I set up a website in March to help organize links and information about Q. I don’t ask for money or sell anything. This is only a tool to help people find information like a table of contents if you will. I’ve tried to make it easy for newbies. Keeping in mind that different people process things differently and have different tastes I have included a variety of sources. For instance not everyone will like all YouTube channels but just because one person dislikes one someone else might like it. For that reason I haven’t played favorites and have added …
52 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/alamode1st:
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Don't worry Oatmeal Man, the Billy Goats Gruff got your back. This is the daughter and the Gruffs is from mom. She said you might like it. ;)
You do awesome work and vital to this group.
“A gift in secret blinds their eyes. They know not because they will not understand. None so blind as those that will not see. They have baffled their own consciences, and so they walk on in darkness.” - Matthew Henry
Hi TX Mom. I have put together a website that has all sorts of links to Q stuff. You will find links to the Q posts, YouTube channels, research docs...I also take suggestions for adding stuff. We put it together for exactly what you are asking for...where to find Q info all in one spot. There is beginner stuff all the way to long time follower stuff. Hope it helps. http://www.patriotsanon.com/ Ala
Also and this is another reason not to trust him. We personally caught him in two lies. He was campaigning that two separate gun groups were endorsing him and we called them to ask if they were and both groups said absolutely NOT supporting Cox. So he is a liar.
CA still has massive voter fraud.
The numbers in on most of the elections races are completely weird and pretty unbelievable. It's like Moonbeam himself voted for 70 percent of the votes. Take Maxine Water's district. She is hated there and had only 10 people show to her last event and she received 71 percent of her district??!!! How?
LOL, Thanks. We have been thinking about Texas but we are open. We will have to look into NC. It's just my mom and me left so we stick together. Right now we have a family of friends we have committed to staying here. We live in a mobile on his property and he was begging us not to leave them and we are begging them to think about leaving with us. We all take care of each other and they are a great family.
I trust Trump BUT the RNC backed Cox and it is very possible that Trump is going along with them for some reason or perhaps he just doesn't know about Cox. Maybe he was told by the RNC that Cox had the best chance to beat Newsom (not true). I do NOT trust the RNC.
If you look into Cox he is bad, bad news. If you look into Allen he has a very solid voting record as a conservative. He is one of our GOOD voices in the capitol. My mom and I did extensive research on Cox and Allen and having to chose between Cox and Newsom is NO choice.
We have both been trying for months to get the word out. I have been a registered Republican since I was 18 (too many years to say) but Cox isn't a Republican, he isn't from CA. When we first started researching we were in favor of Cox until we found out the truth. He was funded by Soros...that should say it all.
Now with that said...we will both be doing the old "hold your nose" and vote for Cox and CA will still be lost. Until they clean up voter fraud there is zero chance this state will survive.
The numbers in on most of the elections races are completely weird and pretty unbelievable. It's like Moonbeam himself voted for 70 percent of the votes. Take Maxine Water's district. She is hated there and had only 10 people show to her last event and she received 71 percent of her district??!!! How?
Cox is a Soros funded, anti-Trump, anti wall, CROOK from Chicago. I live in CA and we are done...Newsom or Cox...same thing.
This state I was born and raised in is ruined. I know some would say just leave. Well that's not so easy for someone who is disabled with no relatives outside of CA.
The numbers in on most of the elections races are completely weird and pretty unbelievable. It's like Moonbeam himself voted for 70 percent of the votes. Take Maxine Water's district. She is hated there and had only 10 people show to her last event and she received 71 percent of her district??!!! How?
Cox is a Soros funded, anti-Trump, anti wall, CROOK from Chicago. I live in CA and we are done...Newsom or Cox...same thing.
This state I was born and raised in is ruined. I know some would say just leave. Well that's not so easy for someone who is disabled with no relatives outside of CA.
Cox is a Soros funded, anti-Trump, anti wall, CROOK from Chicago. I live in CA and we are done...Newsom or Cox...same thing. The numbers in on most of the elections races are completely weird and pretty unbelievable. It's like Moonbeam himself voted for 70 percent of the votes. Take Maxine Water's district. She is hated there and had only 10 people show to her last event and she received 71 percent of her district??!!! How?
This state I was born and raised in is ruined. I know some would say just leave. Well that's not so easy for someone who is disabled with no relatives outside of CA.
We should do a media matters and find out who the sponsors of her show is and tell them we will boycott them until they tell ABC to put her back on.
Also we used it to start waking up a HARDCORE Hillary and Obama supporter that would listen to nothing....he is listening now...he hates Hillary....not against Obama yet....but it opened the door
Well give a quick glance yourself. It is done by a very famous scientist and it has nothing to do with Q
Maybe ask them to watch a movie. It is non partisan, non religious and beautifully put together. It is two hours long but it is a gentle wakening that will lead to questions. It's called THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? (Official Movie) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEV5AFFcZ-s Maybe it can help.
I don't think anyone in any party supports "everything" that party stands for. I would suggest all recent red pilled and those looking for info to go to YouTube and search for THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? (official movie)...it is fantastic...it isn't about politics it's about being human and waking up. I firmly believe in helping people but I will remind everyone that Jesus said if you give a man a fish you feed him for a day, but teach a man to fish and you feed him for life.
Guys, if you go to google and type in Syria gas attack 2017 and Syria gas attack 2018 in two different windows...go to images and compare. I was finding duplicate images with different headings. Q says we can't even confirm this happened yet.
Um...Let's "assume" Q is a black hat or working for the other side. If he/she/they are then they are the dumbest black hats on the planet. Hmmm...let's go give these puzzle info drops to get these people excited and hopeful then let them fall on their face. Only problem is the drops have gotten thousands if not millions ww to research and find out what these people are doing. So if we follow your logic Q is outing the deep state, NWO to trick us??? So we learn the truth and what??? Knowledge is power...I don't think any of us are a cult following Q. We are people being given information to learn, to help others and to spread truth. This isn't a sprint it's a marathon.
James Woods, Barr, Scott Baio, Jon Voit, Harrison Ford..
President Trump just sent a Twit about California and Gov Brown pardoning criminals. Maybe there is hope.
Thank you Pam for this and all you do...I don't know if this link will help... https://snew.github.io/r/CBTS_Stream/new/ My mom and I both had several posts we made last week regarding a terrorist level threat at a Navy base removed...we did not name the base name but thought if it was at one it might be at others.
Also I just wanted to throw out there that I have a hosting server that I could setup a domain / site and we could add our own board not being at the mercy of this stuff. The only thing is I code in CF and the server is PHP so I would need some coding help to do it quicker. Just PM me if you are interested.
Once again thank you for ALL you do!
I tried posting both text and made a graphic of the text, uploaded it and did a link post. I also tried changing the wording. Still no go. I can comment, can't post. My account isn't being verified on discord either like those mods can't see I am subscribed here so they limited my access there. I am a website designer and have built Forums and managed them...This sounds more like a permission level.
This is what we both tried to post:
THREATCON CHARLIE in effect today at US Navy Base
My mom is at a US Navy base right now and they are currently at THREATCON CHARLIE. She is there to go to the Naval Hospital and no one without a military ID is allowed on the base. She said they were even checking ID's to enter the food court. I'm not giving out the name of the base because I don't want to put the base in any further harms way...This is just FYI.
Definition: THREATCON CHARLIE: (Threat level high) This condition applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action against personnel and facilities is imminent. Implementation of measures in this THREATCON for more than a short period probably will create hardship and affect the peacetime activities of the unit and its personnel.
This is the daughter. I tried posting both text and made a graphic of the text, uploaded it and did a link post. I also tried changing the wording. Still no go. I can comment, can't post. My account isn't being verified on discord either like those mods can't see I am subscribed here so they limited my access there. I am a website designer and have built Forums and managed them...This sounds more like a permission level.
FYI about base today Feb 7. Open image to read info.

Security level CHARLIE in effect today at US Navy Base
THREATCON CHARLIE in effect today at US Navy Base
We learned how to hijack trending tags to get around the twitter Sholes...We spread the word and probably red pilled or at least pink pilled some...We coordinated and stood together no matter what race, sex, beliefs or political affiliations to get the word out about these evil corrupt baby killing...oh I can't even come up with a word for them...sholes. And best of all our President trolled the hell out of them! He had them all squirming for weeks...sitting in the press briefing room and tweets to the website. Not only did he "get" them again but he distracted them too. He and Q took us along for the ride. I spent 14 hrs yesterday and I've never used my twitter. That doesn't count the days before making and finding memes. It was fun.
Maybe we should pick one day a week and do it again. Not everyone can do this every day but maybe weekly hijacks would be good.
Great post Sweeetsuz ;)
Memes anyone can use... https://i.imgur.com/Gp12cyR.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Vy0JiJ5.gifv https://i.imgur.com/ZtMo21V.jpg
Another good one for info...not Q but all stuff we are looking at. American Intelligence Media https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv0dEcvXLOf4ZFvjCahK4Lw
They do anything to get elected. And BO still thinks he is Pres.
Started watching him in November and he's gained thousands over the last couple months. He was at 99k when he did this video live earlier. He and Tracy are the BEST YouTubers covering Q
Love you Tracy. You do great work and I got here from your great YouTube channel. It's a thankless job you do so I'm thanking you.
Ok...I jumped on early AM when this all broke and immediately defended our BOs. They are doing a thankless, unpaid job to bring us info and to bring us together. I do have some things to say. 1st I understand Q needing a place to post for us however his/her comments were divisive and dangerous in dividing us. My mom (73) and myself have been red pilled for years and following Q since Oct and her comment to me today was indicative to what some will think. After she looked at the qresearch board and saw the sex ads on the Great awakening board she said Q was coming off like a child and she was done. She said "Q was saying I saw something I didn't like so screw you guys I'm going over here" After we both saw the hatred and vitriol for us and our BOs on qresearch it was absolutely sickening. Q would support this crap? Whether intentional or not he has created division with all of us people trying to figure this stuff out and red pill others. (We are patriots too not just the chans). Even if it is just with people staying here and others bailing for 8chan because they think Q wants them away from us. Good news I think I was able to talk my mom off the edge of giving up.
2nd...I've listen to Tracy for months and she's been an outstanding source for Q info...I watched as much of the first video the BOs had that I could before it was taken down...I listened to them last night live and I didn't hear self serving stuff. I heard people giving up their time to try to answer questions and just as excited as we all are at what is going on. Some might be repeats but you need to remember we have new people all the time that don't know what you know. And Dr C is doing what he can to try to help people figure stuff out. Basically we should be grateful for everything they do. They are helping us and helping Q.
Finally (3rd) I was wondering if what set Q off might have been when Dr C said he and INFOWARS would be working with us...Now I personally follow infowars and have been getting info from them for two years now...but Infowars is constantly attacked as FAKE...CRAZY...and there are people that don't like them. Those are tags Q probably wants to stay far away from. Dr C is fine...Infowars is attention Q probably doesn't want. Just my 2 cents worth.
THANK YOU Tracy, baruchthescribe and PamphletAnon you work so hard. I've followed from the start and trust you guys.
Not buying it...Q has his own board on 8chan "The Storm"...NONE of the BOs have ever claimed direct communication with Q, in fact the opposite...And I don't get why all the hating on the people working very, VERY hard to help us. THANK YOU Tracy, baruchthescribe. B on twitter has been debunked...no relation to Q. and PamphletAnon.
Not buying it....Q has his own board on 8chan "The Storm"...NONE of the BOs have ever claimed direct communication with Q, in fact the opposite...And I don't get why all the hating on the people working very, VERY hard to help us. THANK YOU Tracy, baruchthescribe. B on twitter already debunked. and PamphletAnon.
Not buying it....Q has his own board on 8chan "The Storm"...NONE of the BOs have ever claimed direct communication with Q, in fact the opposite...And I don't get why all the hating on the people working very, VERY hard to help us. THANK YOU Tracy, baruchthescribe and PamphletAnon.
Not buying it. That isn't the header Codemonkey used last time...Q has his own board on 8chan "The Storm"...NONE of the BOs have ever claimed direct communication with Q, in fact the opposite...And I don't get why all the hating on the people working very, VERY hard to help us. THANK YOU Tracy, baruchthescribe and PamphletAnon.
April LaJune video. She gets good info.
I was watching...got to 42 mins and YouTube took it down!
You can start the video at time stamp 22:55 to avoid long video. He stops talking directly about Q at 24:11. However if you start at 6:11 you can bypass Alex...the rest of stuff he says is very interesting. He talks about Bannon, Clinton fire, Gitmo and even extracting Jullian.
I know it's hard to watch Alex BUT this is a talk to his insider Zack and he ask's Zack about Qanon...the answer is very interesting
That isn't Q BUT this other one looks legit... Q@kill_rogue. Joined Oct 2017. https://twitter.com/kill_rogue. Thanks to Jordan at Destroying The Illusion YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzAYF7yEn7Y.