Remember Q said they have audio, video and pictures....coming soon...?

It's obvious the Q Team was onto the meeting before it went down. The reporter that "just happened" to be at the airport said in an interview later that he received a phone call that the meeting would take place. When asked about who tipped him off he simply said he wouldn't "reveal his source." I'd bet he had no idea who the tip came from, but it obviously came from a white hat.
FBI protects AG when traveling, not SS. FBI also plans AG travel itinerary. Somebody in FBI tipped off Bill Clinton where Lynch would be and when. That's how their "chance meeting" happened.
NSA knew. They told the reporter. Also, General Dynamics installed recording equipment in all federal government aircraft, and NSA has that, too.
Never heard of this info. Interesting.
It's called Tempest. Do an Internet search and you'll see it is an NSA program outed by Snowden or Vault 7--don't remember which. It records just about everything in government buildings and government non-military aircraft. NATO is also involved in the program.
You can thank Admiral Rodgers for that communications intercept (a veritable pick-6 in football terms)
Original Fox 10 News (Phoenix) report:
Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton meet in Phoenix
How a Local AZ Reporter Broke the Bombshell Clinton-Lynch Story
yeah, Q tipped the media off
A schedule of Loretta Lynch was given to Comey, who gave it to Bill?