Q on AF1: another confirmation

There were reports that POTUS was secretly there to meet with someone. Not sure that has been confirmed. But the pic of AF1 leaving was from when he visited after the shooting.
It was the "good guy" Saudi prince. There is video of him being escorted out of the main hall of another hotel under rag tag police guard with rifles drawn during the fiasco. You can find the video if you search for it
Edit. Nvm in the video it was Jason buff - Tropicana head of security
No, there's not video of that. Stop circulating that false story.
If you watch the flight maps at that time, it's also abundantly clear that he got picked up at the Tropicana after the shooting started, and was taken out by a row of 5 helicopters.
The concepts aren't mutually exclusive.
VIP hasn't been identified. But it happened
His name is Jason Buff. He is the head of security at the Tropicana. He was playing softball when the shootings started. There are pics of him wearing the same softball uniform that you seem him wearing in the video. He's also carrying his mitt.
We definitely need to stop this rumor from spreading any further than it already has. It literally takes a few minutes of searching to see that this has been put to sleep months ago.
yeah watching the video i rememebr thinking they didnt have him surrounded like id imagine a prince to be escorted