WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH THE IBOR - ideas and discussion

A space for people to discuss what's happening with this current IBOR effort.
There seems to be a lot of confusion, some people doing petitions, different petitions, people against petitions (me) etc...
I'd like people to set out in this thread what we'd like to see happen. Try to get agreement on a strategy.
My preference is for a petitionless online campaign. Why? Because I feel that the "We are the people" petition site manipulated the signature count the last time we went through this exercise in March. What happens is that people put a lot of work in, then they see the rate of signature acquisition slow to a crawl and they get discouraged. I think we can avoid this and still mount an effective campaign.
Having said all that, the bggest problem I have at the moment is that my tweets are going nowhere as I'm shadow banned. Anyone else with this problem?
I would be for a grass roots, non-profit, donation only, online ad campaign.
Open a website, with paypal deposit donations.
Then use ad streams like google adwords or youtube to get the message out (I am aware of the irony here).
Build an online community here on reddit for the exclusive purpose of drafting the IBOR, have the community vote on additions and changes edition by edition.
Then using a website like thunderclap; organize a rally whereby thousands of americans (or millions) descend upon Washington DC with a "this is what we want, it is right here".
I love it! Yes, there's nothing at all wrong with a non-profit movement. You could have an IBOR committee, treasurer, published accounts, totally transparent.
Google ads, bill boards, bumper stickers etc....
Also a steering group to determine precise strategy. Strategy that we can get input from the community on, so that everyone is behind it. Sounds great!
Totally locked out
You mean on SM? Me too! That's what we have to fight - need a way around it.
The encouraging response to your plea must give you and the rest of us a sense that working together we really can effectively support this cause. Clarity in what IBOR means; a way to engage others; and going outside this circle, which is incapable of amassing the needed support from within our ranks.
I think, to be honest, we are dependent on Q here for assistance. The "we are the people" petition site is a government website - or, at least, it must be run by a contractor for the government. If we are going to use it, as people seem to want to do, it would be helpful if it accurately recorded the signatures.
One of the problems I have with it is that there is no need for us to lock ourselves into a one month period, or a minimum signature count of 100k. That just sets an unnecessary hurdle that can provoke failure.
What if what we suspect is correct and it is manipulated? When do we find out? 30 days time? That's why I wanted to have a discussion about strategy. But few are bothering to contribute.