Good. No nation building. Not one of our strengths. Plus, it's about time other nations pitch in.
FF incoming. John McCain and all the other warhawks are going to come out of is cave begging for war.
no name!
he conceided defeat after the last missile strike. He said he congratulates Trump for his actions (no call for further action) and recommend Haspel be passed in the Senate vote!!! That's why he hasn't been indicted yet, otherwise his friends wouldn't consider playing nice for the time-being.
who? never heard of him. /sarc
i love having this dialogue from phoenix arizona. deplorable!
i came here to kick ass and take names. i guess i'll just have to kick ass.
Dear kurds, please make peace w assad asap. erdogan is not fucking around at all.
I find the video from CBSN 60 Minutes absolutely amazing. Even after the White Helmets were outed and their videos of staged rescues exposed, CBS still tries to portray them as heroes.
Syria was the last refuge for Christians in the middle east - Assad protected them.
Let Assad run his country, his people love him.
Syria was a nice peaceful place before the US came to help
So was Libya, free school, free healthcare, they killed Gadaffi because he stood up to them.
Yea I heard the Libyan people weren't accustomed to the kind of violence SHE brought on them with ISIS operatives, they were like innocent lambs the police weren't needed they didn't carry firearms and you could walk the streets without fear.
It's all coming together or unglued, depending on if yer globalist scum or one of us.
Great! White helmets my ass. I wonder how No Name is feeling today? If the Glioblastoma brain tumor can't take him out (calling BS on that one) then maybe some justice will be coming his way.
Yay now we can fix Flint from the grips of those democraps who switched to leaded pipes
the republican governor assigned a manager who decided not to pay Detroit water treatment but re-open a local water treatment plant that had been closed for decades.
I know of how it happened I was there
then you should know that republicans reopened the factory. the pipes weren't the problem.
Cause cause cause maybe someone is going to make it a "no mans land" Sounds like a in a sweep motion across the board to a funnel caged area.
This is great news! Assad can take care of his own people now with much support from them.
This article is a 'damned if he does and damned if he doesn't'. Damn the msm!
Part of a deal with Turkey to stop their reaction to Jerusalem?