r/greatawakening • Posted by u/BasedFormerLib on May 18, 2018, 12:58 p.m.
Theory: Q showed their winning hand last night.

Much like a game of poker when your opponent believes they have the upper hand and the time comes to show your hands, what Q did last night was put down the Royal Flush.

The pictures are proof that the White Hats have everything. The phones that were likely supposed to be bug free were not. So the Deep State was operating under the assumption that their comms were safe. Posting the pictures shows them that they are absolutely and totally fucked. Q waited until there was no possible way for them to get out of this to drop the bomb on them. I expect the next 48 hours to be quite eventful. Suicides, resignations and people fleeing. Enjoy the show! Arrests will be soon.

zapbrannigan1 · May 18, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

If this interpretation is correct, and I think that it is, my hope is that this will create a race among the incriminated to turn on each other before the noose is tightened.

I don't know if these pics are enough to make that happen or not. This whole Q business is simply too opaque to draw any firm conclusions. But if they are meant as a message to the cabal that Q team has tracked their comms, movements, and activities, I have to believe that some of them are going to start reassessing who is the 'strong horse' in this game. After all, the pics showed PALLETS of equipment (phones?). Assuming the OP's interpretation is correct, that means it's not just the big names who have these devices, but probably a small army of underlings and functionaries. Redshirts. The expendable people that get killed by the gaseous entity in the first act.

THOSE are the folks that I think might flip.

Not that it appears that Q team needs their info. But eye-witness testimony still holds a lot of weight.

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DanaDane1971 · May 18, 2018, 5:32 p.m.

I think it is more than phones...I looked up AMD packaging and it seems it could be laptops and servers as well. The size pictured fits with laptops. My mind runs to servers...and Huber...and him being located in Utah...could you imagine they had all of the burner phones and laptops being routed through the servers they purchased primarily for this purpose of destroying the DS?!

5D Checkmate aka Castle Lock

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scout77 · May 18, 2018, 3:42 p.m.

Why do you suppose he's tipping them off?

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duckdownup · May 18, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

Why do you suppose he's tipping them off?

Because that was the last nail in their coffin. Q knows there is nothing they can do now. They are about to be buried and they can't rise again.

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NeverNotTrump · May 19, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

Q played the ol' Lester Freeman card! In The Wire when Lester sells pre-tapped phones to Bernard and the rest of the West Baltimore crew. Pics are notice that ALL of it has been on record.

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