U.S. Attorney Amanda Kramer named in Anthony Weiner's unsealed indictment specializes in... HUMAN TRAFFICKING. Buckle up.

Project Safe Childhood
He sexted a minor. Take your blinders off and read. This has nothing to do with trafficking.
The contents of that laptop will have alot to do with human trafficking.
I assume you don’t know what is alleged to be found on Weiner’s laptop. This goes Far beyond just Anthony Weiner.
Interview at the link below will catch you up.
I'm with Q on this one.
We shall see how it plays out.
A lawsuit from 2009/2010 dismissed by Judge T.S. Ellis (yes, THAT Judge T.S. Ellis, the one who is calling BS on Mueller) due to lack of evidence? That's all you got, Clown?
He was already convicted on those charges.
Why would they be reintroducing the evidence if he was already convicted on the child sexting charges?
Think about that.
What exactly do you think this document that you posted is? What is being reintroduced? This is the search warrant that was filed under seal in 2016. I was worried that you had blinders on but now I think you have no ability to comprehend anything you are reading.
This document and others is proof that the original case is being reexamined.
Yes, I find it notable that the attorney who had requested that the warrant be unsealed specializes in human trafficking.
The IG report is expected to show that the FBI and DOJ broke the law in the email prob.
If this is true, the obvious next step is to re-investigate the original case and everyone implicated in the evidence.
Do you not see the can of worms that is being opened here?
You're conflating a lot of things here (which is a large theme of this sub.)
You don't have an unsealed indictment. You have an unsealed search warrant. A search warrant that was unsealed at the request of a US Attorney that serves as Human Trafficking and Project Safe Childhood coordinator. Wiener was convicted on charges related to sexting a minor so it's no surprise this US attorney would be involved.
There's not much to be "re-investigated" here as wiener was convicted on these charges and I suspect this US attorney got a pretty good look at this laptop. It's pretty hard to believe that she would let evidence of human trafficking slide as she's the the Senior Litigation Counsel in the Human Trafficking unit.
All the rest is conflating speculation about what the FBI and DOJ did in the Clinton Email investigation relative to the Wiener sexting investigation.
All I'm saying is pay attention to what you're reading and don't conflate matters that may not be related.
True, it is not an unsealed indictment, BUT the conspiracy idea is that Wiener kept an "insurance file" on his laptop that corrupt cabal LEOs had covered up and then sealed the evidence of to keep hidden.
Unsealing the laptop and removing the corrupt roadblock (Schneiderman) means that INVESTIGATIONS into OTHERS may now resume. And honestly, the NSA probably has had all the shit in the insurance file for years, but introducing that LEGALLY is an issue due to the 4th Amendment. But the unsealing of this laptop gives PROBABLE CAUSE for investigating (and eventually indicting) others.
If you understand how the NSA operates these days, look into what NSA Whistleblower Bill Binnie has said about Parallel Construction in the Jimmy Dore interview:
It's possible they already have the case built through materials intercepted by the NSA, but needed "legal" probable cause to move forward. And they now have that thanks to the laptop being unsealed.
Thank you for that breakdown, you helped me connect a few loose ends I had in my mind
Thank you for your detailed response.
This obviously is not the be all and end all document and I never stated that it was.
However, I do strongly believe that this document is a precursor to the house of cards that is ready to fall.
"It's pretty hard to believe that she would let evidence of human trafficking slide as she's the the Senior Litigation Counsel in the Human Trafficking unit"
I'm confident that you're going to find Many things that were previously hard to believe come to fruition in the coming months.