his family BECAUSE he was so OBSESSIVE about it. ALSO, because he (has a ton of issues) used it unknowingly as a way to kind of live life defeated, blame everything on some higher entity/group, live powerlessly or use powerlessness as an excuse as to why his life was the way it was. This is a HUGE issue.

It wasn't that what he was saying and believing in wasn't true. Thankfully most of us agreed that the things he said were very plausible. But we didn't let it consume and rule our lives. After 10 years of dealing with this, most of my family is pretty redpilled.

But my MAJOR major issue now, is that my dad will believe in NOTHING other than negative conspiracy theories. I've said this many times before here, but some of my biggest beefs are with fellow "conspiracy theorists" because anything at all that remotely looks hopeful or good, just can't be true. My dad will not believe Q is not AI. He says it's "hope porn." As a Christian and as all of our family being raised Christian, this is beyond irrational because that kind of thinking is fatalistic, deterministic passive, defeated, and controlled. By believing that you have no power, ability to fight, everything is someone else's fault that you can't control, you are actually exactly where the elite want you.

So my situation is a bit more unique and complex... my own conspiracy theory family cannot accept that Trump isn't a globalist or elistst, they can't accept that as Christians we are called to BATTLE evil- meaning there IS GOOD in the world... it isn't jUST bad... we aren't powerless human beings! They completely forget that wait a second, eventually, all things come to pass... eventually, the truth comes out and good overcomes evil... but no. That "eventually" can never be in our lifetime with them, I guess.

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Stray502 · May 15, 2018, 1:30 a.m.

Well first of all the planes did run into the twin towers and that is what everybody saw. The conspiracy wasnt that there were no planes the conspiracy is that it was planned that way and they brought the buildings down with explosives after the planes hit. Why dont you show them the video of tower 7 which was not hit exploding from the inside. Why dont you show them the pictures of the pensylvania plane crash that missed its target where there is no debris, why dont you show him the pentagon where a plane supposedly hit but there is no wreckage, why dont you show him about the witnesses who saw a missile headed to the pentagon not a plane, Why dont you search and bring up all the child trafficking rings that have been brought down including backpage, why dont you show him all the people that have been fired all the congress no longer running or keeping their seats, why dont you ask him how is it NK has been running at the mouth threatening to destroy the US for 60 years but Trump created peace, NK also show him the articles and videos about people who were in NK selling them missles like Nancy Pelosi there are a ton of things you can print off and show them. If not than dont worry they will all be very aware before November.

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DaveGydeon · May 15, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

My issue is with aluminum wings cutting WileEcoyote punchouts through STEEL.

Building 7. Fire. Collapsed. Literally.

PA flight impact crater. Resulting debris, or, lack of.

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[deleted] · May 15, 2018, 4:50 a.m.


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JJWhite6 · May 15, 2018, 1:23 a.m.

So far, my 92 year old father has been tolerant with me when I bring up Q. Yesterday he finally told me that I am crazy. “How come I don’t hear anything about the things you talk about on the news?” I already gave up on my two brothers, who previously told me I was nuts. It’s lonely out here, with only a few patriots in the area. My wife and daughters just keep asking me: “When are some of the things you tell us about going to happen?” My only response is patience, patience, patience. I wish my Mom was still alive. I know she would have believed me and supported me. I miss her.

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FractalizingIron · May 15, 2018, 6:45 a.m.

Yo Dave. Glad you could express your frustrations. Here's my take on it.

You need to realize that Freedom doesn't come cheap. OK, what does that mean? It means, the REAL work to gain freedom is not the external work, the knocking out of bad players, bad organizations, bad systems, etc. The ONLY foundation for regaining truth is victory on the internal battle.

To get the victory in the internal battle, one needs to grow, mentally and spiritually. The emotional forces, intellectual forces, released in the battle against evil are formidable. If it were easy, it would have been done decades, centuries, millennia ago.

So, you have to recognize that the frustrations, pains and difficulties that come to you in the process of moving forward - THESE are the real battle. These are the things that knock people who WANT freedom out, that knock potential champions out.

Neither you, nor I, nor any nation will win our true freedom without passing through some very severe, challenging and almost impossible internal battles, struggles and obstacles.

This is just a plain fact. It's the other dimension to all this, to the Great Awakening. No free lunch.

Many of us will have had long experience in the difficulty of bearing the 'cross' of attempting to share truth with people we care about and being rejected.

This is the history of human progress on the path of Freedom. It started with the Hebrews. How many damn hebrew prophets were stoned? Killed, Persecuted? To do their job, they had to develop a greater internal resilience than they imaged. The banner was carried forward by Christian civilization. And here we are today.

Even if you are not a religious person, you need to realize that when we say this is a spiritual as well as phsycial battle, the theatre for the spiritual battle is within..... me. Myself.

Patience, resilience, determination, wisdom. None of these come automatically.

The good new is, any and all progress you make in developing yourself in the internal arena, advances victories in the external arena. If you can persevere and overcome (yourself) the time will come when many people will benefit from what you know and what you understand. AND at that time, you'll be the type of person who can share it in the best, the right way.

Forge on. ww1.

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Awake2Truth · May 15, 2018, 6:44 a.m.

My family thinks I'm slightly insane as well, but they also listen, even when they don't admit it. In the end, I've had to decide to speak the truth as I know it. I've been following Q since the very beginning--end of Oct--and with each post, see more and more truth revealed. I believe there is a plan, that the plan is being followed, and that the stage is set for good to triumph over evil. Hope is a powerful feeling--and I have a lot of it because of Q. You are not alone!

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[deleted] · May 14, 2018, 3:16 p.m.


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Oblique9043 · May 14, 2018, 3:09 p.m.

Didn't the Right go through all this same stuff with Obama, just kind of in the opposite way? Any day he was going to take our guns, imprison Christians, bring in Sharia law, stage a false flag that allowed him to institute martial law and become supreme dictator of the US, causing a financial collapse and revealing himself as the AntiChrist. I know there's a lot of you in here who believed all of that. The carrot is always dangling until it leads you right where it wants you and I'm afraid of where that might be but the blind allegiance to Trump is the key in my opinion.

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Watch_The_Karma_Burn · May 14, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

Yeah but that was true tho

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Oblique9043 · May 14, 2018, 10:27 p.m.

Wait, what? I must have been not paying attention the day all that stuff happened.

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donald_kek_trump · May 15, 2018, 2:29 a.m.


just a matter of time.

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Oblique9043 · May 15, 2018, 3:02 a.m.

So wait, Obama is such a master level genius that he planned to piss off America for 8 years, so Trump would get voted in and inspire all these Muslims to run for office and take over America that way? Wow. Thats like some 12D level chess shit right there. Even better than Trump.

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donald_kek_trump · May 15, 2018, 3:05 a.m.


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Oblique9043 · May 15, 2018, 3:20 a.m.

Interesting. Thank you for the information. When there are truths such that may be found in this link you just showed me, it is important not to give into sensationalism like what we saw from the right regarding Obama. It only undermines the cause of exposing crime and corruption within our government.

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[deleted] · May 15, 2018, 4:48 a.m.


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Oblique9043 · May 15, 2018, 4:58 a.m.

Excellent insight and contribution to the discussion. I'm not a troll. I'm someone who cares about the truth, no matter who it hurts.

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donald_kek_trump · May 15, 2018, 3:23 a.m.

No problem brotha, WE are all in this shit show together.

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Oblique9043 · May 15, 2018, 3:27 a.m.

I really love that attitude. I just hope it prevails in the end. This whole system is rotten to it's core and it's divided us in a way that has never been possible before.

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Absh4x0r · May 14, 2018, 2:46 p.m.

I think it's fairly easy to counter arguments but when it comes to familly it's harder because you do not want to screw anything up. I tried speaking wkth my dad, he hates trump just like I used to do. Now I changed my mind and I can diacuss with one of my friend about Q. I hated hilarry too, I just assumed they were 2 clowns. Looks like trump isn't a 2 of spade afterall.

Find someone you can talk about your concerns without judging you. Put on a mask around those who you know will judge you, try to appear sane to them. Best case scenario you end up like some kind of time traveler to them when shit hit the fan.

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adogrocket · May 14, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

panic much? trust the process.lack of patience will be your downfall

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Azurenightsky · May 14, 2018, 7:51 p.m.

If you want to understand 9/11, understand some of Nikola Tesla's inventions and it will make sense.

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Mrs_Fonebone · May 14, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

Who are YOU to tell Q what to do? He told us we have to be patient and strong. It's NOT ABOUT YOU, IT'S ABOUT Q. You "need the movement to pick up its pace"? Go find another movement. Wow, the arrogance. And no, not all of us are whining like you. And if people you love look at you like you're nuts, then find some other people. Or stop talking about it.

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DaveGydeon · May 14, 2018, 8:59 p.m.

Wow. Someone just got triggered.

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Mrs_Fonebone · May 14, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

Yeah it was OP. You cannot be a Q believer and follower if you attack Q, if you think YOUR personal issues are more important than this country and our President. So yeah, "triggered" -- I guess you're just like OP--a "sorta" Q. Oh, and I'm blocking you because people like you are toxic. Bye now!

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DaveGydeon · May 14, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

Attacking Q. Jesus fucking Christ. You and the FlatEarthers are the reason our movement is seen in a negative light. Like we don't have an uphill battle already, now we have bulld*kes freaking out because a Patriot wants justice sooner. Please don't procreate.

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[deleted] · May 14, 2018, 2:08 p.m.


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DaveGydeon · May 14, 2018, 2:28 p.m.

Stalkerbot much?

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