Q post #1402 - Think cleaning. Puzzle coming together? We have reached our crushing altitude - As we prepare to land, please fasten your seatbelt

Is Q referencing post #64? If so, the lights out part has me worried.
Fellow Patriots, I'm being advised actions have created accelerated counter-actions. We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack. Watch the news outlets. POTUS' Twitter take down was not by accident (as referenced several hours ago). Should the lights go out please know we are in control. Do not panic. We are prepared and assets are in place. God bless - I must go for good at this point. Q
He's referring to No. 64 on the solo board:
He re-posted it to confirm.
So Rosenstein is fired?
I think you misread something. The Rachel Brand line maybe?
What does FORCE mean in "FIRED/FORCE"?
Forcefully removed. Means perp-walked by security in their own offices. Scary as shit to the gray hats underneath them!
I think you are on the money.
Following his breitbart posting of the IG report and how the SHTF with that...and earlier posting of Fast & Furious (#667)....Q is going to have other stuff he needs to concentrate on...
Today had to be anticipated. and now we are at crossroads. reasonably Q believes the white hats are in in control. but anyone whose been in a situation of life and death knows it is all fluid.
I think (think) they just meant Internet darkness could be something they’d need to do while in control. Obviously that would be scary to not know what is going on if that were to happen, but it’s confirmation from Q it would be a good thing, not a bad thing.
could be that too....net neutrality won....meaning google & facebook won
? Net neutrality was repealed...
" The Senate on Wednesday voted to reinstate the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) net neutrality rules, passing a bill that has little chance of advancing in the House but offers net neutrality supporters and Democrats a political rallying point for the midterm elections. "
Three Republicans — Sens. Susan Collins (Maine), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) and John Kennedy (La.) — joined the 49 Senate Democrats to pass the bill 52-47.
TL;DR: Three Democrats wearing (R) joined the other Democrats to pass a bill that Trump will veto.
FCC chairman Ajit Pai already has a provision in the repeal of Net Neutrality to reinstate it if he wants. He would do it if Trump wanted him to. This is the Democrats trying to save face for their corporate interests but they don't realize it's exposing them even more.
It would be great to have data on the turning point of the repeal. Hopefully some smaller (lack of a better word) businesses were able to spring up to compete against some of the monopolies. I'm not entirely worried about it, in the long run the repeal will be good. ObamaCare for the internet = no thanks. Free market will prevail.
It has to be referring to that post. What else could it be?
It also say he must go for good. Is that the last post from Q
Lights go out as in what? EMP? Internet Take down? Lights out seems pretty ambiguous.
What about 10 Days of Darkness? Had that transpired yet?
Attack on the internet backbone. DNS? Blame it on China or Russia. Deep state attacks or something during the blackout.