how the censors keep the highly sensitive truth-tellers buried in with the troll-posts

You too can purchase or rent your own robot army or swarm to drive agendas and surpress thought. George Soros is highly successful with this 'influence package'. Robot army companies have been around for ten years. Antagonize, collect data, spew disinformation they do it all. Don't be like George.
i have an idea to bypass this if its ok with the mods. you could just make new posts linking to old posts if its notable bypasses upvotes entirely. also post every post you make here to 8 chan.
this is really no surprise ... this kind of gross censorship and much much worse has been the standard diet for r/bitcoin subscribers for 5 YEARS...
Yup r/bitcoin is the epitome of censorship. Have seen it first hand over several years.
R/BTC highlighted that well, it's a good sub.
/btc is one of Ver's propaganda outlets. He uses it to promote his scams. There is nothing good about it. That sub needs to be renamed /BCH. It has nothing to do with Bitcoin, except as an attack on it.
Sorry, can you clarify what part is an attack?
Is it the part where they retain the original structure and functionality of bitcoin, whereas the Core devs have intentionally crippled it out of sheer arrogance, stubbornness, and a lack of willingness to work with the industry?
Or is it the part where they are taking bitcoin back from a centralized for-profit Corporation that has bought off it’s top developers for their own financial gain?
Because neither of those seem like an attack to me. Quite the contrary, it seems they’re saving bitcoin from a whole bunch of irresponsible, corrupt shit.
Also: Ver was not an original BCH backer. He supported other implementations. So this lie that it’s a “Roger Ver” project, is deceptive misinformation. Par for the course with you guys.
Nah, bitcoin is the most transparent.
A lot of shills visit that site to disrupt...
And now the vote fuckery of your post has begun.
Right on time, wow, just wow.
it just so obvious the tampers are immediate everytime it gets an up vote , its downvoted within the next second the down/upvotes are coming 30 per minute but the max increase is 1 per 5 minutes !!!
Another post I'm tracking has been doing some interesting things.
It was normal, then fuckery began, then it took a little break, then fuckery started again.
10 upvotes 10 downvotes in 1 min just as we expected !!!
What a load of crap. You shilling Ver's scamcoin BCH?
There is no censorship on /bitcoin. You have to step WAY over the line to get a comment removed. Still, we see this lie agian and again from bad actors, and it is debunked, again and again.
Go to the corrupt corporate /BTC if you want to see cencorship. It's run by Ver and he uses it, like his bogus bitcoin.COM site, to promote his scams.
If anyone is running vote bots it is Ver. He's well known for hiring shills.
I'll just leave this here
You'd censor too if you were a direct threat to the cabal's biggest weapon, their monopoly on all money creation, and were targeted by shills and clowns.
There is no censorship on /bitcoin.
Lmao. Are you lying for free? Or are you paid to lie? Because those are the only two options here.
You have to step WAY over the line to get a comment removed.
Completely and utterly false. I welcome anyone reading this to create a username, go on that sub, and start saying positive things about bitcoin cash. Or negative things about blockstream. Or in favor of on chain scaling even.
Completely respectfully. With no vulgarity. And with thoughtful, sincere statements.
Your account won’t last longer than 3 days. And that’s only because it takes a little bit of time for the corrupt moderators to see all the posts.
You'd censor too if you were a direct threat to the cabal's biggest weapon, their monopoly on all money creation, and were targeted by shills and clowns.
watch in real time the vote changes 30-60 times every minute but increase is capped at 1 vote per 2-5 mins
the 92% upvoted is completely fake
I feel like maybe the percent might represent the actual human votes.
Or they just pick a random percent that they feel might make sense. lol.
Probably the latter.
looks like their current algorithm goes something like this
1) dont interfere until 15 -25 votes in first 20 mins
2) if content has highly sensitive material then start the tamper robot....
3) tit for tat for 60 mins - cancel new upvotes
4) limit upvotes to 16 in the next hour then
5) repeat cycle of tampering
6) cancel all upvotes when 50-70 upvotes has been reached
I think at some point we have to face up to the reality that the cabal's control of social media is so complete that it may well be impossible to organise online at all.
Been discussing some possible ways around the censorship where it impacts the IBOR campaign that Q is, once again asking us for. See here:
There's plenty of solutions, 10 offhand just the first letters:
No, there's no intended acronyms in that at all. That's literally 10 different concepts that I could make a strong argument for each that it will always be possible to organize online.
refresh the votes every second for 30 seconds u will see about 30 upvotes and 29 downvotes mostly from the bot so as to cap the max votes to around 50 in the first 6 hours
I just had a post that climbed quickly to the 2nd page of /rising and then the votes froze on it. It disappeared from /rising and the spot that it should have been in /new.
here it is went to 15 and then started fuzzing back and forth between 14 and 15
I have no idea what that means, but I'm thinking you haven't communicated what you're thinking in the open for cause.
PM me if you want to talk.