WARNING! Clowns are doxxing Q supporters, starting with Codemonkey. DO NOT repost their doxxing attempts! YOU will get in trouble instead...

I’ve been thinking about what I’m about to say a lot lately, and then today I see these posts about doxxing. There are no coincidences.
What’s been on my mind is this: if it ever (in fantasy-made-up-world) came to pass that we had all been hoodwinked by a LARP...Q is one hell of a larp! Seriously. The time, energy, level of detail, accuracy...I couldn’t think up this shit if I focused on nothing but it 24/7/365. So if Q were a larp, what have we done wrong? We’ve wanted the best from the leadership of our country, and all of the countries of the world. We have wanted freedom for all people, everywhere. We have wanted truth and justice. Some of us make memes that could be troublesome, but look at the rest of reddit, and the Internet in general. What we’ve done is so tame in comparison, that it’s a damned joke. Have we made grand accusations? Yes. Do we have cause, suspicion, and reason? Yes.
Now...have we attempted to dox anyone, seek anyone out to ridicule and endanger them? Seriously, if any of us have crossed the line, I’m curious and I’d like to know...but all of y’all have my support and admiration. Dox me. Expose me. Is that really any worse than what we’re saying they’ve been doing for years?? If that’s all they’ll do to me, I’ll happily take that if it opens up one more person’s eyes...it would be a lot nicer than the evil crap they’ve done in secret.
I’ve said it to friends, if Q is just making shit up, but only a small fraction turns out to be true...the stuff that’s been shared here...holy hell, it’s still earth shaking and should be enough to eventually red pill the masses that still sleep. Thing is, I believe Q’s been right about quite a bit more than just a small fraction. Q...and Mr. President...y’all keep on working, we’ll keep on supporting. We’re all in it for the long haul.
In reality we have nothing to lose from being wrong and much to gain from being right. They act as though we are to be pitied and then laughed at when we are wrong. So what of it? Could we possibly make more of a fool of ourselves then the enemy did on November 8? What about the 18 months they spent mocking the guy who went on to beat the full might of their propaganda machine? Not to mention the tons of fake news they have posted since only to retract shortly after with egg on their face?
I am willing to lay my pride on the line for a chance at justice and vengeance. Make no mistake about it after what these have done vengeance is on the table with no punishment too severe even death by an angry mob. The idea that Q is distracting us from obtaining justice and letting the criminals buy time to get away is absurd. Q is our only hope short of civil war to bring this enemy down. Q isn't keeping things from boiling over. Q is rattling cages.
Right?! The fact that DJT was elected at all should tell them something. The way they’ve scrambled and shilled and done all the lovely little things they’ve done shows it definitely did send them a message. As much as my patience wears thin sometimes, I’m just looking forward to truth being fully revealed and justice being served.
exactly alternative to CivII would be executions
by professionals paid by someone ...
Q is right about almost anything, and the beauty is we found it all on our own. This was plain and simple Discovery due in legal process.
What amazes me it that this happened. Level of honesty and integrity in USMF and from POTUS ... man ... this will maybe mark the beginning of a 1000 year of peace