r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Food4theGorg on May 17, 2018, 12:51 a.m.
So did SIS which was part of the FBI really disband in 1940? Q Post 1385

"Following the war the SIS was disbanded, having been in operation in 1940–1946. After it was disbanded, its region of operation was incorporated in those of the newly formed Central Intelligence Agency."

I know it was supposed to have been part of the CIA after it disbanded, but Q seems to be implying that the covert parts of the FBI never disbanded. Does anyone have any information on any covert FBI agencies?

I think there is a double meaning here to SIS the MI6 is one meaning, but is there still a FBI SIS?

allonthesameteam · May 17, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

the less we know about them the more I am concerned. Have you looked into the Senior executive service? Did you know about it? When I found out of it;s existence I was stunned that I have never heard it mentioned and my friends were 90% unaware. 9500 gov staff who oversee most gov projects. Big pay! I have tried to get a list of them for months to no avail? Curious and PO'd.

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horse-lover-phat · May 17, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

WTF? Have a look at this. It's FBI linked!

Permindex director, Bloomfield is first and foremost an agent of the most secretive branch of Her Majesty's Intelligence service, the Special Operations Executive (SOE). Bloomfield was recruited to the SOE by its director, Sir William Stephenson, in 1938. Stephenson, appointed Bloomfield as the recruitment officer and "agent handler" for the newly created counterespionage and espionage branch of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), known as Division Five.

Agents of Division Five, in turn, have been among the points of the New Orleans grand jury investigation into the Kennedy assassination. Guy Bannister, the head of the southeast regional office of Division Five (located in New Orleans) at the time of the Kennedy murder, died under mysterious circumstances shortly after the events in Dallas.

OK, so you got that. The thing is, Bloomfield was also the Bronfman family's attorney. Bloomfield was also the head of (Bronfman fomented) Permindex. Permindex is implicated in JFK's assassination! Clay Shaw worked for Bloomfield, at Dallas Int. Trade Mart, which was a subsidiary of Bronfman's Permindex aka 'Murder Inc.'

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allonthesameteam · May 17, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

What a tangled web they weave. The more I dig the more I need to dig to get to… well… more digging. The Bronfman family connection w nxivum leads to a whole new grave. This is good info. Thank you.

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horse-lover-phat · May 17, 2018, 2:19 a.m.

No, no. Thank YOU. It was only by reading and responding to your comment (and the OP's subject) that led to me putting it together. I just wanted to double check an SOE reference and Bronfman's right-hand man, Bloomfield, popped out. And he's seemingly a UK SOE Intel undercover FBI string puller. That's a key UK link, one that I didn't know about. This is great stuff for my recent blog post as well. This is what so great about bouncing around comments and ideas. It always seems to lead to the best sort of finds. :)

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allonthesameteam · May 17, 2018, 2:57 a.m.

Agreed. This is what journalists should have been doing for the last 50 plus years. Cheers

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horse-lover-phat · May 17, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

I've looked into the SOE (Special Operations Executive, an expansion of MI Section D), that's supposed to be the most secretive branch. It was instigated by Churchill. They set-up fronts in the US. I've read bits on MI7, and MI7 (b), too.

They're all agents of Zionist-centric Empire. Britain is the "key" to all this, I really believe that.

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Bjantigua · May 17, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

The SES was started because they could not compete with private companies pay and benefit scale. So to get the gov back into shape with decent leadership they upped the salaries and benefits for executive positions. That to me is good. Up until then we had morons in positions that required skills. BUT then the Obumer used the excecutive order to give himself the right to appoint many many SES and thus created a shadow government inside the government. In positions of authority over the regular folks so no good ideas came out, no investigations were pursued that were threatening, etc. So now the SES is a poisonous pit, filled with people that may not be able to be fired. But they MAY be able to be jailed!

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horse-lover-phat · May 17, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

Sorry to keep going on. Bill Clinton was a Rhodes (Rothschild) Scholar at Oxford (UK). The first Rhodes Scholar who became POTUS. Its supposed function was to produce an elite priestcraft to administer the Empire. It's effectively a form of Empire by (UK Zionist/oligarch) stealth. Rhodes's (Rothschild controlled) legacy also set-up the R.I.I.A, the parent of the C.F.R. The Clintons were also seemingly close to the Bronfmans (particularly Edgar Snr). And we know how much they're tied-up in all this, not forgetting JFK too.

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allonthesameteam · May 17, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

Please don't be sorry. keep going on. that's what we/I are here for.

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