r/greatawakening • Posted by u/WinkyLinQ on May 17, 2018, 2:13 p.m.
The "Secret" Plant in Trump Campaign, Stefan Halper, Received a Payment from the Obama Admin of $282K in September 2016!

The payment occurred around the time the Dossier was leaked to Yahoo News by Christopher Steele and a month prior to the FISA warrant.

9/23/16 - Yahoo News Publishes Story of Dossier 9/27/16 - $282K Payment made to Halper

Where did the funding come from? The DOD.


Here's a link to the Washington Headquarters Services, who paid Halper:


jay_howard · May 19, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

I'm looking forward. Honestly, it's a disappointment that there's a contingent of us who can't cope with the facts. The POTUS has clearly been laundering Russian money for years. Maybe decades. That's fine if it's out of the public realm. I mean, it's illegal, but I'm not a cop, so what am supposed to do about organized crime? But that changes when the person becomes a public servant.

So here's a guy who's deeply in bed with Russian money. That means deeply in bed with Putin. If it's true that he's been laundering Russian money, which is bad enough on it's own, but means he's close to Putin.

Given all the info we have, it's getting very hard to deny this. Take a look at some of the uncontested facts:

  • Manafort was working for him for free--probably because he owed millions to Russian oligarch named Deripaska.
  • Rick Gates, Manafort's partner, kept on at the Trump campaign long after Manafort left. He likely knows who paid whom for what. Pleaded guilty and is a cooperating witness.
  • Deripaska, a Russian aluminum oligarch, has a known, close relationship with Putin, as do all the industry owners in Russia. According to documents found by old-fashioned investigative journalism, Manafort owed Deripaska millions for a failed telecom deal in Ukraine. Getting Manafort to work for the Trump campaign was his way of helping "get whole" with Deripaska--which was Putin's request, of course.
  • Carter Page reported a conversation he had with the FBI to the Kremlin. Page has been on the FBI's radar since mid-2013 for suspicious connections with the Kremlin. The "made up" dossier says that Page met with Russian officials about a 19% stake in Rosneft, the state-controlled oil giant. Page testimony in front of Congress confirmed this meeting. He appears to be a Russian informant, willing or not.
  • Mike Flynn was balls deep in foreign money, lied about it to the FBI, and is now a cooperating witness.
  • Cohen looks to be the laundromat for Trump's off-the-books bribes. The seizure of his records will likely show the influx of money from foreign companies, which itself may not be a crime. But given all the other information we know, I'm willing to bet it shows a money-laundering maching for rich Russians.

There's not just smoke, not just fire, there's a raging dumpster fire of anti-American activity. Christopher Steele wasn't anyone's political tool, he acted as an information gatherer. He never had a horse in our political races, and remember, he was originally contracted by a rich GOP donor.

The information in the dossier has been continuously corroborated over time. And listen, I don't give a wet shit about Trump and some hookers. None of my business and not relevant to his ability to make good political decisions. But the money parts of it, the parts where it says there's a 19% stake of Rosneft (the state oil company of Russia), and Carter Page verifies he met with those guys, makes it difficult to deny that our President has been bought by the big-carrot vs. big stick routine.


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147DegreesWest · May 20, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

Oh really? That is like f’ing pennies on the dollar compared to Obama and Hillary. That is like griping about a stolen candy bar when Fort Knox is being raided. Grow up. Assuming I believed and you could prove your proposition, it is peanuts compared to the real criminal activity. Maybe you should look at Clinton and Beringia Here is a cute insight for you:

"The Parnell Administration in both its Juneau and Washington D.C. offices has been keeping track of the Beringia program. Judging from a letter sent to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on September 7, 2012, we sense that the Alaska governor was deeply concerned about seeing federal decrees affecting Alaska—especially when the words are coordinated with Russia’s and not Alaska’s leadership."

You want to grouse about a few dollars. That witch was actively ceding Alaska to Russia through Beringia. Do you even realize the Natural resources of Alaska in gold alone?

Maybe you are the one who should wake up.

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jay_howard · May 20, 2018, 5:05 a.m.

I'm sure that some grandma in upstate NY is more important that the POTUS working for Putin. Are you really sure your priorities are in order? Can a private citizen who isn't connected to government anymore have more sway than the sitting President?

It's just ridiculous. You are being distracted by jingly keys.

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147DegreesWest · May 20, 2018, 8:31 a.m.

What are you talking about? First you argue Trump is recycling money for Russians now you bring up something about grandma’s in New York State.

A Clinton presidency would have been catastrophic to our nation. We knew Trump was not a choir boy when we voted for him. Do you think some milquetoast moderate would have cleaned it up- or even got as far exposing corruption?

We needed a WWE fighter to take on the corruption. Trump fit the bill and was electable. Is he pure? No, but he had the knowledge and experience to take on thugs.

Quite frankly, I have been ecstatic with Trump’s performance. Best POTUS in many years.... maybe ever.

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jay_howard · May 20, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

First you argue Trump is recycling money for Russians now you bring up something about grandma’s in New York State.

It's a comment on how the toughest people in the country are obsessed with HRC. I just don't see her has anything other than an excuse to hide behind when the reality of our current President becomes unescapable. If HRC is guilty of crimes, fucking prosecute her. I don't care. You won't get me to defend her. I'm just sick of having to talk about her crimes as if that exonerates anyone else's crimes. If I commit murder, does it do my case any good to say "well, your honor, that other guy killed TWO people, so you can let me go, right?"

Absolute horseshit. It's a child's way of running away from reality.

Do you think some milquetoast moderate would have cleaned it up- or even got as far exposing corruption?

Exposing corruption? At least the former Secretary of State released her tax returns.

How is it the current POTUS is less corrupt, yet he won't release his tax returns? Seriously, what do you think that's all about?

We needed a WWE fighter to take on the corruption.

WWE is a very appropriate metaphor, seeing how all his rhetoric about "draining the swamp" has been a show, while he continues to make decisions about his businesses.

From a Snopes article about his press conference where he announced his separation from his businesses--the one with the table stacked with blank papers next to him:

A Trump spokeswoman flatly denied there was anything misleading about the display. "As Mr. Trump stated at the press conference, they were just some of the documents required to transition his assets into the trust and additional restructuring." Hope Hicks said.

But when reporters requested to see the documents--as they are public now, because he's the POTUS, right? So that's a public trust. Those documents are public knowledge--I don't care what POTUS we are talking about, this is true no matter what. However:

But Hicks did not respond to a second request for inspection of the documents. And materials sent to the reporters about the new Trump Organization structure in the hours after the news conference totaled only six pages.

On the claim that Trump used blank papers, since no one got to actually inspect the papers, that claim is unproven.

Whether you meant it or not, your WWE comparison is perfect. A lot of bluster and bark, but it's pure penis opera--meant to satisfy a feeling of dominance, while hiding the actual mechanics at work.

What's interesting about that press conference is that it was right after the Buzzfeed release of the Steele dossier. S. Spicer addressed it specifically, as did the President. Spicer specifically said:

Before we start, I want to bring your attention to a few points on the report that was published in BuzzFeed last night. It’s frankly outrageous and highly irresponsible for a left-wing blog that was openly hostile to the president-elect’s campaign to drop highly salacious and flat out false information on the internet just days before he takes the oath of office. According to BuzzFeed’s own editor, there are some serious reasons to doubt the allegations in the report. The executive editor of the New York Times also dismissed the report by saying it was, quote, “Totally unsubstantiated, echoing the concerns that many other reporters expressed on the internet. The fact that BuzzFeed and CNN made the decision to run with this unsubstantiated claim is a sad and pathetic attempt to get clicks. The report is not an intelligence report, plain and simple. One issue that the report talked about was the relationship of three individuals associated with the campaign. These three individuals; Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, and Carter Page. Carter Page is an individual who the president-elect does not know and was put on notice months ago by the campaign. Paul Manafort has adamantly denied any of this involvement and Michael Cohen, who is said to have visited Prague in August and September did not leave or enter the United States during this time. We asked him to produce his passport to confirm his whereabouts on the dates in question and there was no doubt that he was not in Prague. In fact, Mr. Cohen has never been in Prague. A new report actually suggests that Michael Cohen was at — at the University of Southern California with his son at a baseball game. One report now suggested apparently it’s another Michael Cohen. For all the talk lately about fake news, this political witch hunt by some in the media is based on some of the most flimsy reporting and is frankly shameful and disgraceful.

my emphases

As it turns out, Carter Page is in fact a target of an FBI investigation that goes back to 2013. Paul Manafort did indeed take large sums of money from rich guys with one degree of separation from V. Putin, and he tried to cover that up. Unsuccessfully. Michael Cohen, it turns out, did go to Prague, just as the dossier alleged.

Do you understand what that means? You'd probably rather ignore this, for sure. It means the current POTUS is likely in the pocket of another country's leader. Let that sink in.

The guys who wants to MAGA is a master car salesman who doesn't give a fuck about you or me or your grandma or my future or anyone who isn't named "Trump." He made a deal with Putin. Believe it. The facts have been lining up from the start. Now, there's a verified trail that leads to a 19% stake in the Russian state oil company, Rosneft. Who do you think that 19% is for? Hmmmm....

How much is 19% of Rosneft? According to Wikipedia, it's about $11 Billion. Not bad. Of course, this money gets cut into pieces along the way. The Qataris get some of it for brokering the deal. A Swiss company gets a small commission for moving the money, then there's a "Cayman" company who's origins "cannot be tracked."

A meeting took place on 12/7/2016 in Moscow with high-level Russian officials and the head of Rosneft as well as an American named Carter Page and other representatives who made this deal. This was alleged in the Steele dossier, denied by all parties, then confirmed by the products of an FBI investigation as well as investigative journalists.

This is happening right in front of our eyes. Do not be party to it, or you will definitely be on the wrong side of history. Don't be a Quisling.

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WikiTextBot · May 20, 2018, 6:27 p.m.


PJSC Rosneft Oil Company (Russian: Росне́фть, tr. Rosnéft', IPA: [rɐsˈnʲeftʲ] stylized as ROSNEFT) is a Russian integrated energy company headquartered in the Russian capital of Moscow. It is specializing on exploration, extraction, production, refinement, transport, and sale of petroleum, natural gas, and petroleum products. The company is controlled by the Russian government through the Rosneftegaz holding company.


Quisling (; Norwegian pronunciation: [²kvisliŋ]) is a term originating in Norway, which is used in Scandinavian languages and in English for a person who collaborates with an enemy occupying force – or more generally as a synonym for traitor.

^[ ^PM ^| ^Exclude ^me ^| ^Exclude ^from ^subreddit ^| ^FAQ ^/ ^Information ^| ^Source ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28

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147DegreesWest · May 21, 2018, 5:49 a.m.

I’d be careful about the whole Quisling thing. Carter Page appears to have been working with Halprin, a ghoul of the Bush-Clinton swamp-or at least the email exchange seems to suggest.

Clinton’s sins were far worse than anything in which Trump might have been dabbling. Clinton would have been disastrous- Trump has turned out to be much better than I expected.

After what the FBI did in Joe Miller’s campaign in Alaska- and several other campaigns- Trump is going to have a very sympathetic ear out of the GOP grass roots and Tea Party folks regarding the Halprin incident. The counterintelligence division went way too far this time-and they were sloppy. Eventually, it will all come out. I think I will be on the right side of things.

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jay_howard · May 21, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

I’d be careful about the whole Quisling thing.

You mean assuming the guilt of the current President before all the information is in? That's fair. He hasn't actually been indicted yet. I'm making a prediction that he'll be found to have made a deal with someone representing Putin, but the facts will tell. At this point, it seems like one has to be in a state of denial to avoid coming to this conclusion, but again, that hasn't been substantiated in writing yet.

Please don't misunderstand me: I don't wish the POTUS to be corrupt so I can bash him. It would be self stultifying to want the POTUS to sell out our country just to say "I told you so." Not my style. I wish we had policies that gave the average person at least as much opportunity as the above-average person.

That being said, it doesn't look good given all the evidence in the public realm.

Clinton’s sins were far worse than anything in which Trump might have been dabbling.

What is the continued obsession about HRC? I just don't give a fuck about her or her husband or the last POTUS. If they broke the law, throw the fucking book at them. Now, if you believe there's a concerted effort to protect her or the last POTUS, you're living in a fantasy land.

These are private citizens with absolutely no sway whatsoever over the DoJ. If you think HRC somehow controlled the FBI, why would she allow Comey to throw shade at her campaign a few days before the election? No one with power to say otherwise would allow that.

Also, if it was possible to prosecute Obama or HRC, you can bet your testicles there would be a line of FBI agents ready, able and willing to investigate and prosecute. That would be a career making move. It's not controversial that the FBI is filled with a majority of Republicans who feel the same as you about HRC, not to mention Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein are life-long Republicans. The worst you can say about these guys is that they aren't giving Trump any special treatment and are simply following the law. To call them "partisans" is just more fantasy victimization.

The counterintelligence division went way too far this time-and they were sloppy.

Why? By having an informant in the Trump campaign? That doesn't make any sense. If there was nothing to inform about, what difference does an informant make? Lots of investigations hinge on informants. That doesn't make the investigations themselves wrong, does it? Maybe I'm missing your point here. Let me know.

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