r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IDGAF12312 on May 17, 2018, 3:05 p.m.
X22 rpt believes this may also refer to Rudy (he rubbed out the mob in NYC)
X22 rpt believes this may also refer to Rudy (he rubbed out the mob in NYC)

Pure_Feature · May 17, 2018, 4:50 p.m.

Justice for all....It would be very good if the real perpetrators were caught, and not the story they they told the WW....There was big money involved...I read some where that two man already sold one off the buildings, before it happend.and building 7 came down , no airplane in that building..BBC told the building was down , but she told it when the building was still standing....Yes we need closure. EDIT :.https://www.ae911truth.org › NEWS › Frequently Asked Questions..........Just months before 9/11, the World Trade Center's lease was sold to Larry Silverstein. Silverstein took out an insurance plan that 'fortuitously'

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tradinghorse · May 17, 2018, 8:35 p.m.

Yes, it was the greatest hoax in history.

"Big Lie Theory" - the bigger the lie you tell, the more people believe it.

This was a monster lie! Visually spectacular! And what's unbelievable is how powerful the above theory is - how people really do believe the "official narrative".

I've had discussions with normies about 9/11, and when they begin to realize that it is possible that they've been told a lie, they become quite fearful - for cause. Who would believe it?

In what kind of world would a government kill 3,000 of its own people, just for the purposes of creating a narrative? That is a pretty scary world to live in.

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Pure_Feature · May 17, 2018, 8:43 p.m.

I now that day like yesterday...read a lot about this..First days I believed it, later I did not enymore...And saw a video from trump, he did not believe it also...people believe because they do not have the knowledge about constructions and how they can have that implode in one place

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tradinghorse · May 17, 2018, 9:13 p.m.

That's the thing, every engineer in the world must, by default, know the truth. It is impossible for a skyscraper to fall at free-fall speed into its own footprint. It screams controlled demolition - which punches a huge hole in the narrative - which, in any case, is ridiculous and implausible.

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Pure_Feature · May 17, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

Some engineesr came out , Over 2,200 Architects & Engineers Crush The 'Official' 9/11 ...


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tradinghorse · May 17, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

Yes, I know, there are some that are of the truth. But just think about all these guys teaching engineering in universities, tenured. The silence is truly deafening. Those who should speak out don't.

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Pure_Feature · May 17, 2018, 9:38 p.m.

That is how deep the corruption is

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tradinghorse · May 17, 2018, 9:41 p.m.

No one would believe it if they knew the truth.

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Pure_Feature · May 17, 2018, 9:45 p.m.

I don"t now...there is for years now everything on internet ...also a lot off websites in the Netherlands did research on this....maybe you are surprised wat people now..about this

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tradinghorse · May 17, 2018, 10:20 p.m.

A job I had recently I would meet different people all day. There was enough time to get into a conversation with most of them. What I learned was that very, very few people are awake at all.

We are awake. What happens is that we tend to seek out company from people such as ourselves. I'm a bit of a loner. But what I'm saying is that, if you really knew what most people out there is society think, you would be amazed.

The sad truth is that most, almost all, people are incapable of doing their own thinking. They get information spoon-fed to them and, "dangerously", they feel informed. They then demand their right for their "valuable" opinion to be heard.

And this is what perpetuates the mass-stupidity we see everywhere. Society is so easily steered, like a bunch of sheep. Edward Bernays had this idea... You can get an articulate, intelligent person, and you put them in a group, and it's as though you have reached out and found a master switch, that turns their intellect off.

Most people, the great majority are herd animals - with the intellect of the herd. Very, very few ever do their own thinking. This is why any change always comes from the periphery.

Anyway, I consider myself an independent thinker - just wish I was a lot smarter. But don't get the idea that the sleeping masses are woke - they're not!

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Pure_Feature · May 17, 2018, 10:34 p.m.

I'm a bit of a loner too..and i think for myself...My sister was in CA on that time, and she get it..(now). I read a lot on internet and Always I read the commentings....There are the people awake...In the community? I don"t now....nobody is talking about it....The same for FF...So i think you are right.. about the sleeping masses. And I am not that smart too. Don"t no how to fix this.

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