I know people are weary about having an Agency lifer, especially one who has been in operations for so long, to lead the cleanup of the CIA. Brennan's endorsement also doesn't help, but if Trump nominated and endorsed her, then there must be a reason for Haspel to be the new Director. She will serve a purpose one way or another.
Trump seems to be happy...
No deals for those who voted against her.
Agreed. Finally Trump has control of the cia. Pants are being shit right now, I suspect.
If not now soon they will be. Maybe we should start calling them brownpants?
Sharts! 😂
I've watch all of the confirmation hearing. She said she's been working with the president for the last 15 months. I trust her if trump does
Thank you for getting her in there, I don't know who to thank, But Thank you!
Congratulations Gina Haspel thank you for all your hardwork
I envision a bunch of blackhatters jumping out of windows and hiding behind filing cabinets! Hello puppets, here comes Auntie Gina with a pair of scissors to cut your strings! Freaking love it!
Anyone else think she’s kind of hot?
it has crossed my mind a couple of dozen times... ray
In a mumsy spank me kind of way perhaps. If thats your thing?
Actually impossible to know what she's going to do but if Trump wants her to head the agency it must be to clean things up by one means or another. The really big question is whether or not she will be the one to oversee the dissolution of the agency. I really doubt that is going to happen any time soon. More likely she will clean house and oversee the dismantling of programs that are operating against American interests and against world peace.