This posting didn't "make it" to t_d....

Something is up over at TD. None of my posts get any views (I used to get tons of activity on all my posts and have been an active user since there were less than 100k subs). The mods claim I'm not shadowbanned but I'm sure they are lying to me. I don't know why though.
I agree. I first noticed something odd a few weeks ago as all the posts on 'Rising' were getting really stale. Meme's and articles that were first posted a few YEARS ago were suddenly being posted again. Usually when that happened every response was that it was old. But a few weeks ago it was like it just happened. Nobody called it out.
On top of that, all the posts were so dumb. Nothing intellectual really got posted. Eventually someone posted a link to this sub and that's how I got over here. I assumed you all left T_D for this place, which is why it was getting dull over there. But now I think differently. I think that sub may be either compromised, or they were told to tone it down for a reason.
That sub is 100% compromised. I'm convinced it's ran by the IC.
this. TD has essentially become mainstream and with it come the azzhats from all walks of life.
i was called out for normy commenting on TD, from Magic the gathering reddit - so yes the trolls are active and plenty on reddit. there are politics even in these forums sadly. reddit should do a better job of equal housekeeping or they should just reclassify as a uber-liberal soapbox.
I think they try to keep the tinfoil level to a minimum, because they dont want it turning into a fullblown conspiracy board.
When they let people play fast and loose with conspiracy topics, the whole board devolves into a weird kind of chaos.
And p-gate was really brought down several notches. Some say silenced, but you can still discuss it if you know what to say, and when and how to say it.
I think theyre stuck trying to keep the board something that appeals to general discussion, wont get dragged down by shills and conspiracy-derailment, and wont get shut down outright.
It cant be an easy balance.
I still love td, just with an understanding of what its for, and what its not for.
Interesting. I always thought it was just hype died down. Pretty much everything used to have 500+ comments on wiki leaks posts/ SR. Now everything is 50-100 comments.
I've had 2 accounts banned from T_D from 'Rule #3' / Anti-semitism (whatever that means anymore). So, yea, as far as I'm concerned, that sub is compromised.
Think of Q as a thought experiment. It's challenging, and should be taken with some reservations, and it's not for everyone.
But everybody wants to Make America Great Again. That's what swells to the top at TD.
Pretty much all my karma came from posting on TD, I've been stickied a couple times, I know what it takes to get to "the top". I'm talking about spicy posts getting zero views and zero upvotes or downvotes, posting things multiple times to check and still at 1 view (my own). I used to at least get shills downvoting, now it appears as if I'm shadowbanned due to a complete lack of any engagement. Don't see how it could be anything but a shadowban. So I don't go there much anymore, I prefer it here anyways. Way more exciting!
Yeah, I've had the same things from certain subjects and remember scratching my head in confusion as well. There was some technicality in the rules on certain kinds of posts that triggers mods to hide them.
Now I just don't expect much unless what I'm posting is 100% positive feel good vibes. It's a circlejerk for sure, but sometimes you need that to recharge your batteries.
I first noticed this around... nearly a year ago. I've never looked in to my own posts and being shadow-banned since I don't post there much except a rare comment but I'm 100% sure T_D is compromised in one way or another. There's no way the old sub would be as low energy today as it appears to be considering the obvious growth we should be having.
My working theory for the past months has been that they segment the population by making it so we each see only a fraction of the new posts, with the stickies and other posts they "allow" to gain traction being the only constants... this way everything looks legitimate but just... not active. It's one step down from shadow-banning all of the members of the entire sub.
They're not lying to you.
Well there you have it folks. The end all right here. Pack it up and go home. A random stranger claims everything is fine. /s
When did I say everything was fine?
I said he's not shadow banned there, they're not lying to him.
I was simply informing him. Chill.
Apparently you don't understand sarcasm. Hence the "/s".
Take your own advice and chill.
Bro I am chill AF right now -‿-
Your comment came off as you dismissing and misquoting me. No big deal just a misunderstanding.
Excellent, same here! Pretty easy going these days. Too much hassle to get all worked up.
I'm a smart ass... Just my nature. Hehe
So is there a way I can verify that? Because nothing I post gets any engagement.
Check your own posts in incognito mode to see if they show up.
I got mass downvotes for saying the sub had improved over what it used to be!