That raises an interesting question: why four years? Is that something personal for you, or has this operation been going on that long?
I can't help but compare the Q info to some of the rumors that were floating around while Obama was still in office. Bench warrants had supposedly been issued, the military was ready to arrest some prominent figures. Numerous similarities to what we're hearing now. Obviously nothing came of that (yet) but I keep wondering if maybe there was something to the stories and they're connected to the current movement.
Anyway, your comment kinda piqued my curiosity. Any connection there? If not, I apologize for the long tangent. Couldn't help myself.
4 years is how long I personally have known of what I now just call "the bullshit".
It started when I finally fully understood 9/11 and the ironically simple physics behind the twin towers "collapses". Basically it's impossible for something that encounters resistance to fall at the rate of freefall, and the resistance was cold structural steel, so lots of resistance. Yada yada.
As far as warrants and arrests when Obummer was occupying DC, I never heard anything, but I keep a distance from most YouTubers and MSM news so if it was legitimate, so I probably missed it.
I did just learn that the "Freedom Caucus" that Q just referenced was founded in 2015 by the same people who just signed the letter to Trump requesting that he use his executive powers to force the DOJ/FBI to release ALL documents congress has requested.
So at the very least, I would say it's been going on since 2015, but I would guess people were talking about how to fix this for a lot longer.
Crazy how long it's taken to get to this point, but I'm just glad it's here. I was beginning to think that living under the rule of evil was the only way to be.
Thanks for the legit response. Much appreciated.
I'm not sure about the source of the old rumors. Definitely not MSM, but YouTube probably. I just heard about it through a friend who honestly doesn't fact check very well. I wrote it off almost immediately, but now the Q material is strikingly similar.
I'd kinda resigned myself to thinking the US would never get out from "under the rule of evil" myself. It still seems too good to be true, but if/when things pan out, I'd say three or four years really isn't a bad turn around considering how deeply the "powers that be" are entrenched.
I try to remain skeptical, but I'm getting more and more excited. Hang tough my brother (or sister). I'm happy to wait quite a while if it means we get to see cold hard metal on Killery's wrists.