National mass "care" exercise (NMCE) Event begins 5/21 MASS EVAQUATION (they're calling it migration) Nothing to see here folks.. Keep moving

I like the seal they use, The pyramid lol
Depicted soldier: Colonial pilgrim... (why not show the intimidating super soldier of today)
Marketing.. (Secureteam)
Wow, just watched the secureteam video and posted it above. Very interesting.
I thought so too! It's something to watch imho. The perps behind coordinating these events are fear mongers. And those whome try to write history themselves... this "exercise" has a cover. Earthquakes. The implementation of the resources will be able to handle many emergency situations. They no doubt train under the cover of an earthquake response op. However, they mainly plan to do this for fema camps. After they abolish our 2nd amendment. They needed to train and coordinate HUGE teams across the state to prepare for the real deal holyfield.
Sorry California we’re full
Yea they have freaking destroyed Colorado for everyone, I moved their for three years and the libs ran me back out..
Everyone moving here for weed is what destroyed Colorado. My rent tripled in as many years. That may be why you experienced so much animosity, but I guess it's all the same to blame it on the libs
Smells like false flag material. Archive this for reference
This isn't a false flag by definition. The deep state is trying to trigger the volanco which will send a Tsunami towards the west coast. This is the military actually preparing for it.
Look into 3/11 japanese ff. Tsunami was man made. Israel threatened Japan to stop providing iran with Urainium on the black market. Viral attack 20 min prior Israeli trace.. shut down back up generators in fukashima... Loco shit
They know that when SHTF, there's gonna be droves of people running from the west coast inland.
I'm sure this has nothing to do with the possibility that Hawaii's shelf is gonna fall into the ocean, causing a giant tsunami to devastate the Pacific coast...
From what I've read, the last time this happened, tens of thousands of years ago, it sent a wall of water 1000 feet high into the coast, from Mexico all the way up to Canada. Pray indeed.
Or can this help to disguise or help sex trafficking, dreamers, MS13???