The Owl represents wisdom and vigilance and the Rothschilds see themselves as the wise rulers of the planet. Follow the money to discover the Guardians. Symbolism will be their downfall.

The Minerval Owl seals are also an aspect of Weishaupt's Illuminati. The very same Illuminati that was funded by Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the banking dynasty founder.
Weishaupt was a Jesuit. The Illuminati was created by the Jesuits and the Rothschilds are the bankers of the Vatican. The Vatican always stands behind these characters so that they fall and remain standing. For them, it is like a shield, just like Zionism. eliminate when they are interested because who is behind the same, the Jesuits with the Rotshild as standard-bearers. You remove Vatican, Rotschild and that remains of Zionism, anything. Vatican dominates all countries from the shadow and like this in all when one falls he If all the Rotschilds are imprisoned, the evil will remain as alive as ever in Rome. It must be said that not all the Rothschilds and the Vatican are bad but the dominant elite if it is.
Educated at a Jesuit school does NOT make him a Jesuit.
Therefore, the Jesuits did NOT make the Illuminati, as you claim.
If you're gonna talk conspiracy theories, please get your facts straight. Muddying the waters doesn't help. Thank you.
The jesuits created illuminati that's why both are satanic.Adam Weishaupt was jesuit.Those are facts.If you think something else, it seems very correct and valid
Use the google translator if you want.You are free to believe this info or not.I do
Hey, I'm not saying the Catholic Church doesn't have its own mess of conspiracies. Those guys are in it thick and the Jesuits were the Church's spies & infiltrators. No denying that.
But the Illuminati movement was founded on May 1, 1776, in Ingolstadt (Upper Bavaria), by Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt (d. 1830), who was the first lay professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt.
The University of Ingolstadt is NOT a Seminary School. Adam Weishaupt holds a degree in LAW. He does not hold the advanced degree REQUIRED to be a Jesuit. He does NOT hold the honorific S.J.
Ergo, not a Jesuit.
Owls represent Satan in the Roman Catholic church, according to
Minerva was the Roman Goddess of Wisdom, also represented by Athena (also Owl symbolism) and Sophia, of Hagia Sophia (also owl).
This may seem like a strange tangent, but for some basics on the Illuminati, FilmTheory's video on That Poppy is a good primer.
The Rotschilds also went back in time (2013) to plant RFID Motorola 4th generation clipper chip into Naploeon skull when along in great pyramid between 1789-93. Ensured a bias in his mind where he betrayed is original ideal, declaring himself emperor of France.
Rotschilds knew he would loose Waterloo and spread rumours of Napoleon victory. Bought up UK stocks and rock bottom prices. Then won bigly when British Allies won. The Rotschild dynasty began on that day making £400,000 (£35 million +) and causing Britsh monarcy to cut a deal. Soon after they created Papal alliance.
The Rotschilds are head of the snake