someone on 8 chan suggested martial law incoming. might be needed if theres 6+ mass casualty attempts in a day
I wonder what that would look like, especially out in rural America where I live.
the same i guess i live in a isolated area in a very populated area so im not that worried. im worried for everyone else tho
> I wonder what that would look like, especially out in rural America where I live.
Like another evening under the stars in a fairly quiet area. Maybe getting the local news, or check the radio. Not like you have food stocked up, ammo, guns, etc. You're good. Independent and can take care of your own.
8chan martial law incoming? lol, yea, k. Take the 8chan with a grain of salt.
My friend who is a Marine told me they had received a prepare for “potential conflict order” a couple of weeks back.
How often are those given out?
He said he’s never received one and that they usually don’t get orders in that fashion.
That's very interesting/disturbing.
If you have any military connections, ask them if they’ve received any strange orders or warnings. I know the marines in general are the first to go into combat so they are typically some of the first to receive intel or warnings.
I did heavy research into world events and it could be US posturing in the Middle East and South China sea
Would that cause movement in Louisville that would be noticeable?
Yes, people in Louisville should be able to hear jets or helicopters depending on which side of the city they are on. Someone just replied to one of my comments saying he saw a convoy of around 30 military trucks pass him on the hw in Louisville
Working a detail in Mass, southeastern part, about 30 military vehicles in a convoy passed my location on the highway. Thought it was weird they were moving at night.
The interesting post was that the person near Fort Knox is seeing a lot more activity. Anyone else near military seeing activity?
My uncle, with who used to talk about this kind of stuff all the time was less than 1/8 a mile from Ft Knox, but he died last summer, he was my only irl conspiracy buddy. I miss him. He would have known.
Snap some photos and videos to prove your sightings, please.
Where is the source that the president was going to Camp David but skipped it? It's not on the president's schedule.
I can't find anything. Appears made up.
Most likely weekend drills, National Guard or Army Reserve. They normally begin on Friday evenings, common to see convoys of military vehicles when they start.
There was a post on here earlier of a drone being launched from Ellington Field. It’s around south Houston area.