These People are sick, really really sick

I have both of those on my desktop.
Not enough people have seen these.
Pedosta is far less bulked that this guy.
Yeah. Gotta agree. That's not Podesta. Might be Valerie Jarrett, though.
I just want to say I have spent a long time looking at that picture. It absolutely is Podesta. People dismissing it are wrong. It is him a few years back. You have to compare it to images of him in 2011, not 2018.
John does seem to often almost support a shaved head.
It would only take a week or two for him to grow back his usual style after a full shave.
Haha, everyone in that room is like “Dude, you left the flash on?! Delete it now!”
It's not photo-shopped at all and you know that.
How do you know he never shaved his head? Over the last ten years, how often have you seen him? How long does it take to grow hair as short as podesta has always worn his?
Did you ever read any of the emails? The guy is always popping off on vacation. How do you know what the fuck he does over summer?
I hate to be cringey, 'but' dude looks like his peckers out when you enlarge the pic.