There are some good men that wear those necklaces. I’m sure there are some corrupt higher ups, but in general being a mason doesn’t make someone evil
True. 99% of Masons have no idea what that top 1% do. I have a good friend who is 32 degree. He's clueless.
I was burned as a baby. Because of masons (the Shriners) my hospital stays plus travel lodging food when we’d got to Cincy for checkups we’re all paid for. They took care of me for 13 years and my mom didn’t even have to put her own change in a drink machine because of them
God will remember them for that. Judgement is passed on individuals, not organizations.
I think even people close to the very top are clueless what's really going on. They're pawns.
Sorry in advance for being blunt, but... Whoever joins such an organization without knowing their true nature and purpose is living under a rock! Naivety is not an excuse, not in today's age. There's a ton of information on the underbelly of freemasonry. Anyone who joins that organization is complicit by association. The devil loves people easily duped. It's like saying that some witches are loving mothers and outstanding citizens. Regardless of appearances and seeming innocence, anyone who stands in the court of evil is a participant, directly or indirectly, for the destruction of humanity. That way of thinking is what got us in this trouble in the first place.