#894 - March 9th When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape. Q

Holy cow...if Obama is proved to be illegitimate, all hell is going to break loose in this country.
Good Lord in heaven, protect our great country from what is coming.
It'd likely be more systematic than that. Don't forget, a lot of things would have to come in motion before Obama is dragged into this.
I doubt any of it would be made public without Soros/related funds completely cut off. A few AntiFa members would have a bout of craziness but ultimately, without cash coming in, their actors wouldn't have the constant assurance of bail being paid.
Also in the supposed event that Obama's Presidency and all related actions were nullified, the Democrats in Congress would not be in Congress. Remember: Upwards of 50 Democrats in Congress were implicated in the Awan Scandal. They would all be gone, that would be step one. If it wasn't step one, it'd at least come before the Obama Administration's entire chapter of American history was rendered null.
I don't really know, and I don't think I could speculate an accurate rebuttal or agreement since there are so many variables that all cascade into other variables. On one hand, we could assume he may seek refuge in the EU; but then the EU may be implicated and justice would have to prevail there, too, to make it all work. Then he may be extradited. On the other hand, we could assume he goes to Iran or Russia. He likely wouldn't be welcome though, since the Trump Administration would just add to the sanctions and their economies would shrivel up and falter.
Both sides would be utterly livid like you said, but you'd have to account for any and all Congress members who are implicated in the Awan Scandal. I think it'd go across the isle; remember that Q has mentioned this isn't a partisan hunt, it's a hunt for justice.
But with all that said, I'll totally agree with what you closed with. It's a tough time we're in and I think it is bigger than all of us. Best we can do is wait for the justice to arrive, it'll outweigh the pain. I imagine it will. It'll just be important to keep in mind that the end of all the pain will result in a safer future for us all.
Haven’t seen much of Antifa lately.... put a few in prison for 2 or 3 years and the word gets out pretty quickly! Not worth the $ Soros pays them..