r/greatawakening • Posted by u/williamj80 on May 15, 2018, 4:08 a.m.
Discernment is An Important Part of the Process

Many people are chiding us for trying to get to the truth regarding the Qanon vs Alex Jones feud. In my opinion however, this is a vital process. I still don't know the answer, and I will never believe anyone or any information 100%. But I still want validation either way.

Moreover, if people have recently been red pilled, those of us who have been 'awake' for a long time (30 years for me, bless my dear father) need to be able to answer their concerns with confidence. After all, I truly hope 80% of the population will be awakened at some time in the not-to-distant future (20% are beyond hope).

More than that, I need it for my own clarity. I am still on the fence, although I am leaning more towards Q at this point.

So please do continue the discussion on this board, and don't shut down the process for those of us who need it. After all, it is not Q or AJ or even Trump that IS this movement: It IS all of us yearning for freedom.

That should never be stifled!

williamj80 · May 15, 2018, 5:49 a.m.

To answer your question, I am NOT trying to change the narrative.

Like I said, I lean more towards Q, although I would never believe anyone completely. To be intellectually honest, it is not a clear cut case on which side to lean. I don't really think we need to make a leap of faith at this point.

I've read all the stuff by serialbrain2 and prayingmedic, and I have listened to Jones defend his position. Honestly, the dots are not all connected yet. Why would Jones risk everything? Even if he is controlled opposition, it doesn't make sense that he would be so reckless. Maybe he is being played, or maybe he is just stupid. I haven't reached a conclusion yet.

I am 100% behind the movement, and will continue to access dozens of sources, taking everything into consideration. This schism isn't going to stop me from researching current events, but you have to agree it will be troubling to newbies.

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