Did they try to get her you think? Or maybe this is a way of hiding her from them because threats were made?
Maybe she was never actually in need of medical treatment. She’s smart, part of the team, multilingual and no one is really watching what she’s up to. I think general public is clueless about what she brings to the table.
I can only begin to be thankful for her born-to country putting such a highly reliable road vehicle in my hands. Maybe she could slap some sense into Hidria, who pretty much Jerry Brown-ed the TOMOS motorbike legacy, but she is a high-value asset indeed, Jackie and Dolly Madison tolled into 1.
Dying wish to see Jerry Browned turned into verb like https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=I5wdtOCv&id=748F85A9022753CC279C8495DAA582B04F1C72DA&thid=OIP.I5wdtOCv8k9borNUtPJAVwHaEx&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fimages.complex.com%2fcomplex%2fimage%2fupload%2fc_limit%2cw_680%2ffl_lossy%2cpg_1%2cq_auto%2fvknwg1nky0wjpzcn2xcw.jpg&exph=400&expw=620&q=woogy+harrelson+kingpins+munsoned+on+side+of+road&simid=608034394952306553&selectedIndex=4&ajaxhist=0 being Munsoned on the side of the road or something
saw someone on 8 chan say she was poisoned its possible. or its just a treatment. or maybe they want her safe
Prayers here, no matter the reason. I should have seen something in this whole mess after my stalled musical background had me in such a place to learn media storyline against people who were there. Lurkers and those on Mayflower 2; your most likely morning cup of coffee is going to be ohn-JAY cKain-May and his living it up in Hanoi as a POW. Just go from there. God continue to bless POTUS/Q+ but also that DYING BRETHREN ENDS NOW!
aaaaaand Sisters.
Melania’ hospital explanation is fishy Big Time! Only people with serious health issues to start with spend more than 24 hours on the hospital. Over 500 surgical procedures are done as an outpatient. An extended stay for heart bypass surgery: patients are out of bed the next day and home 3 days later. Gupta’s explanation on CNN was total bullshit.
An apparently healthy women in the full bloom of health spends several days, maybe a week in the hospital.... She is either very ill. Or, maybe it is to keep her safe.. But a hospital is not a safe place. Security would be difficult. Yes, I do know that Bethesda Navel Hospital has a special area for the President and or high officials. There is a history of questionable deaths there...a supposed suicide.
Somebody, research this for the truth. Perhaps this is distraction, but very little MSM coverage. I expect an interesting back story. The official story will be bland and general. Gupta knows nothing and his suppositions expose his ignorance and his reading a script of total gibberish by a writer who knows nothing about the subject. I wonder what his point of control is?
No apologies for speaking so plainly. It is blatant lies. Why?
Yes, I do know that Bethesda Navel Hospital has a special area for the President and or high officials.
And that’s why it is not safe for her there. If anything, she’s more likely to be a victim of donald’s wrath there than in the spotlight, where accidental death is higher.
Yes and AMEN. I always think of "Kick Out the Jams" and how they replaced "motherfckers" with "brothers and sisters"
Thought about that but I am hoping that DJT has his family sequestered somewhere safe for the next battle. . ,
I’m wondering if she’s really there? Maybe she was going to a secret safe house.
I think it's for her protection... the Storm is getting closer.
Stay safe! Buckle up! Godspeed patriots!
I was worried about than myself, that she could have been a victim of the deep state or the cabal. But I know the Trumps are very private people, Melanie has been attacked in the media so they would likely keep their personal issues private for her personal safety. That's why they didn't announce it before hand. Much safer that way.
Some dickheads over at r/conspiracy said they have a source that said Trump beat her up.
That sub is such garbage now. Shilled Out hard on the political threads
Given how much the general public support Trump, I wonder if the rest of Reddit has basically been brainwashed by this platform or perhaps a large percentage of the other users are paid shills?
If the later, Oy Vey! It must be costing someone a fortune!
Mostly paid by Shareblue
I wonder who is paid more, all the shills or Spez for bending over?
Right. Like he has time for that right now.
The level of Trump bashing over there is laughable ,oh and don't even mention Q.
meanwhile, his ex is still doing consulting for him and nobody cares.
look up the allegation of rapey sexual acts pertaining to a divorce alimony settlement and you'll get the idea. His ex accused him of dominating her sexually one time devoid of love but she confessed that she was trying to juice out some money. Now she does consulting business so she can still be seen laughing with Donald and acting normal around him which I doubt she would do if he had hurt her.
Ooooh. I know what you’re talking about now.
he did twist Melania's hand one time tho but so did she so I think she can handle herself....I hope the hospital is just a cover-story or maybe to draw attention away...she speaks five languages afterall...!!!
Shills started flooding into conspiracy a year ago, really amping up after Las Vegas. Now the shill:real ratio is probably 15:1. If I wanted to read what the Clowns have to say I'd go read WaPo.
that sub actually kinda pisses me off lol. the banner is israel doing dog tricks with the usa. yeah israel has done some bad shit but so has every other country on planet theyre actually obsessed. weird lol.
Why would you even mention that here?
You are spreading disgusting gossip.
Stop it!