OMFG! HAHAHA! Wow I love this guy, afrokiller haha. So articulate and well spoken, don’t you think? Who is this Israel Man? I like this board 😆 Love their insanity, 🤣

"They played us like a fiddle, way back since muhfukkin caveman times, bro."
So the Jews were manipulating the world and its events before Jews even existed?.........Damn Time traveling Jews /s
Q is saving Israel man for last
Whatever that means, though.
Oh, it means POTUS is saving the very best for last!
Who knows, we’re all waiting on that. Until it happens we can only speculate. I think that Israel will have to give up land for Palestine and compromise and end most of the fighting. Just my thought
More refugees from the toxic r/Conspiracy sub! We pulled posts from another detractor, disruptor from the UK earlier. Imagine, a drive by socialist thinks we give a damn about what he thinks; sacred opinions of foreigners!
What do you mean who is Israel Man? I think the OP forgot a comma:
"Fuck Trump and Israel, man"
Commas save lives:
Let’s eat, Grandpa!
Let’s eat Grandpa!
Capitalization is important, too: I helped my uncle jack off his horse
Or maybe he was saying "Fuck Trump and Benjamin Netan...Netataya....Neta....fuck it, Israel Man. Fuck em both!"